domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015

Conférence sur le traité transatlantique – Raoul Marc Jennar | Mr Mondialisation

Conférence sur le traité transatlantique – Raoul Marc Jennar | Mr Mondialisation

Conférence sur le TAFTA / TTIP avec Raoul Marc Jennar.

que le dixième cycle de négociations du TAFTA aura lieu à Bruxelles en
Juillet prochain, nous vous proposons de visionner la conférence de
Raoul Marc Jennar : « Traité transatlantique (TAFTA), la menace ».

Sa conférence permet de mieux comprendre les enjeux et les dangers qui
se cachent derrière ce traité de libre-échange, sur toutes les bouches
des militants et citoyens informés mais encore trop peu connu du grand

Vidéo: - 

Informez-vous, c'est vital pour notre avenir

 Esneux, encore une ville belge « contre » TAFTA

Will solar panels kill the utility companies? -

Will solar panels kill the utility companies? -

Will solar panels kill the utility companies?

(NaturalNews) Ever since solar panels became popular, there has been one question the utility companies have been afraid to ask. And that is, how long before solar kills the grid? And more importantly, is it even possible? (Story by Joshua Krause, republished from

Let me answer that with an image.

What's being depicted here, is how much of the Earth's surface would have to be covered in solar panels to fuel the world's electricity needs. That image comes from a graduate thesis from a college student in Germany.[1] That large square titled "Welt" is all we would need to power the human race, and it's about 158×158 miles in size. Obviously, making a 25,000 square mile solar farm wouldn't be practical in real life, but it illustrates a point. Using solar to replace many of our current fuels is feasible. There's only one thing that's preventing it from happening. It all boils down to the affordability and capacity of rechargeable batteries.

solar panels

Dirt! The Movie (2009)

Dirt! The Movie (2009)

DIRT! The Movie takes you inside the wonders
of the soil. It tells the story of Earth's most valuable and
underappreciated source of fertility--from its miraculous beginning to
its crippling degradation.

The opening scenes of the film dive into the wonderment of the soil.
Made from the same elements as the stars, plants and animals, and us,
"dirt is very much alive." Though, in modern industrial pursuits and
clamor for both profit and natural resources, our human connection to
and respect for soil has been disrupted. "Drought, climate change, even
war are all directly related to the way we are treating dirt."

DIRT! the Movie--directed and produced by Bill Benenson and Gene
Rosow and narrated by Jaime Lee Curtis--brings to life the
environmental, economic, social and political impact that the soil has.
It shares the stories of experts from all over the world who study and
are able to harness the beauty and power of a respectful and mutually
beneficial relationship with soil.

DIRT! the Movie is simply a movie about dirt. The real change lies in
our notion of what dirt is. The movie teaches us: "When humans arrived 2
million years ago, everything changed for dirt. And from that moment
on, the fate of dirt and humans has been intimately linked." But more
than the film and the lessons that it teaches, DIRT the Movie is a call
to action.

"The only remedy for disconnecting people from the natural world is connecting them to it again."

What we've destroyed, we can heal.

 A River of Waste: The Hazardous Truth About Factory Farms (2009)

This is How We Fought in Gaza - Foundation for Middle East Peace

This is How We Fought in Gaza - Foundation for Middle East Peace

 This is How We Fought in Gaza

“There were no rules of engagement. If you see anyone in that area, that person is a terrorist.”

Breaking the Silence – an organization of Israeli veterans – recently released “This is How We Fought in Gaza,” a report based entirely on testimonies from Israeli soldiers who fought in what Israel calledOperation Protective Edge in the summer of 2014. The Washington Post calls the report “…sobering testimony… that suggests permissive rules of engagement coupled with indiscriminate artillery fire contributed to the mass destruction and high numbers of civilian casualties.”

With the Gaza Strip still largely in ruins from last year’s fighting and Israel trying to dodge Palestinian efforts to bring its actions in Gaza before the International Criminal Court, the question of what actually happened on the ground remains a crucial one.

Avner Gvaryahu, a member of Breaking the Silence, will discuss the report and its implications for human rights, security and the rule of law in Israel.

A light lunch will be served.


The Rohingya and the Port of Last Resort

The Rohingya and the Port of Last Resort

 The Rohingya and the Port of Last Resort

We know our place in the world. We are the port of last resort, and have little to offer the Rohingya beyond a separate peace. Yet I write this with pride, in the hope that there will always be a cluster of islands southwest of the Pacific, where no ship in need is called unwanted.

 Haiti Earthship Project: Overview

Transparency for Governments and Privacy for Individuals - Assange / Sputnik International

Transparency for Governments and Privacy for Individuals - Assange / Sputnik International

Transparency for Governments and Privacy for Individuals - Assange

The founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange has told an an audience in
London that governments and security agencies need to be policed by the
public. His lecture was part of the 'Web We Want' Festival which runs
this weekend at the Southbank Centre.

He appears on a big screen
like a virtual deity before his worshippers. He sits against a purple,
almost papal, background, totally devoid of anything identifiable, in
a pink check shirt and looks downhome and composed at the same time.
With his beard and long shoulder-length albino hair pushed away from the
forehead Assange could easily pass for a 'Narodnik', a Russian
revolutionary of the 1870s.

His perceived ambiguity is acknowledged straight away in the
introduction made by Baroness Beeban Kidron: "He is accused of betraying
secrets of nations, but for other people he exposed the truth of
nations…He is accused of serious crime in Sweden but as his team is at
pains to point out, he's yet to be charged in any country. And he is
accused of being capricious and paranoid which, I have to say, is
unappealing, but to my knowledge not yet a crime'.

 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is seen on a screen speaking via web cast from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London during an event on the sideline of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council session

Yemen: Cluster Munitions Harm Civilians | Human Rights Watch

Yemen: Cluster Munitions Harm Civilians | Human Rights Watch

 Yemen: Cluster Munitions Harm Civilians

(Sanaa) – Banned cluster munitions have wounded civilians including a child in attacks in Houthi-controlled territory in northern Yemen. Human Rights Watch visited the Saada governorate in northern Yemen, including one of the sites that had been attacked, on May 15 and 16, 2015.

