Now we go to allegory and circumspection. That morning of mornings, the
“new broom” in Washington, a former CIA director as Vice President,
everything changed. Stories say that one CIA station chief found a
prominent Colombian drug cartel leader sitting across his desk when he
arrived. Here is how the story goes: “I got in that morning, past the
receptionist, past the armed security that the public never sees, picked
up my mail, got my telex’s and opened the door to my office. To my
astonishment a Latin looking gentleman was there with a 4-pocket shirt, a
big Rolex and a diamond the size of a marble. He was cutting a cigar.
He introduced himself as a “Colombian businessman” and told me that he
was advised that I would be able to help him. It was that day I met my
new boss, or at least one of them.”