Thu, May 29, 2014
The probe into the Maidan “snipers problem” – by the new Ukrainian
government underwritten by it – continues. On May 13, the fascinating
interim findings were partly revealed, at a press conference called by parliamentary investigation head Gennady Moskal.
Bullet forensics exonerated the previously blamed Berkut security
force. Something in the findings also placed the unidentified shooters
somewhere – unspecified – among “the ranks of the protesters.” It could
even have been the EuroMaidan militants, he admitted, but MP Moskal
thought infiltrators from the government’s security service SBU made
more sense.
He predicted decades of debate with no resolution, and a week later he announced that
a number of key documents were destroyed, complicating the search. But
whatever led the investigators to this apparently dead-end admission, it
seemed like a break in the script that put the snipers in areas secured
by the government of then-president Viktor Yanukovych. For those
following the details, the May 13 revelation seemed like a bit of
realism creeping in.
But then the current Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council – Andriy Parubiy
– stepped forward, hinting at a divergent probe delving further into
fantasy. His investigation blames Russia and Vladimir Putin for the
snipers, even though it was Parubiy – not Putin – who was supposed to
secure the “EuroMaidan” where, the evidence increasingly says, the
problem snipers operated.