“The Saudi-led coalition and other warring parties in Yemen need to recognize that using banned cluster munitions is harming civilians,” said Ole Solvang, senior emergencies researcher. “These weapons can’t distinguish military targets from civilians, and their unexploded submunitions threaten civilians, especially children, even long after the fighting.”

In one attack, which wounded three people, at least two of them most likely civilians, the cluster munitions were air-dropped, pointing to the Saudi-led coalition as responsible because it is the only party using aircraft. In a second attack, which wounded four civilians, including a child, Human Rights Watch was not able to conclusively determine responsibility because the cluster munitions were ground-fired, but the attack was on an area that has been under attack by the Saudi-led coalition.


of an air-dropped cluster munition and unexploded BLU-97 submunitions
found in the al-Nushoor and al-Maqash areas of Yemen’s northern Saada
governorate on May 23, 2015.

The Cruelties of Factory Farming Shelter Behind a Fairytale Image

The Cruelties of Factory Farming Shelter Behind a Fairytale Image

 Following an advertorial supplement in The Guardian - 
newspaper presenting children with a bucolic image of life for farmed
animals, George Monbiot shines a light on the hash reality of modern
industrial agriculture.

This Powerhouse Plant Tops Ranking Of Nutrient-Dense Foods -

This Powerhouse Plant Tops Ranking Of Nutrient-Dense Foods -

This Powerhouse Plant Tops Ranking Of Nutrient-Dense Foods

Watercress is an aquatic plant, which grows in damp terrain surrounding
small streams and springs. Bearing the Latin label Nasturtium
officinale, watercress is an often underrated relative to more common
leafy greens such as cabbage and arugula. However, with over 15 essential vitamins and minerals it packs far more nutritional punch, its health giving prowess leading researchers at William Paterson University in New Jersey to place the humble plant at the top of a list of 41 powerhouse fruits and vegetables.

Via: Vita Khorshev

McDonald's stops reporting monthly sales to hide plummeting fast food business -

McDonald's stops reporting monthly sales to hide plummeting fast food business -

 McDonald's stops reporting monthly sales to hide plummeting fast food business

(NaturalNews) Anti-GMO activists and those who advocate for organic foods have a lot to be happy about regarding the recent decision by fast food retailer giant McDonald's to stop publishing its traditional monthly revenue reports. Their decision has everything to do with the fact that more Americans are now making better food choices.

As reported by Bloomberg News, McDonald's has announced it won't be publishing monthly same-store sales results in the coming days as Chief Executive Officer Steve Easterbrook works feverishly to revive revenue growth at the world's biggest fast food chain.

For now, the company plans to release same-store sales reports for June with second-quarter earnings data, but then they will stop providing the monthly revenue reports, according to company spokeswoman Heidi Barker. In an email to Bloomberg News, Barker said results for May will be reported on June 8. The company does plan to continue providing quarterly reports of comparable-store sales.


Fast Food Ditches Unhealthy Ingredients...So What WERE they Feeding Us Before?

Fast Food Ditches Unhealthy Ingredients...So What WERE they Feeding Us Before?

Fast Food Ditches Unhealthy Ingredients…So What WERE they Feeding Us Before?

Recently, a multitude of fast food chains and other food companies have announced their transition toward healthier ingredients. However, it is immensely disturbing to learn about the ingredients being removed before making a switch to cleaner food.

Food giants such as Chipotle, Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonald’s, Coke, and more have been boasting about their transition to natural ingredients, (Chipotle even went completely non-GMO). Although the switch to healthier alternatives is a highly admirable gesture, it makes us wonder, well… what were we eating in the first place?!

To answer that question — we’ve basically been eating flame retardant, paint, sunscreen, and other common household items. Yup.

No, we kid. Or do we?

Surprisingly — and quite disturbingly — we actually HAVE been eating ingredients that can, indeed, be found in the aforementioned items.

For the sake of delving into the specifics of the most concerning findings, here it goes:

Dunkin’ Donuts will be eliminating what is known as titanium dioxide — a chemical that can be found in sunscreen, cosmetics, paints, and so on — from its products. Dunkin’ Donuts used TiO2 (its scientific name) to give its powdered donuts a whiter and brighter appearance. Yum!

Coke will be discontinuing its use of brominated vegetable oil (BVO), which is pretty much flame retardant. Sounds thirst-quenching, right? Well, before you respond, let it be known that this chemical has been linked to several negative health effects once it has been built up in fatty tissue.

Other additives from these major companies include dyes, artificial spices (i.e., fake black pepper), and antibiotics which have been linked to a growth in drug-resistant bacteria, just to name a few.

Internet Governance: How 11 Nations Will Control the World Wide Web - Top US & World News | Susanne Posel

Internet Governance: How 11 Nations Will Control the World Wide Web - Top US & World News | Susanne Posel

 Internet Governance: How 11 Nations Will Control the World Wide Web

The US State Department announced that they would “participate in NETmundial – Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil on April 23-24.”

Michael Daniel, cybersecurity coordinator for the White House will accompany representatives from the USSD and the Department of Commerce National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA).

This meeting will combine government and nation representatives to evaluate how society, the private sector, academia and the technical community can come together for the purpose of establishing internet governance.

This meeting is “organized by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (BISC) and 1Net” to collaborate to form a “shared vision for the multistakeholder model of internet governance.”

The Brazilian senate has passed the “Internet Constitution” that provides equal access to the web by all and protects privacy of Brazilian citizens from surveillance operations conducted by organizations such as the National Security Agency (NSA).

Carolina Rossini, co-author of the legislation commented : “I feel my Carnival has finally arrived after years of work in partnership with various civil society, academia, policy makers and business groups that understand the Internet as a space for democracy and innovation! This is a collective victory, nationally and internationally.”

 Orig.src.Susanne.Posel.Daily.News- internet.governance.brazil.state.dept_occupycorporatism

“Dirty last-minute deal” sees ISDS accepted by key European Parliament committee | Ars Technica UK

“Dirty last-minute deal” sees ISDS accepted by key European Parliament committee | Ars Technica UK

 “Dirty last-minute deal” sees ISDS accepted by key European Parliament committee

In a significant omission, one of the European Parliament's key committees, INTA, has not called for the rejection of the controversial investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism in its TTIP report, which will be voted on by the full European Parliament on June 10. Although neither today's vote, nor the plenary next month, has any direct effect on the negotiations, it is regarded as an indicator of the mood of the MEPs, and of how any eventual vote on ratifying TTIP might go.

