La negociación del TTIP plantea riesgos jurídicos, sociales y económicos |
TTIP negotiation raises legal, social and economic risks
Judges for Democracy wants to make a statement contrary to the enactment
of TTIP on the terms and in the form that is being negotiated, the
spokesman stressed.
The Transatlantic Agreement on Trade and
Investment (ATCI), or as is more commonly known in English under the
name Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), whose
origins can be found in 1990, in February 2013 He materialized with the
announcement of launching actions aimed to start negotiations. Despite
public statements to the contrary, these negotiations are taking place
behind closed doors and in secret door. The treaty aims declared
"eliminating trade barriers between the United States and the European
Union (remove tariffs, unnecessary regulations, restrictions on
investment, etc.) and simplify the purchase of goods and services
between these two spaces." All this really means, as has been denounced
by many organizations, regulate aspects of the technical standards of
products on the market, the absence of sanctions against abuses in order
to "sustainable development", the privatization of public services or
the loss of confidentiality of personal data.