PDU's CEO Benjamin Zeeb and PDU's Deputy Chairman Daniel Schade wrote
an essay for Heinrich Böll Foundation on how to make Europe more
Democratic, Transparent, and Efficient:
Ever since the Global
Recession fully enveloped Europe in 2010, the EU’s decision-makers have
been operating in crisis mode. Every couple of months Europeans are told
to rejoice that yet again catastrophe has been averted by way of the
latest last-ditch effort designed to temporarily tame financial markets
and keep the single currency alive. So far this modus operandi has been
successful in what it was designed to do: buying time. But with
Europeans slowly waking up to the fact that time is indeed an expensive
commodity, all over the continent the question arises: in what exactly
are we investing and what kind of new Europe is it that we have bought
time for up to now? Demanding an answer to this question is what unites
German taxpayers who will eventually have to foot the bill for bailout
after bailout on the one hand, with an entire generation of European
youths that is bearing the brunt of the austerity policies imposed on
the eurozone’s so called ‘periphery’ on the other. Yet, when it comes to
formulating a coherent strategy to tackle Europe’s dismal situation,
our political class stays silent and one cannot help but think: maybe
there simply isn’t a plan at all.
read more:http://eu.boell.org/en/2015/09/25/its-all-or-nothing-how-make-eu-more-democratic-transparent-and-efficient