Robert Scheer isn’t buying the Russia narrative surrounding Donald Trump and the 2016 presidential election.
“Donald Trump is a menace … but now we have the deep state destroying
a president … and I have not seen any evidence of Russian interference
in the election,” Scheer told “Sunday Show” host Philip Maldari. “The
methods being used are the methods of the surveillance state, and they
are … frightening.”
Scheer continued: “I have not seen any evidence of any significant
Russian intrusion into this election. Nobody goes to the substance of
it. … Until some evidence comes out that our democratic process has been
distorted by foreign interference, of the kind we have routinely done, going to back to the 1948 Italian election,
which our CIA intervened in and reversed the results … I could go
through the thousands examples of our deep state, secret agencies,
overturning elections everywhere in the world. Yes, [the 2016 election]
has to be investigated to see what happened. But so far, we haven’t had
one really important example of [Russians] distorting this election.