The Masters of Money Impose their Law
By Ariel Noyola Rodríguez
Over 2015, the losses in the stock markets added up to hundreds of billions of dollars. The business world began to tremble when at the beginnings of August the Shanghai stock market fell during several consecutive days. It was only then evident that the vulnerabilities of the global economy are not limited to the United States and the European Union.
Although seven years have gone by since the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, everything indicates that the global crisis has not touched bottom, since as the weeks pass there are more victims from one sector to another, from one geographical region to another. As a consequence of the growing deceleration of the Asia Pacific region, the emerging countries whose incomes depend on the export of commodities are now facing a serious predicament.
The channel of the crisis of the industrialized countries towards the emerging ones is not only through commercial connections – although it is important to note that the Baltic Dry Index (BDI), one of the principal indicators of marine transport and a fundamental datum to measure commercial activity in real terms, has registered its worst performance of the last three decades –, but above all through finances.