sábado, 31 de octubre de 2015

How the World Almost Ended in the Fall of 1983

How the World Almost Ended in the Fall of 1983

How the World Almost Ended in the Fall of 1983

 By Joshua Krause

For most people who grew up in the ’80s, the year 1983 probably
doesn’t stand out in any particular way. At least, no more than any
other year from that decade. As time goes on, however, and more
information is released to the public, that year is beginning to take on
a sinister tone. That’s because we’re starting to learn that in the
latter half of that year, the United States and the Soviet Union came
dangerously close to nuclear war on multiple occasions. These incidents
were largely fueled by Soviet paranoia and, later, American ignorance;
which without a doubt may be the most volatile combination on Earth.
