martes, 31 de enero de 2017
Haneen Zoabi: 'Israel is the only country not shocked by or afraid of Trump' | Life and style | The Guardian
Haneen Zoabi: "Donald Trump may seem bizarre and unique to most of the
100,000 Hours of Isolation: Gaza Blockade Enters Its 12th Year | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
100,000 Hours of Isolation: Gaza Blockade Enters Its 12th Year | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
A recent report by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor exposes
the catastrophic consequences of Israel’s 11-year long blockade on the
Gaza Strip.
Monsanto GMO Seeds in Nigeria, Breaking the Agricultural Cycle, Complicity of UN World Food Program | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Monsanto GMO Seeds in Nigeria, Breaking the Agricultural Cycle, Complicity of UN World Food Program | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Nigeria’s Farmers Alliance of over 14 million farmers have called on all
farmers especially in the Northeast to reject the genetically modified
organisms (GMO) and Hybrid seeds distributed by the United Nation’s
World Food Program (WFP) and the World Bank.
The CIA’s “Deep State”, Donald Trump and His “War on Terrorism” | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The CIA’s “Deep State”, Donald Trump and His “War on Terrorism” | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
LARRY CHIN: Donald Trump’s first act as president was a visit to CIA
headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where he addressed gathering of CIA
employees. His journey directly in “the swamp” took place almost
immediately after his inauguration, and was clearly an urgent first
Widening Economic and Social Inequalities, Billionaires Alongside the Global Impoverishment of the Human Family | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Widening Economic and Social Inequalities, Billionaires Alongside the Global Impoverishment of the Human Family | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
MUZAFFAR: Oxfam revealed on the 15th of January that “the richest eight
tycoons on the planet are worth as much as the poorest 3.6 billion
people” — half of the world’s population. It also emphasised that the
richest 1% continues to own more than the other 99% combined.
These inequalities have been getting worse over the years. In 2010, a
mere seven years ago, the wealth of 43 of the world’s richest people
equalled to that of half of the human family. Between 1988 and 2011 the
incomes of the top 1 % had increased by 182 times compared to the bottom
The End Of Mingling - "Moderate Rebels" Join Al-Qaeda In Syria
The End Of Mingling - "Moderate Rebels" Join Al-Qaeda In Syria
Lots of confusion about the infighting in the "rebel" held Idleb governate in #Syria,
the situation is now clearing up. After other tricks, like renaming the
group, did not work to deceive al-Qaeda finally pulled back the veil.
It is no longer hiding between the "moderate rebels" but is now (again) a
clearly identifiable groups. Groups near to al-Qaeda integrated with
it, other groups split with significant parts joining the al-Qaeda
Why the US Justice System Is Criminal
Why the US Justice System Is Criminal
Perhaps the worst of America's failed institutions is the criminal
justice system.The more American lives ruined, the greater the success
of the justice system.
Read a fresh article by Paul Craig Roberts:…/why-us-justice-system-cr…
Trump’s Nationalism Facilitating China’s Rise to Global Leadership | New Eastern Outlook
Trump’s Nationalism Facilitating China’s Rise to Global Leadership | New Eastern Outlook
While the new US president, Donald Trump, might have thought deeply
about making “America great again”, the policies (read: “America First”)
he has outlined to achieve this
objective are likely to cause other consequences, most important of
which is America’s further decline in the global arena and subsequent
rise of China to what the latter’s leadership has implicitly called
‘playing the world leader.’ To this end, China is expected to receive
significant support from both its rivals and allies. In Asia, for
example, Trump’s nationalist rhetoric has received a response that
points to a larger regional (read: “regionalization”) configuration
taking place wherein China, followed by Russia, is playing an anchor
role. As a matter of fact, China’s militaristic response i.e.,
deployment of intercontinental missile systems, to Trump’s aggressive
nationalist assertion and the heat it is creating with regard to the
South China Sea has found a powerful friend in Russia, and together both
of these countries are likely to challenge Trump-ism in its various
i.e., military and non-military forms.
Philippines: Police ‘Drug War’ Killings Need Independent Probe | Human Rights Watch
Philippines: Police ‘Drug War’ Killings Need Independent Probe | Human Rights Watch
7,000 Filipinos killed in Duterte’s anti-drug campaign.

