viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

▶ Noam Chomsky "Controlling Your Own Work" [MUST WATCH!] - YouTube

▶ Noam Chomsky "Controlling Your Own Work" [MUST WATCH!] - YouTube

 "Humboldt once pointed out that if an artisan
produces a beautiful object on command we may admire what he did but we
despise what he is – he's a tool in the hands of others. If on the other
hand he creates that same beautiful object out of
his own will we admire it and him and he's fulfilling himself. It's
kind of like study at school – I think we all know from our experience
that if you study on command because you have to pass a test you can do
fine on the test but two weeks later you've forgotten everything. On the
other hand if you do it because you want to find out, and you explore
and you make mistakes and you look in the wrong place and so on, then
ultimately you remember."
― Noam Chomsky