In this interview with bestselling author,
investigative reporter and co-founder of The Intercept, Jeremy Scahill,
we talk about the political economy of the United States foreign policy
apparatus and its influence abroad in countries such as Germany and
Saudi Arabia. In addition, we explore the role that Germany plays in the
war on terror and the history of anti-war movements.
What was President Eisenhower referring to when he talked about
the “Military Industrial Complex” in his farewell speech in January
1961? What scale and scope does this complex posses today?
Are President Trump’s foreign policy cabinet picks related to the
Military Industrial Complex? How will they shape relations with the
international community?
How does Germany support the “War on Terror”?
What is the significance of the US-Air base in Ramstein and are
its activities compatible with domestic as well international law?
What can Anti-War movements learn from the past that can be applied today to influence policy?