Rosalina Perez (L), sits next to the
coffin of her brother Benjamin Visda, who was shot by police during a
drug investigation, inside their home in Manila, Philippines.
© 2016 Reuters/Ezra Acayan
'Catastrophic Effect': More Austerity Measures Could Force Greece to Exit the EU
'Catastrophic Effect': More Austerity Measures Could Force Greece to Exit the EU
Another debt crisis will not only ruin Greece’s fragile #economy but also affect the entire European Union, putting #Grexit back on the table.
BBC's Fake News Of “Interests” And “Intervention” In Theresa May's Speech - TruePublica
BBC's Fake News Of “Interests” And “Intervention” In Theresa May's Speech - TruePublica
Via Global Research – U.S. and other media continue their strong move towards baseless, aka fake, news. We recently caught the New York Times claiming that Russia started the war in Georgia, something the NYT had earlier debunked itself. The Washington Post claimed that
Russian hackers were sneaking into the U.S. electricity grid. The story
fell apart within a few hours. Nothing in it was true. Hundreds of
pieces were written about “peaceful demonstrator” rebels in Syria, about
250,000 civilians besieged in Aleppo or Syrian government bombings of
hospitals that lacked any base in reality.
That onslaught of fake news by repudiated media continues unabated in print, web and TV.
The CIA & the Capture of Nelson Mandela - YouTube
The CIA & the Capture of Nelson Mandela - YouTube
How the CIA helped to arrest and imprison Nelson Mandela - Harper's Andrew Cockburn: -
Search WikiLeaks
Search WikiLeaks
143 thousand WikiLeaks docs on refugee processing and asylum (from our archives)…
Search WikiLeaks
Search WikiLeaks
143 thousand WikiLeaks docs on refugee processing and asylum (from our archives)…
Trump Muslim Ban Made Possible By Obama Admin & Media Won't Tell You - YouTube
Trump Muslim Ban Made Possible By Obama Admin & Media Won't Tell You - YouTube
Killing hundreds of thousands of Muslims & destroying their states? OK. Stopping them going to the US? Not OK.
Julian Assange Interview for ITV's Peston on Sunday January 29 - YouTube
Julian Assange Interview for ITV's Peston on Sunday January 29 - YouTube
Julian Assange Interview for ITV's Peston on Sunday January 29
WikiLeaks - Yemen Files
WikiLeaks - Yemen Files
Strategic overview of #Yemen from WikiLeaks "Yemen Files"
lunes, 30 de enero de 2017
Israel issuing Palestinian building permits to further West Bank land grab | +972 Magazine
Israel issuing Palestinian building permits to further West Bank land grab | +972 Magazine
Israel issuing more building permits to Palestinians in the West Bank
might seem like a good thing, but it is actually concentrating
Palestinians in certain parts of the West Bank so that there is more
room for settlements to expand.

A man from the Jahalin tribe herds his sheep in his village near the
Israeli settlement of Maale Adumin, West Bank, May 19, 2005. (Yaniv
Chris Hedges: American Psychosis - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Chris Hedges: American Psychosis - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Reality is under assault. Verbal confusion reigns. Truth and illusion
have merged. Mental chaos makes it hard to fathom what is happening. We
feel trapped in a hall of mirrors. Exposed lies are answered with other
lies. The rational is countered with the irrational. Cognitive
dissonance prevails. We endure a disquieting shame and even guilt. Tens
of millions of Americans, especially women, undocumented workers,
Muslims and African-Americans, suffer the acute anxiety of being pursued
by a predator. All this is by design. Demagogues always infect the
governed with their own psychosis.
Some 350,000 Children Trapped in Daesh-Controlled Western Mosul - Charity
Some 350,000 Children Trapped in Daesh-Controlled Western Mosul - Charity
Save the Children said that about 350,000 #children are currently trapped in the western part of Iraq's #Mosul, controlled by #Daesh, ahead of the anti-terror offensive.
Trump’s Muslim Ban Is Culmination of War on Terror Mentality but Still Uniquely Shameful
Trump’s Muslim Ban Is Culmination of War on Terror Mentality but Still Uniquely Shameful
Thank god for Glenn Greenwald. Someone who remembers how we got to the point where Trump can ban Muslims from the US.
Trump did not appear out of nowhere.
