domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

Army May Start Shooting Suspected Terrorists Right in French Streets

Army May Start Shooting Suspected Terrorists Right in French Streets

Army May Start Shooting Suspected Terrorists Right in French Streets


French Prime Minister
Manuel Valls is trying to push through new legislation that would allow
French Army soldiers to shoot terrorists and those suspected of being
terrorists right in the street, according to the weekly Le Canard

legislation would authorize soldiers to open fire on terrorists in the
event of a major domestic terror operation. If passed, it would be the
first time since World War II that French soldiers would have such a

Right now French soldiers on the street can only open fire in cases of self-defense.

"Faced with the threat of terror, our legal
framework is totally unsuitable," French defense adviser Pierre Sergent
said, as cited by the Telegraph.
 French soldiers patrol in front of the Eiffel Tower on January 7, 2015 in Paris as the capital was placed under the highest alert status after heavily armed gunmen shouting Islamist slogans stormed French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and shot dead at least 12 people in the deadliest attack in France in four decades