The second-largest party in the European Parliament, the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group, published a position paper on ISDS back in March, which said: "we have made it clear that we do not see a need for its inclusion and have called for it to be excluded when negotiations for the investment chapter start." It appears that S&D MEPs initially held onto this position in INTA, but as the result of what the Greens MEP Michel Reimon calls a "dirty last-minute deal" between the main political parties, they voted to drop all mention of ISDS from the committee's final report.

Instead, the text adopted by the committee speaks of trusting "the courts of the EU and of the Member States and of the United States to provide effective legal protection based on the principle of democratic legitimacy, efficiently and in a cost-effective manner," without specifying how that will happen if ISDS is available for companies to ignore those courts and to sue countries directly using secret tribunals.

The INTA report also speaks of building on a concept paper presented by Cecilia Malmström, the EU Commissioner responsible for trade and thus TTIP, in which she proposed some solutions for ISDS's problems. Finally, the report advocates setting up a new public International Investment Court, which would replace the current tribunal system.


The hemicycle of the European Parliament in Brussels.

Jean-Paul Sartre et la guerre d’Algérie, par Anne Mathieu (Le Monde diplomatique, novembre 2004)

Jean-Paul Sartre et la guerre d’Algérie, par Anne Mathieu (Le Monde diplomatique, novembre 2004)

« Qu’il est plus simple de ne pas faire cas des objets dangereux, de
travailler simplement à donner un dernier poli au bel outil universel de
la Raison ! De reposer dans le silence, dans l’heureux demi-sommeil
conformiste pendant lequel l’Esprit arrangera tout », s’exclamait Paul Nizan, camarade de Jean-Paul Sartre à l’Ecole normale, dans « Les Chiens de garde », en 1932.

« Non récupérable », la voix de Sartre dérange encore. Elle nous permet
de regarder avec moins de honte cette période de notre histoire. Un
intellectuel, fidèle à sa conception de l’engagement du clerc, mit sa
plume et sa notoriété au service d’une cause qu’il estimait juste.


Big Brother, eh?

Big Brother, eh?

This week we break Bill C-51, down Klanada's
sinister new law, that would give the Canucks increased spying powers
over its population. On the break, long standing hip-hop act Onyx,
returns with "Fuck The Law." We wrap things up with an interview with
Antoine, a computer security ninja, about how we can protect ourselves
from surveillance.

For links to encryption software, to comment on this show, to sign up
to our email list, to get our fuckin show as a podcast or to find a
playlis of the music we played just visit my fuckin website

The Time For Obama To Pardon Snowden Is Now

CA radio station censored vaccine information before mandatory vaccination vote -

CA radio station censored vaccine information before mandatory vaccination vote -

 CA radio station censored vaccine information before mandatory vaccination vote

(NaturalNews) A radio program featuring a popular radio host, documentarian and alternative health expert was censored by its network after featuring an interview that presented information and arguments against vaccinations.

As reported by The Daily Sheeple, the expert, Gary Null, who has the longest-running health talk show airing on the Progressive Radio Network, was asked to appear recently as a guest on Bonnie Faulkner's program, Guns and Butter, which "investigates the relationships among capitalism, militarism and politics," according to the show's web site. Her program airs on Pacifica KPFA public radio stations.

In the spirit of legitimate debate, Faulkner asked Null to provide the other side of the vaccine debate - not the "case closed" version, but rather the "what you're not being told about vaccines" side. Null was asked specifically to discuss SB277, the California legislation that would mandate vaccines for virtually all school-aged children in the state, except for homeschooled kids, who represent a tiny minority.

As noted by The Daily Sheeple:

When it came time to air, however, they were told they weren't allowed – or rather, they were outright censored and the show was cut – the first time for Guns and Butter in over 11 years.


Top Bush Era CIA Official Just Confirmed The Iraq War Was Based On Lies

Top Bush Era CIA Official Just Confirmed The Iraq War Was Based On Lies

Top Bush Era CIA Official Just Confirmed the Iraq War Was Based On Lies

Twelve years after George W Bush initiated the illegal invasion of Iraq, ostensibly under the premise of preemptive self-defense, a stark majority — as many as 75% in 2014 — feel the so-called war was a mistake. As evidence rapidly accumulates that Bush’s yearning to launch an aggressive attack was likelier due to a personal grudge than anything else, that number will surely swell. This past Tuesday, the former president’s intelligence briefer lent yet more plausibility to that theory in an interview on MSNBC’s Hardball, making an admission that the Bush White House misrepresented intelligence reports to the public on key issues.

Michael Morell’s stint with the CIA included deputy and acting director, but during the time preceding the US invasion of Iraq, he helped prepare daily intelligence briefings for Bush. One of those briefings, from October 2002, is an infamous example in intelligence history as how not to compile a report. This National Intelligence Estimate, titled “Iraq’s Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction”, was the ostensibly flawed intelligence cited continuously by Bush supporters as justification to pursue a war of aggression against Iraq. However, this claim is dubious at best, and serves more as a smokescreen to lend credence to a president who was otherwise hellbent on revenge against Saddam Hussein, as evidenced in his statement a month before the report, “After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad.”

Boko Haram crisis could fuel rise in child marriages: activists | i24news - See beyond

Boko Haram crisis could fuel rise in child marriages: activists | i24news - See beyond

 Parents who have once seen boarding schools as a safe place for their
daughters are now fearful of sending them away. Many local schools have
also closed down because of the insurgency by the Islamist militants.
Unfortunately, when families pull their girls out of school, they take
them back home and when girls are at home, the next thing will be

taken on May 5, 2014 shows Chibok school girls who escaped from the
Boko Haram Islamists gathering to receive information from officials"

C-51: RCMP officer states protester "could be branded a terrorist" - YouTube

C-51: RCMP officer states protester "could be branded a terrorist" - YouTube:

Asked about his opinion on Bill C-51, an RCMP officer states that "Whenever you attack the Canadian economy you could be branded a terrorist,” and “When the demo's down, you become citizens again."

