ISIS Showcases Massive Arsenal Of American-Made Weapons In New Video | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
ISIS Showcases Massive Arsenal Of American-Made Weapons In New Video | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
ISIS Showcases Massive Arsenal Of American-Made Weapons In New Video
According to a new report from Amnesty International, many of
ISIS’ arms have come from units defecting from the Free Syrian Army, as
well as other rebel groups previously aligned with the United States and
its plan to oust Bashar al-Assad.
ISIS, the world’s most infamous terror group, has shocked the interwebz again after posting a new propaganda video
that showcases its massive arsenal of tanks and heavy artillery. The
video shows tank after tank, artillery piece after artillery piece, and Toyota truck after Toyota truck
rolling triumphantly by, all in an effort to recruit radical Islamic
youth to the caliphate’s cause. If some of those arms look oddly
familiar, it’s because many — if not most of them — are American-made