He is the logical and most grotesque expression of a variety of trends
we have allowed to fester: endless war, a virtually omnipotent
presidency, unlimited war powers from spying to due process-free
imprisonment to torture to assassinations, repeated civil liberties
erosions in the name of illusory guarantees of security, and the
sustained demonization of Muslims as scary, primitive, uniquely violent
A country that
engages in endless war against multiple countries not only kills a lot
of people but degrades its own citizenry. Trump is the rotted fruit that
inevitably sprouts from such fetid roots.
Trump is not a Russian
phenomenon, nor an Italian one, nor Latin American: He is distinctly
and consummately American, merely the most extreme face yet from
America’s endless war on terror and its post-2008 lurch toward
oligarchy. Pretending that Trump is some grand aberration, some radical
departure from U.S. history and values, is simply a deceitful way of
whitewashing what we have collectively endorsed and allowed. ...
Opposing Trump’s assault on basic liberties requires a clear understanding of the framework that gave rise to it.
Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.
Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.: ≡
“Why kill children?,” her grandfather asked. “This is the new [U.S.] administration – it’s very sad, a big crime.”
Corporate America Is Inching Even Closer to a Constitutional Convention | Alternet
Corporate America Is Inching Even Closer to a Constitutional Convention | Alternet
While all eyes are on Trump -- this is happening.
And not enough people are paying attention.
Photo Credit: Junius Brutus Stearns [Public domain] / Wikimedia Commons
The unvarnished truth about mercury in vaccines: Not one modern safety test has ever been done
The unvarnished truth about mercury in vaccines: Not one modern safety test has ever been done
The unvarnished, horrific truth about mercury in vaccines...
Orwell’s “1984” and Trump’s America - The New Yorker
Orwell’s “1984” and Trump’s America - The New Yorker
George Orwell saw that the act of falsifying reality is only secondarily
a way of changing perceptions. It is, above all, a way of asserting

Donald Trump’s lies, and his urge to tell them, are pure Big Brother crude, however oafish their articulation.PHOTOGRAPH BY NINA BERMAN / NOOR / REDUX
Trump's Muslim Ban Is A Grotesque Product Of Fear And Prejudice
Trump's Muslim Ban Is A Grotesque Product Of Fear And Prejudice
Top story: President Donald Trump signed an executive order that
effectively lays a strong foundation for instituting a ban against
Muslims, as he pledged to do during his presidential campaign.
Protesters rally against President Trump’s refugee ban at Miami
International Airport on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2017.President Donald Trump’s
immigration order sowed more confusion and outrage across the country
Sunday, with travelers detained at airports, panicked families searching
for relatives and protesters registering their opposition to the
sweeping measure. (C.M. Guerrero/El Nuevo Herald via AP)
The dangerous rise of the right: an interview with Noam Chomsky -- New Internationalist
The dangerous rise of the right: an interview with Noam Chomsky -- New Internationalist
![30-11-2016-Noam-Chomsky-590.jpg [Related Image]](
Noam Chomsky holds a magistral lecture at the Foro Internacional por la
Emancipación y la Igualdad organized by the Argentinian Ministry of
Culture on 12 March 2015.
© Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación Argentina
German Ambassador 1933: Hostility To Jews Aimed Mainly At 'Immigrants'
German Ambassador 1933: Hostility To Jews Aimed Mainly At 'Immigrants'
German Ambassador 1933: Hostility To Jews Aimed Mainly At ‘Immigrants’
Expulsion from Reichsgau Wartheland. Poles are led to trains under
German army escort, as part of the ethnic cleansing of western Poland
annexed to the German Reich following the invasion. (Photo: Wilhelm
Holtfreter/CC 3.0)
Episode 12. Why did Britain and the United States have no desire to prevent WWII? (II) | Oriental Review
Episode 12. Why did Britain and the United States have no desire to prevent WWII? (II) | Oriental Review
This day 84 years ago (Jan 30, 1933) the future German Fuhrer Adolf
Hitler was appointed the Chancellor of Germany. Three months earlier the
NSDAP won only 33% of votes in the
parliament (down 5% since July 1932) and could not form a legitimate
government. For more details of the circumstances of Hitler's rise to
power in Germany please follow the link:
Britain, France, and the US tried long and hard to find ways to legally
midwife Hitler’s political victory in Germany. Nazi election poster.