Parliament Hill, Ottawa
Stop C-51 Rally
May 30, 2015


sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015

New film: From Gazi to Gezi – a stone’s throw away | ROAR Magazine

New film: From Gazi to Gezi – a stone’s throw away | ROAR Magazine

 New film: From Gazi to Gezi – a stone’s throw away

Gazi to Gezi – a stone’s throw away explores the poetry of a nationwide revolt in Istanbul, Europe’s largest city. An explosive mix of the city’s inhabitants come together to fight the police and barricade themselves into one of the metropolis’ few remaining green spaces, Gezi Park. All are present; from the liberal students, to oppressed, illegal revolutionary groups living among the slums of the city. The film, told through the memory of a stone, attempts to link the past with the present in a cinematic format which is neither factual nor fictitious. Scored to a beautiful soundtrack, the audience is taken into a rebellious world.

 Post image for New film: From Gazi to Gezi – a stone’s throw away 

This award-winning film on the
Gezi uprising by Ross Domoney captures the poetry behind a rebellion;
the art of resistance and the power of the spoken word.

Au Royaume-Uni, la victoire des bourreaux, par Owen Jones (Le Monde diplomatique, juin 2015)

Au Royaume-Uni, la victoire des bourreaux, par Owen Jones (Le Monde diplomatique, juin 2015)

Au Royaume-Uni, la victoire des bourreaux

Non, la crise qui
balaye l’Union européenne n’évince pas mécaniquement les gouvernements
sortants. Pas même lorsque les politiques qu’ils ont menées ont aggravé
la détresse sociale. C’est l’une des leçons des élections générales
britanniques de mai, qui ont conforté un gouvernement de conservateurs
millionnaires en guerre contre les démunis. Comment expliquer un tel
paradoxe ?


Washington Post editorial board functions as quack science Monsanto operatives... key articles essentially 'written' by Monsanto... eat more GMO! -

Washington Post editorial board functions as quack science Monsanto operatives... key articles essentially 'written' by Monsanto... eat more GMO! -

 (NaturalNews) The entire editorial board of the Washington Post
functions as a group of hilarious quack science Monsanto operatives
pretending to be engaged in reporting real news. It's so bad that key
articles published by the Post now appear to be "written" by Monsanto,
with the "Greenwashington Post" parroting Monsanto's quack corporate
"science" talking points. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the Post's hit piece response to Chipotle's announcement of going 100% non-GMO on their menu items.

background to all this, customer demand for non-GMO foods is exploding
across America. People don't want to eat foods laced with cancer-causing
glyphosate, the herbicide chemical that's sprayed on most GMO crops,
and they also don't want to eat foods made from GMO corn, a crop which
grows its own deadly pesticides inside every grain. The fresh food movement is taking America by storm.


Gazi to Gezi - A Stones Throw Away

Gazi to Gezi - A Stones Throw Away

Gazi to Gezi - a stone's throw away" explores
the poetry of a nationwide revolt in Istanbul, Europe's largest city. An
explosive mix of the city’s inhabitants come together to fight the
police and barricade themselves into one of the metropolis' few
remaining green spaces, Gezi Park. All are present; from the liberal
students, to oppressed, illegal revolutionary groups living among the
slums of the city. The film, told through the memory of a stone,
attempts to link the past with the present in a cinematic format which
is neither factual nor fictitious. Scored to a beautiful soundtrack, the
audience is taken into a rebellious world.

Produced by Ross Domoney and Ozan Kamiloglu

Script written by Ozan Kamiloglu with the inspiration of Arkadas Özger

Filmed, edited and directed by Ross Domoney

Performancy by Sarah Karakus

Music by Giorgos Triantafillou

Live music performance by Iskender Ozan Toprak

 The Global Transition Tipping Point Has Arrived - Vive la Révolution

Home - MSF

Home - MSF

The right for individual Iranian

women to choose whether they want hijab.

In Iran women have to cover their hair in public according to the dress
rule enforced after the Iranian Revolution in 1979. My Stealthy Freedom
is an online social movement where Iranian women share photos of
themselves without wearing the hijab.

گفتگو با محمدرضا زائری: حکومت از تجربه ها یاد بگیرد، حجاب اجباری اشتباه است - MSF

گفتگو با محمدرضا زائری: حکومت از تجربه ها یاد بگیرد، حجاب اجباری اشتباه است - MSF

Interview with a cleric who believes that Islamic republic made a wrong decision to forced women to wear hijab

You conquered ! You, each and every one of these women who's published
her words and photos about compulsory hijab in media of all over the
world and raised the voice up to object it in the past year, is

Here is the meeting of the conservatives and
pro-regimes in a conference where is held for first time titled "
compulsory hijab conference" and not even "hijab conference", to profess
the liberal meeting rivalry with the world's media to speak and discuss
about compulsory hijab. So far only one cleric has objected against
compulsory hijab and demand the regime's confession for this failure.
These women can't be denied if they break their own silence and stand
for their objection. The compulsory hijab should be dismissed because it
questions the dignity of a woman to be compelled covering her hair and
body forcefully!


My Stealthy Freedom آزادی یواشکی زنان در ایران

Yesterday, politicians in Europe failed to scrap one of the worst parts of TTIP.

Yesterday, politicians in Europe failed to scrap one of the worst parts of TTIP. That includes these four who are meant to represent us from the UK. There's another vote in two weeks time - they need to know that we won't stand for them supporting TTIP.

SHARE to expose them.

They are (left to right):
David Campbell Bannerman, Conservative MEP for East of England - he didn't even bother turning up!
Emma McClarkin, Conservative MEP for East Midlands
David Martin, Labour MEP for Scotland
Jude Kirton-Darling, Labour MEP for the North East of England

One other UK MEP who had a vote, William Dartmouth (UKIP MEP for South West) did listen to his constituents and voted against TTIP.

Both David Martin and Jude Kirton-Darling pledged to vote against ISDS in TTIP (the part that lets corporations sue governments), and then appeared to remove their amendment at the last minute


Julian Assange on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Secretive Deal Isn’t About Trade, But Corporate Control | Democracy Now!

Julian Assange on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Secretive Deal Isn’t About Trade, But Corporate Control | Democracy Now!

