miércoles, 14 de junio de 2017

Stop the Smear Campaign (and Genocide) Against Sunni Islam! | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Stop the Smear Campaign (and Genocide) Against Sunni Islam! | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

 KEVIN BARRETT: Wahhabis have a history of rejecting mainstream Sunni
Islamic scholarship and massacring Muslims with whom they disagree.
Originally a small, insignificant sect
of desert bandits, they were armed and funded by the British Empire, and
later the American Empire, as a weapon against mainstream Islam.
Without this imperial backing, and the oil money it brought, Wahhabism
would not even exist today. Wahhabism is best viewed as the
artificially-sustained pseudo-religious ideology of Western mercenaries
fighting against Islam and Muslims. And since almost 90% of Muslims are
Sunni, it is Sunnis who are the primary targets of this ongoing war.
Indeed, the vast majority of the victims of the kind of terrorism Zeusse
is talking about are Sunni Muslims.