Palestinian teen killed by Israeli forces during raid on Jenin refugee camp – Mondoweiss
Palestinian teen killed by Israeli forces during raid on Jenin refugee camp – Mondoweiss
Ma‘an reports: "Israeli forces shot and killed a 19-year-old Palestinian
Muhammad Mahmoud Abu Khalifa and injured several others early Sunday
morning in Jenin refugee camp in the
northern occupied West Bank, after clashes erupted following an Israeli
army raid into the camp. State-run Palestinian news agency Wafa said
that Abu Khalifa was left on the ground for hours before paramedics were
able to evacuate his body."
Top 6 Times US government Excluded Millions based on Race or Religion | Informed Comment
Top 6 Times US government Excluded Millions based on Race or Religion | Informed Comment
By Juan Cole– –
Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and other bigots on the far right are nothing
new in American history. Rather, they remind us of the worst and most
shameful detours of the American Republic in the past. From the
mid-nineteenth century racial theory became prominent in European and
American discourse, in which peoples were conceived of as endogamous
(only marrying among themselves and so producing ‘pure’ and ‘less pure’
‘races.’) In contrast, in the 18th century most Western thinkers
believed the differences among peoples had to do with climate and diet.
The nineteenth century Romantic notion of race is a fantasy– people get
all mixed up over time.
CATALONIA -- Defending Freedom in Catalonia -
Defending Freedom in Catalonia -
JANUARY 30, 2017
interests of citizens in a democratic parliament debatable? This is what
is at stake in Catalonia, where parliamentary deputies demand the right
to exercise their freedom of speech, while the Spanish government says
they must accept being censored.

Forcadell, center, accompanied by Catalonian regional officials and
supporters, arriving for court in Barcelona in December.
Forcadell, center, accompanied by Catalonian regional officials and
supporters, arriving for court in Barcelona in December.
Alejandro Garcia / European Pressphoto Agency
viernes, 27 de enero de 2017
Chris Hedges: Revolt Is the Only Barrier to a Fascist America - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Chris Hedges: Revolt Is the Only Barrier to a Fascist America - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Revolt Is the Only Barrier to a Fascist America
Gaza's water shortage worsening, no easy solutions seen | Reuters
Gaza's water shortage worsening, no easy solutions seen | Reuters
"The (tap) water is salty, as if it came straight from the sea. We have stopped drinking it."
Gaza has long suffered severe water problems due to Israel's siege
and occupation. With its aquifer contaminated by sewage, chemicals and
seawater and the territory's three desalination plants unable to meet
demand, most citizens depend on imported, bottled water.
As TPP crumbles, people must remain vigilant vs equally unfair bilateral deals |
As TPP crumbles, people must remain vigilant vs equally unfair bilateral deals |
As the United States officially walks away from the Trans-Pacific
Partnership (TPP), the people must remain vigilant over possible
Populism and Terror: An Interview with Noam Chomsky – FREE WILL
Populism and Terror: An Interview with Noam Chomsky – FREE WILL
Populism and Terror: An Interview with Noam Chomsky
Media Blacks Out Edward Snowden's Talk On CointelPro & History Of Mass Surveillance
Media Blacks Out Edward Snowden's Talk On CointelPro & History Of Mass Surveillance
Video: Media Blacks Out Edward Snowden’s Talk On COINTELPRO & History Of Mass Surveillance
Edward Snowden: ‘Faith in Elected Leaders’ Is a Mistake Americans Keep Making - Truthdig
Edward Snowden: ‘Faith in Elected Leaders’ Is a Mistake Americans Keep Making - Truthdig
“When president Obama was elected to the White House, he said all the
right things,” Snowden said. “If we’re hoping for a champion, if we’re
waiting for a hero, we’ll be waiting forever.”
Trump's Decision to Leave the TPP Was to Protect One Faction of the Super Rich | Alternet
Trump's Decision to Leave the TPP Was to Protect One Faction of the Super Rich | Alternet
U.S. President Donald Trump decided that the United States would now
exit from the trade negotiations known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Embarrassingly, some U.S. labor leaders stood beside him to celebrate
this action. Is the U.S. withdrawal from the TPP part of a plan to
encourage employment in the United States? No. The exit of the United
States from the TPP should be understood along two axis – one merely
about U.S. politics and the other about a new strategy to revive
flagging U.S. power in the world.