As negotiations continue, WikiLeaks has published leaked chapters
of the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership — a global trade deal between
the United States and 11 other countries. The TPP
would cover 40 percent of the global economy, but details have been
concealed from the public. A recently disclosed "Investment Chapter"
highlights the intent of U.S.-led negotiators to create a tribunal where
corporations can sue governments if their laws interfere with a
company’s claimed future profits. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange warns
the plan could chill the adoption of health and environmental

Watch more from our Julian Assange interview: Part 1 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5

Biotech shills posing as economists try to boost GMO sales by proposing subsidies for junk food and taxes for organic food -

Biotech shills posing as economists try to boost GMO sales by proposing subsidies for junk food and taxes for organic food -

Biotech shills posing as economists try to boost GMO sales by proposing subsidies for junk food and taxes for organic food

(NaturalNews) As the drought in California -- home to much of the nation's food production -- worsens, desperation is rampant as politicians, policymakers and others scramble for ways to mitigate the worsening crisis.

One of the most recent ideas is also one of the most foolish because it is based on a series of misconceptions and outright falsehoods that have been perpetuated in large part by the mainstream media.

As reported by The Daily Caller, economists who are allegedly "environmentally savvy" are suggesting that growers of organic foods in the state be taxed, as if that will solve the water crisis.

According to this line of thinking, organic farms are not as efficient with their use of water as "conventional" (as in, GMO-producing) farms, say economists with the Property and Environment Research Center and the Hoover Institution. These economists say that pricing that "inefficiency" into organic products will lead consumers will use less of them.


Seymour Hersh and the dangers of corporate muckraking | PandoDaily

Seymour Hersh and the dangers of corporate muckraking | PandoDaily

 Seymour Hersh and the dangers of corporate muckraking

In its original meaning, “muckraking journalism” was all about exposing the awful power that corporations, trusts, and monopolies exercised over people and the broader public interest. So why doesn’t Seymour Hersh, considered the premiere “muckraker” of the past few decades, turn his fearless muckraking guns on private corporate power?

Ida Tarbell dug deep into Rockefeller’s Standard Oil empire and all the ways it exercised a kind of private government tyranny over huge swathes of public life; Tarbell’s work directly influenced the antitrust breakup of Standard Oil in 1911. Upton Sinclair exposed brutality in the meatpacking industry — on its workers, the slaughtered animals, and the diseased, rat-infested meats that eventually wound up in consumers’ homes — leading to the Meat Inspection Act and the Food and Drug Administration. Other muckraking exposés led to state-level child labor and workers’ comp laws, the progressive income tax amendment, and laws placing vast expanses of land and forests under federal protection from rapacious robber barons.


“The Times wasn’t nearly as happy when we went after
business wrongdoing as when we were kicking around some slob in
 — Seymour Hersh

 Jonathan Cook, journalist

Here's a fascinating account of Seymour Hersh's one serious attempt at taking on malfeasance by a major corporation - rather than a public or government agency - back in the 1970s. It proved to Hersh and his editors that major corporations were much more powerful and dangerous targets than the government.

It has been that very lack of scrutiny by the media (as well as the fact that the mainstream media became subdivisions of these same mega-corporations) that ensured the corporations would end up effectively owning the government. What Hersh failed to achieve 40 years ago would be even harder today. Which is why we have no hope of regaining control of our governments until we take on the corporations - and the media.

Palestine: Relocate all 380,000 Illegal Settlers in the West Bank | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Palestine: Relocate all 380,000 Illegal Settlers in the West Bank | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

 Palestine: Relocate all 380,000 Illegal Settlers in the West Bank
To Beer Sheva in the Negev at a Cost to U.S. of just $1bn

Israel is promised $2bn of ‘Hellfire’ and air-to-air missiles plus 4100 Glide and bunker-busting bombs as U.S. prepares for a major war in the Middle East but instead, the U.S. should pay just half of that sum from the American tax-payer, i.e. only $1bn, in relocation expenses, i.e. $2635 for each settler, to bring peace not war to the region.

There is ample room for all illegal settlers to be comfortably relocated at Beer Sheva in Israel’s Negev, on Route 25 nearby the secret, underground nuclear weapons facility at Dimona where land is plentiful and belongs to Israel itself.

At a stroke, there could be a peaceful accord with Israelis living in peace in the Negev, Haifa, Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem etc and the Palestinians living on their own land in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

This should be the direction of the European Union if they are not to be again made to look foolish by the slippery Binyamin Netanyahu who has boasted that he can ‘run rings’ around the EU Commission (and, of course, the UN Congress), anytime he wants.

France defends 'imperfect' fossil fuel sponsors for Paris climate summit | Environment | The Guardian

France defends 'imperfect' fossil fuel sponsors for Paris climate summit | Environment | The Guardian

sponsoring this year's UN climate talks in Paris? Fossil fuel firms and
big greenhouse gas emitters: EDF, Engie (formerly GDF Suez), Air
France, Renault-Nissan and BNP Paribas.

“While the French
government had said that they would look for businesses with flawless
reputations, many of them are involved in projects harmful to people,
their quality of life and work,” said Malika Peyraut of Les Amis de la
Terre France

 Air France planes are parked on the tarmac of Charles de Gaulle airport

Air France, along with EDF, Engie and other firms are partly sponsoring the COP21 Paris climate talks in December.
Photograph: Stephane de Sakutin/AFP/Getty Images

Childhood Hunger Is a Major Problem in the U.S. | Free Speech TV

Childhood Hunger Is a Major Problem in the U.S. | Free Speech TV

Lucy Melcher, No Kid Hungry's Associate Director for Advocacy, talks with Bill Press about childhood hunger in the United States. She says that 1 out 5 kids in the U.S. either suffer from hunger or wonder where they will get their next meal


ISIS Is The Child of Chaos, Not Religion | Justin Podur

ISIS Is The Child of Chaos, Not Religion | Justin Podur

 ISIS Is The Child of Chaos, Not Religion

In the third week of May, ISIS took the city of Ramadi in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria, in two, big, high-profile victories. Though ISIS has constantly been in the news for years now, these two cities seem to return the sense of an unstoppable march of Islamist forces across the Middle East. As the beheadings began almost immediately in Ramadi, ISIS also bombed a mosque in Qatif, a Shia-majority city in Saudi Arabia during Friday prayers. Qatif, incidentally, is a place where Saudi armed forces and police have violated human rights with their usual impunity for years, detaining and even opening fire on protesters from the Shia community. From all of these reports, the sense given to readers is one of unstoppable momentum.

