Glenn Greenwald: "As it always does, the U.S. media last night was an
almost equal mix of excitement and reverence as the bombs fell. People
who dissent from this bombing campaign – who opposed it on the merits –
were almost entirely disappeared, as they always are in such moments of
high patriotism (MSNBC’s Chris Hayes had two guests on after midnight
who opposed it, but they were rare). Claims from the U.S. government and
military are immediately vested with unquestioned truth and accuracy, while claims from foreign adversaries such as Russia and Syria are reflexively scorned as lies and propaganda.
For all the recent hysteria over RT being a propaganda outlet for the
state, U.S. media coverage is barely distinguishable in times of war
(which is, for the U.S., the permanent state of affairs). More
systematic analysis will surely be forthcoming of last night’s coverage,
but for now, here is Brian Williams – in all of his military-revering
majesty – showing how state TV functions in the United States."