jueves, 15 de junio de 2017

In Victory for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Court Finds That Approval of Dakota Access Pipeline Violated the Law | Earthjustice

In Victory for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Court Finds That Approval of Dakota Access Pipeline Violated the Law | Earthjustice


Good news this morning: yesterday a federal Court ruled that the
permits authorizing the DAPL pipeline violated the law in certain
critical respects.

The fight is not over yet but congratulations already to all those who have been resisting for so long!

#NoDAPL #WaterIsLife #StandUpWith #WaterProtectors

 Flags fly at the Oceti Sakowin Camp in 2016, near Cannonball, North Dakota.

Flags fly at the Oceti Sakowin Camp in 2016, near Cannonball, North Dakota.

Lucas Zhao / CC BY-NC 2.0