But as Ahmed Ali, in the NYT Opinion section on May 21 clarified, the situation is otherwise: “…the Islamic State is not on an unstoppable march. In Iraq, and to some extent Syria, it remains on the defensive. In April, the Islamic State’s defenses in large swaths of Salahuddin Province and the provincial capital, Tikrit, collapsed.”

So, ISIS has not had unstoppable momentum. After spending many months and many lives trying to take the Kurdish city of Kobani, Syria, they have been repeatedly repulsed since the beginning of 2015. Kurdish forces in Iraq have counterattacked them in Mosul and are keeping them under pressure there. And, although each time there is a battle in an Iraqi city, the Western media discuss the close proximity of that city to Baghdad, that does not mean that Baghdad is likely to fall to ISIS any time soon.

Syria, though, is another story. The stage in both countries is set not for ISIS victory, but for perpetual conflict.


Jonathan Cook, journalist

One of the best analyses of ISIS and
the circumstances that led to its rise. Justin Podur places ISIS in the
context of a wider global phenomenon of violent irregular armies that
fill the void created by social collapses caused by western

Referring to ISIS's self-publicised use of
beheadings, Justin Podur raises the following interesting point about
places as diverse as Latin America, Africa and the Middle East:

"Others have theorized along these lines – that irregular armies use
atrocities to achieve the same psychological effect (inducing
hopelessness and terror among those they wish to control) as Western
armies can with their high-tech weaponry. This helps explain the amount
of effort ISIS puts into hype."

And concludes:

the West, exporting weapons, running airstrikes, preparing troops for
the next counterinsurgency effort, does not try to resolve conflicts,
just manage them. The US started attacking Iraq in 1990 and is still
doing bombing runs 25 years later. The US sponsored the mujahaddeen in
Afghanistan in the 1970s and is still present 36 years later. Libya’s
dictator was overthrown in 2011 and that country has been in managed
conflict since. The list goes on and on, and will likely soon include
Syria as a Western-managed conflict. Once a country is on the list, it
can take decades to get off it again. In the chaos of these collapsed
states, the next ISIS are being created."

A letter to the UN concerning the situation in Yemen

A letter to the UN concerning the situation in Yemen

 A letter to the UN concerning the situation in Yemen

We the undersigned urge you to spare no effort to bring the warring sides in Yemen to implement an immediate ceasefire for humanitarian and political purposes

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

United Nations

New York, NY 10017

United States

Wedensday 27 May 2015

Dear Secretary General,

We wish to draw your attention to the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Yemen.

Since the statement of the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen of 4 May 2015 in which he called on the Saudi-led coalition to cease its bombing of Sana'a airport so that aid could enter the country warplanes have continued to bombard towns and cities across the country.

The coalition has ignored those calls and in fact intensified its military campaign. In recent days it has declared the whole of Saada a military target forcing tens of thousands of civilians to flee the city. However many more people remain trapped, unable to escape.

This declaration amounts to collective punishment as it is disproportionate in scale and fails to distinguish between military targets and the sanctity of civilians and civilian infrastructure, which amounts to a war crime.

The statement of Johannes Van Der Klaauw referred to the impossibility of aid agencies getting emergency medical assistance and personnel into the country when the airports, the country's main lifelines, are being bombed by coalition warplanes. This is having a critical effect on the civilian population.

As you are aware the crisis has reached dire proportions. According to the UN's own estimates about nine million Yemenis, over a third of the population, are believed to be in dire need of humanitarian assistance, and hundreds of thousands have become internal refugees......................


TTIP – now it gets political -- New Internationalist

TTIP – now it gets political -- New Internationalist

 Popular opposition to ‪#‎TTIP‬ is running at unprecedented levels. John Hilary explains why.

ttipblog.jpg [Related Image]
No TTIP train to Brussels, Belgium. Lobbying the European Commission. Belgium.
Global Justice Now under a Creative Commons Licence

Eurodiputados conservadores y socialdemócratas a favor del TTIP frente a la soberanía parlamentaria |

Eurodiputados conservadores y socialdemócratas a favor del TTIP frente a la soberanía parlamentaria |

 Conservatives and Social Democrats in favor of TTIP against parliamentary sovereignty MEPs

The campaign not to TTIP criticizes the vote held today at the Committee
on International Trade (INTA) of the European Parliament. MEPs
coalition between conservatives, social democrats and liberals supported
the negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Treaty
(TTIP), one of the most controversial issues of the current legislature.

The report adopted today is contrary Review European public, who
mobilized last April 18 in more than 700 cities worldwide. At
demonstrations nearly two million signatures in addition to the European
Citizens' Initiative that oppose the trade agreement between the EU and
the US, as it would mean the loss of more than a million jobs and an
unprecedented attack on the rights labor, social and environmental.
The full Parliament will vote on this report at its next plenary session in Strasbourg during the week of June 8.

The campaign "No to Transatlantic Trade Treaty and Investment ",
supported by over 250 organizations and platforms of the Spanish State,
valued very negatively the text of the report:" Most members of the
Trade Commission of the Parliament has turned its back on its own
constituents, because they have become to support economic and trade
policy that is one of the root causes of growing poverty, social
exclusion and structural unemployment which affects millions of people
in Europe and the world. "

With the vote also they supported
the controversial European Commission proposal for a "dispute settlement
Investor-State", a parallel legal system known as ISDS, which overrides
the rule of law and granted powers privileged to foreign investors
through private tribunals operating outside the formal justice . "A real
attack on democracy and parliamentary sovereignty," he points to the
#NoalTTIP campaign.

The compromise amendment presented at the
last moment by the president of the Trade Commission, the Social Bernd
Lange, dropped a key phrase rejecting the use of ISDS mechanisms, and
supported instead proposed "investment protection" in the TTIP
introduced by Trade Commissioner of the EU, Cecilia Malmström, earlier
this month.

Thanks to public pressure, have been known various
ISDS cases where companies have sued the states by the laws or measures
that protect public health and the environment, or tried to ensure
access to public services among others.

precisely caused by
the rejection, the ISDS mechanism was removed from TTIP negotiations in
January 2014. The European Commission launched a public consultation
which received a record 150,000 responses, and the which more than 97%
rejected the inclusion of ISDS mechanism in TTIP.

