Thank god for Glenn Greenwald. Someone who remembers how we got to the point where Trump can ban Muslims from the US.
Trump did not appear out of nowhere.
He is the logical and most grotesque expression of a variety of trends
we have allowed to fester: endless war, a virtually omnipotent
presidency, unlimited war powers from spying to due process-free
imprisonment to torture to assassinations, repeated civil liberties
erosions in the name of illusory guarantees of security, and the
sustained demonization of Muslims as scary, primitive, uniquely violent
A country that
engages in endless war against multiple countries not only kills a lot
of people but degrades its own citizenry. Trump is the rotted fruit that
inevitably sprouts from such fetid roots.
Trump is not a Russian
phenomenon, nor an Italian one, nor Latin American: He is distinctly
and consummately American, merely the most extreme face yet from
America’s endless war on terror and its post-2008 lurch toward
oligarchy. Pretending that Trump is some grand aberration, some radical
departure from U.S. history and values, is simply a deceitful way of
whitewashing what we have collectively endorsed and allowed. ...
Opposing Trump’s assault on basic liberties requires a clear understanding of the framework that gave rise to it.