sábado, 21 de junio de 2014

Poison DUst: Depleted Uranium Kills -- - YouTube

Poison DUst: Depleted Uranium Kills -- - YouTube

 this very important discussion of depleted
uranium, and its effect on our brave troops after a conflict -- and its
effect on the lands we invade! from below, thank you Todd Pittman:" It's
not bad enough that we are deliberately poisoning the
people of Iraq and Afghanistan (and probably everyone else we
"liberate" since at least 1991) – and their farmlands and water sources,
for forever, basically. We are also irradiating OUR OWN troops. Think
about this scenario: Male American soldier goes to battle in Iraq. In
the course of his duties, he is exposed to great amounts of so-called
"depleted" uranium. He survives battle in Iraq, but unfortunately for
him and his loved ones (current or future), he brings back to the states
a healthy dose of radiation. In the process of impregnating his wife,
he passes the radiation poisoning onto her – and perhaps most tragically
– onto their baby/babies. The baby is born with unspeakable
deformities. According to the attached video's info box, a U.S.
Government study suggests that 67% of post-Gulf war babies (that is
babies born to parents where at least one of the parents served in the
war) are born with serious birth defects or illnesses. Here's a clip
from the film, Poison DUst. This is also an excellent primer on what
exactly depleted uranium is, its history, etc.:"