Smart Meters: How the Government Monitors Your Every Move - Top US & World News | Susanne Posel

Smart Meters: How the Government Monitors Your Every Move - Top US & World News | Susanne Posel

 Smart Meters: How the Government Monitors Your Every Move

Smart meters have been approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) who says their risks are minimal. However many customers blame them for causing health problems and house fires. These devices are responsible for two-way communication with utilities corporations and government; helping them spy on their customers.

Researchers in Germany have concluded that when privacy implications were analyzed, they proved that customers were being surveilled by their utility company with encrypted data to determine whether or not the customers were home.

They are marketed as a way to save energy on monthly bills as well as reduce carbon emissions. Jim Marston, vice president of energy for the Environmental Defense Fund, maintains that “if done right, smart meters allow us to eliminate waste from the system. “t’s not unlike the revolution in telephones. These are things that allow you to know when you are gone and to turn off all your lights. Or to allow your appliances to turn on only when renewable power is available, or for utilities to figure out where outages are.”

susanne_posel_news_ smart_meters

New World Order or Business as Usual? -- An Open Letter to Supporters of Infowars and Alex Jones

New World Order or Business as Usual? -- An Open Letter to Supporters of Infowars and Alex Jones

 New World Order or Business as Usual? -- An Open Letter to Supporters of Infowars and Alex Jones

Many of you have visited the Films For Action website and asked us why we have not posted any Alex Jones documentaries or included Infowars, Prision Planet, Natural News or other like-minded sites on our list of recommended independent media.
Unfortunately, we feel it would be irresponsible to promote Alex Jones, his websites, or any of his films. His films were always overly sensational and hyperbolic, but over the years the assertions he makes in his films and on his radio show have gotten increasingly outlandish and unsubstantiated. There are nuggets of truth and important perspectives hidden in the films, but they are buried under so many wild claims, tabloid style rhetoric, fear-mongering, and misleading conclusions that sifting the valid points from the misinformation would take more time than most folks have the patience for. See this, this, this, this, this, and this, for a handful of examples.

Most skeptical people will have written off his ideas (and anything associated with it, including, likely, this site) long before the film finishes.

We believe the goal of the alternative media is to eventually become the mainstream media - a media for and by the people, rather than a media for and by corporate interests. The alternative media that we imagine is one that has the potential to be welcomed into the homes of virtually everyone. We want to demonstrate the best of what the alternative media is and could be.

This means presenting information in a credible fashion, and not promoting misinformation or misleading meta-narratives about our world. It means following diligently the ethical principles and standards of the best journalists. 

Revelan celebración de una conferencia secreta en Londres que acabará con el efectivo - RT

Revelan celebración de una conferencia secreta en Londres que acabará con el efectivo - RT

 Reveal holding a secret conference in London that will end effective

 London will be held "secret meeting" between heads of central banks,
denounces the American economist Martin Armstrong, referring to a own
"direct sources". The meeting will aim to "do away with the cash."

"Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University and Willem Buiter, chief
economist at Citigroup, will address the central banks to advocate for
the elimination of every coin, "Armstrong writes in his website.

According emphasizes the economist, who at the time predicted Black
Monday in 1987 in the US market and the financial crisis 1998 in Russia,
the aim is to hasten the day when no one can buy or sell anything
without the approval of the government. Armstrong outlined that the
meeting should take place before this is completed in May, a few days in
Germany before starting the G7 Summit.

On several occasions,
both as Buiter Rogoff and presented their arguments for ending the use
of cash. According to them, this would facilitate the life of the
central banks. Abolish paper money would help curb tax evasion and
illegal activities, says Rogoff.

Ending physical currency
would solve the problem with negative interest rates, highlights, in
turn, Buiter. Banks usually lower interest rates to stimulate the
economy. To trim, many reduced rates to zero and to go down, charging
customers for having a deposited money into their accounts. But this
method is fraught with problems: what a customer wants to pay the bank
if you can get your free cash? Abolish paper money will end the problem,
Buiter stressed.


  The Biggest Crime You’ve Never Heard Of:   Information Clearing House - ICH

  The Biggest Crime You’ve Never Heard Of:   Information Clearing House - ICH

 The Biggest Crime You’ve Never Heard Of

May 29, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Morning Star" - They must have known, mustn’t they? How could they not? Perhaps they chose not to know. With the world commemorating the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the nazi-run death camps the question of what ordinary Germans knew (and did) about the genocide their government was perpetrating has once again been in the news.

Of course, the assumption behind much of the coverage of the liberation of Belsen and other camps is that we, living enlightened lives in contemporary Britain, are lucky to live in a society where horrendous crimes do not happen. And if they did, they would be quickly reported by our free and stroppy media and quickly halted.

But what if our own government has been responsible for genocide-level suffering, without the media raising the alarm and therefore leaving the general public in a state of ignorance?

What would this say about our political class? What would it say about the media? And what would it say about us?

Unfortunately this isn’t a hypothetical debate but the cold, brutal reality.


In Their Own Words: Senior Israeli Officials on the Palestinian Question | IMEU

In Their Own Words: Senior Israeli Officials on the Palestinian Question | IMEU

 In Their Own Words: Senior Israeli Officials on the Palestinian Question

Prime Minister & Minister of Foreign Affairs Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud Party Leader)

    [Question: If you are reelected prime minister, there will be no Palestinian state?] “Indeed.” - March 2015

    “[A]s long as Likud is in power, we won't divide Jerusalem, we won't make concessions, we won't withdraw from land." - March 2015

    “I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: that there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan [the occupied West Bank].” - July 2014

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Hotovely (Likud)

    “We are opposed to a Palestinian state... [Netanyahu's 2009 declaration of support for a Palestinian state at Bar-Ilan University was] a tactical speech for the rest of the world." - December 2012

 In Their Own Words: Senior Israeli Officials on the Palestinian Question

Mutiny of the Soul

Mutiny of the Soul

 Mutiny of the Soul

Depression, anxiety, and fatigue are an essential part of a process of metamorphosis that is unfolding on the planet today, and highly significant for the light they shed on the transition from an old world to a new.

