The war in Yemen: two years old and maturing?
Two years ago, on 26 March 2015, the Saudi-led coalition started
aerial attacks on Yemen, transforming a civil war into an international
conflict with the predictable result: humanitarian disaster,
intensification of the fighting, a far higher casualty toll, no exit
strategy, much nonsense in international political circles and the
Officially there are now some 40,000 human casualties, including
more than 2,500 children and 1,900 women killed directly by the strikes.
In addition thousands of women and children have died from lack of
access to medical facilities and treatment. UNICEF estimates that a
child dies every ten minutes from disease or hunger. Men also die, and
not just in the fighting.

Looking at the ruins of a building destroyed in airstrikes
in Sanaa, capital of Yemen, a day before the second anniversary of the
military intervention in Yemen, on March 25, 2017.Xinhua/Press
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