Photo Credit: Puck Magazine
Hybrid Wars 8. There’s more than meets the eye in Mozambique | Oriental Review
Syria: «There are No Moderates», Tulsi Gabbard’s Reports from Syria
Syria: «There are No Moderates», Tulsi Gabbard’s Reports from Syria
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has recently returned from an "under-wraps" fact finding mission to #Syria where she met with Syrian people across a wide spectrum of Syrian society, including those recently liberated from Nusra Front-led terrorist occupation in East #Aleppo. What she found, confirmed that the corporate media, #NATO-aligned
NGOs and the US interventionist coalition have been misrepresenting the
facts on the ground in Syria for the last six years, funding terrorism
and fanfaring an illegal regime-change programme. The globalists are not
jueves, 26 de enero de 2017
LIVE-STREAM: acTVism Event - Edward Snowden & Leading Experts
LIVE-STREAM: acTVism Event - Edward Snowden & Leading Experts
LIVE-STREAM: acTVism Event – Edward Snowden & Leading Experts…/live-stream-actvism-event-snowden…/
Obama's Legacy: Refining Secrecy While Cracking Down On Leaks
Obama's Legacy: Refining Secrecy While Cracking Down On Leaks
Obama's legacy: Secrecy and persecution of whistleblowers

Photo by the Obama White House
CNN's Jake Tapper crushed by Tulsi Gabbard, 'Why is US supporting Al Qaeda, when Al Qaeda attacked US on 9-11, not Syria'
CNN's Jake Tapper crushed by Tulsi Gabbard, 'Why is US supporting Al Qaeda, when Al Qaeda attacked US on 9-11, not Syria'
Obama's ISIS-Al Qaeda war against Syria is imploding. CNN has Tulsi
Gabbard speak about US supporting Al Qaeda, in effort to overthrow
miércoles, 25 de enero de 2017
Amy Goodman Interviews Women's March Organizer Linda Sarsour, Now a Target of Islamophobic Attacks | Democracy Now!
Amy Goodman Interviews Women's March Organizer Linda Sarsour, Now a Target of Islamophobic Attacks | Democracy Now!
On Saturday Amy Goodman
caught up with Women's March on Washington co-chair Linda Sarsour:
"This is just the most remarkable grassroots effort I’ve ever been a
part of."
This Is How Anti-Media Is Fighting Back Against Censorship
This Is How Anti-Media Is Fighting Back Against Censorship
This Is How Anti-Media Is Fighting Back Against Censorship
(ANTIMEDIA) In the wake of an apparent surprise outcome in the 2016 presidential election and a wave of propaganda regarding alleged (but unproven)
Russian hacking, Americans have been faced with a barrage of “Fake
News.” No, I am not talking about the American-made “fake news” meme
that has been shoved down the throat of the population in an attempt to
demonize the growing independent media and an increasingly waking
public. I am talking about the actual fake news propagated and promoted by the corporate deadstream media. You know, like the story about weapons of mass destruction.
Brazil moves to weaken indigenous land rights as deforestation rises
Brazil moves to weaken indigenous land rights as deforestation rises
A big win for agribusiness and mining — and a loss for Indigenous communities, the rainforest and the climate.
Stand with the Munduruku People of the Amazon as they fight for their land rights >>
UN Report on Syria Aid Convoy Attack Deserves Action | Human Rights Watch
UN Report on Syria Aid Convoy Attack Deserves Action | Human Rights Watch
Last fall, a 31-truck United Nations convoy laden with wheat flour,
health supplies, and emergency aid left Syrian government-controlled
western Aleppo bound for thousands of civilians in the opposition-held
countryside. UN banners hung from the front and sides of each truck.
After extensive negotiations, Syria’s government approved the aid
convoy, its movements coordinated at every step. Its progress was even
monitored by a Russian drone.

Damaged medical supplies after an airstrike on Urm al-Kubra town, western Aleppo city, Syria September 20, 2016
© 2016 Reuters
Iraq | International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Iraq | International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Today marks 100 days since the battle for Mosul began. So far, 180,000 people have fled their homes.
Learn more from our sister foundation's ally International Rescue Committee:
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