When a growing fatigue or depression becomes serious, and we get a diagnosis of Epstein-Barr or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or hypothyroid or low serotonin, we typically feel relief and alarm. Alarm: something is wrong with me. Relief: at least I know I'm not imagining things; now that I have a diagnosis, I can be cured, and life can go back to normal. But of course, a cure for these conditions is elusive.

The notion of a cure starts with the question, "What has gone wrong?" But there is another, radically different way of seeing fatigue and depression that starts by asking, "What is the body, in its perfect wisdom, responding to?" When would it be the wisest choice for someone to be unable to summon the energy to fully participate in life?

Who’s Driving the Rohingya into the Sea? | New Eastern Outlook

Who’s Driving the Rohingya into the Sea? | New Eastern Outlook

Who’s Driving the Rohingya into the Sea?

As the plight of the
Rohingya, driven from Myanmar into the sea, gains increasing
international attention, the same familiar voices across the West have
begun climbing upon their soapboxes and pointing fingers at each and
every nation refusing to accept them upon their shores. What is not
mentioned, conveniently, is who drove them into the sea to begin with.

Who Are the Rohingya?

The Rohingya are a predominately Muslim people living in Myanmar’s
southwest state of Rakhine – and have lived there for generations. Many
may be indigenous to Myanmar, having settled their centuries ago. Others
may have come to Myanmar as a result of British rule during the 1800’s.

Despite the fact that they have lived in Myanmar for generations, they
have suffered as a stateless people, with the political dynamics in
Myanmar making it nearly impossible to grant them citizenship without
considerable conflict and the threat of widespread violence.

However, this is not because of the government of Myanmar will not grant
them their citizenship.They have tried. It is the groups that have
opposed Rohingya citizenship that has perpetuated this problem, groups
the Western media has intentionally failed to expose and condemn.


How to avoid Google surveillance and protect your personal data -

How to avoid Google surveillance and protect your personal data -

 How to avoid Google surveillance and protect your personal data

(NaturalNews) It all seemed rather innocent in the beginning. It certainly seemed convenient, and still is - maybe more so than ever, to be truthful. But if you haven't noticed, slowly and gradually, during the past 17 years since its inception, Google has evolved from being a company which once merely provided Internet users with a free search engine and email to becoming an all-encompassing entity that monitors nearly everything you do.

And not only does Google snoop on you, it takes the personal information it has collected and sells it to corporations. Google also provides that information to intelligence agencies, such as the NSA.

A recent article penned by Derek Scally of The Irish Times explores the extent of Google's tentacles into our private lives and offers some very useful advice on how to "de-Google" your life.

And why should you de-Google your life if you have "nothing to hide"?


viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

What do McDonald's and Monsanto have in common? They're both losing money FAST!

Smoking Gun: 1960s-Era Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Says Politics ‘Is All Fraudulent’ - Truthdig

Smoking Gun: 1960s-Era Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Says Politics ‘Is All Fraudulent’ - Truthdig

A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist credited with inventing the genre
of the modern presidential campaign book told a close friend in a 1960
letter that all of politics is a fraud, but that he played along
—endorsing it to the public—because he felt compelled to.

Jon Schwarz reported on the letter, written by Theodore H. White, at The Intercept’s Unofficial Sources
blog. Schwarz gives a sketch of the stance White took in public by
quoting from the first pages of White’s book, “The Making of the
President, 1960.” White wrote:

I owe two general acknowledgments:

First, to the politicians of America — men whom I have found over the
long years the pleasantest, shrewdest and generally the most honorable
of companions …

Second, I must thank my comrades of the press — whose reporting at
every level of America politics purifies, protects and refreshes our
system from year to year.

    Author Theodore H. White poses in his New York City apartment with the book that won him the Pulitzer Prize, May 7, 1962. (AP)

Big energy has ‘privileged access' to top EU climate officals, claim campaigners | Environment | The Guardian

Big energy has ‘privileged access' to top EU climate officals, claim campaigners | Environment | The Guardian

 Want to know who the Climate & Energy commissioner has been meeting?
CEO trawled through the details of Miguel Arias Cañete's calendar since
he took office last November. The basic conclusion? Big energy, dirty
industry and the fossil fuels sector enjoys unrivalled privileged access
while public interest groups have barely featured. The dismal picture
is pretty similar for Energy Union Commissioner, Maroš Šefčovič.


Free Trade: The hidden costs of trade treaties | ZEIT ONLINE

Free Trade: The hidden costs of trade treaties | ZEIT ONLINE

Free TradeThe hidden costs of trade treaties

The free trade treaties with Canada (CETA) and the
United States (TTIP) are not threatening European standards, the
negotiators in Brussels assure us. Yet environmental and food safety
regulations have already been weakened. von Bas van Beek, Sophia Beunder und Jilles Mast

Wirtschaft, Free Trade, TTIP-Freihandelsabkommen, Freihandel, TTIP
Protest gegen CETA und TTIP im vergangenen April in Berlin  |  © Tim Brakemeier/dpa

2015 World Press Freedom Index

2015 World Press Freedom Index

Reporters sans frontières / Reporters Without Borders / RSF


“Raif Badawi’s detention is an insult to intelligence and freedom” - Reporters Without Borders

“Raif Badawi’s detention is an insult to intelligence and freedom” - Reporters Without Borders

 Raif Badawi’s detention is an insult to intelligence and freedom

 “Raif Badawi's detention is an insult to intelligence and freedom”

Ensaf Haidar, the wife of imprisoned Saudi blogger
and website creator Raif Badawi, called for his release at a news
conference organized yesterday in Paris by Reporters Without Borders and
Amnesty International.

Now residing in Canada with her three children,
Ensaf Haidar is currently on a European tour to draw public attention to
her husband’s plight and to seek the support of European governments.

She would not stop fighting for the release of her
husband, who is unjustly detained by the Saudi authorities, Haidar said.
Held since 2012, Badawi was sentenced in May 2014 to ten years in
prison, 1,000 lashes and a fine of 1 million rials (200,000 euros) on a
charge of insulting Islam.

My husband never thought he was doing wrong, he just spoke freely and differently and now he is in prison, unjustly convicted,” Haidar said. “With
just a few days to go before the start of Ramadan, a small window of
hope is opening, because the king usually pardons prisoners of
conscience at this time.

 Reporters Without Borders