jueves, 25 de junio de 2015

Barack Obama given 'fast-track' authority over trade deal negotiations | US news | The Guardian

Barack Obama given 'fast-track' authority over trade deal negotiations | US news | The Guardian

the US Senate gave yesterday the green light to "Fast Track". For the
next 6 years the US representatives have given up on their right to
block or amend the text of an eventual trade deal presented to them by
the US President (HURRAH FOR DEMOCRACY...) However they can still give a
Yes/No vote to the final deal. Thus it is very important to keep our
opposition strong and raise our voice louder so that our politicians
won´t have excuses.

Share the signature page https://stop-ttip.org/sign/ -  with all your friends and ask them to sign! Together WE CAN STOP TTIP & CETA!!!

barack obama 

Senate gave Barack Obama ‘fast-track’ authority over the massive
Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal with countries on the Pacific rim.
Photograph: Dennis Brack/Corbis