Stop the Transatlantic Trade Deals
Event Description
A new breed of trade deal will give huge power and influence to big business.The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is
currently being negotiated between the EU and the US. It is a huge
handover of power to big business, from watering down safety regulations
to locking in privatisation and allowing companies to sue governments
in secret 'corporate courts' if they don't like democratically-made
The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is closer to
being agreed. it's similar to TTIP, but drawn up between Canada and the
EU. Scheduled to be put to the vote of the European Parliament in 2016,
it has an even worse 'corporate court' system than TTIP, it must be
The Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) is a deal being negotiated
bewtween 50 countries, it threatens to de-regulate and privatise
industries from transport and communications to finance.
There has been a huge amount of opposition over allowing corporations
to sue governments and the European Commission has said it will look
into reforming this part of TTIP. We can beat these deals, opposition is
spreading and as more people understand what's involved, our case grows