jueves, 25 de junio de 2015

A Resource Guide for Resolution #4 UCC General Synod 30

A Resource Guide for Resolution #4 UCC General Synod 30

A Resource Guide for Resolution #4 UCC General Synod 30




United Church of Christ Palestine/Israel Network

"A Call for the United Church of Christ to Take Actions Toward a Just Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict"



June 17, 2015
My dear sisters and brothers in the United Church of Christ,

in the name of Jesus Christ, through whom we share work and witness on
behalf of God’s love and God’s justice.  I write to endorse, “A Call for
the United Church of Christ to Take Actions Toward a Just Peace in the
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”, Resolution #4, which will be put to the
vote at your 30th General Synod later this month in Cleveland, Ohio.