lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014
BREAKING: Japan's 'research whaling' ruled illegal by International Court of Justice | Greenpeace International
BREAKING: Japan's 'research whaling' ruled illegal by International Court of Justice | Greenpeace International:
Whales everywhere will be jumping for joy today. Why? Japan's sham 'scientific whaling' programme has just been declared ILLEGAL in an international court!
UN warns of global hunger & poverty if climate criminals keep polluting. The EU needs to do its fair share #EU2030
Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability
Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability
Drafting Authors
Christopher B. Field (USA), Vicente R. Barros (Argentina), Michael D. Mastrandrea (USA),
Katharine J. Mach (USA), Mohamed A.-K. Abdrabo (Egypt), W. Neil Adger (UK), Yury A.
Anokhin (Russian Federation), Oleg A. Anisimov (Russian Federation), Douglas J. Arent (USA),
Jonathon Barnett (Australia), Virginia R. Burkett (USA), Rongshuo Cai (China), Monalisa
Chatterjee (USA/India), Stewart J. Cohen (Canada), Wolfgang Cramer (Germany/France),
Purnamita Dasgupta (India), Debra J. Davidson (Canada), Fatima Denton (Gambia), Petra Döll
(Germany), Kirstin Dow (USA), Yasuaki Hijioka (Japan), Ove Hoegh-Guldberg (Australia),
Richard G. Jones (UK), Roger N. Jones (Australia), Roger L. Kitching (Australia), R. Sari
Kovats (UK), Patricia Romero Lankao (Mexico), Joan Nymand Larsen (Iceland), Erda Lin
(China), David B. Lobell (USA), Iñigo J. Losada (Spain), Graciela O. Magrin (Argentina), José
A. Marengo (Brazil), Anil Markandya (Spain), Bruce A. McCarl (USA), Roger F. McLean
(Australia), Linda O. Mearns (USA), Guy F. Midgley (South Africa), Nobuo Mimura (Japan),
John F. Morton (UK), Isabelle Niang (Senegal), Ian R. Noble (Australia), Leonard A. Nurse
(Barbados), Karen L. O’Brien (Norway), Taikan Oki (Japan), Lennart Olsson (Sweden), Michael
Oppenheimer (USA), Jonathan T. Overpeck (USA), Joy J. Pereira (Malaysia), Elvira S.
Poloczanska (Australia), John R. Porter (Denmark), Hans-O. Pörtner (Germany), Michael J.
Prather (USA), Roger S. Pulwarty (USA), Andy R. Reisinger (New Zealand), Aromar Revi
(India), Oliver C. Ruppel (Namibia), David E. Satterthwaite (UK), Daniela N. Schmidt (UK),
Josef Settele (Germany), Kirk R. Smith (USA), Dáithí A. Stone (Canada/South Africa/USA),
Avelino G. Suarez (Cuba), Petra Tschakert (USA), Riccardo Valentini (Italy), Alicia Villamizar
(Venezuela), Rachel Warren (UK), Thomas J. Wilbanks (USA), Poh Poh Wong (Singapore),
Alistair Woodward (New Zealand), Gary W. Yohe (USA)
What we know about how biodiversity and poverty are linked: The good, the bad and the ugly | International Institute for Environment and Development
What we know about how biodiversity and poverty are linked: The good, the bad and the ugly | International Institute for Environment and Development
There is an explicit assumption in international policy statements
There is an explicit assumption in international policy statements
that conserving biodiversity can help in efforts to tackle global
poverty, writes IIED researcher Dilys Roe in a new blog --> - private
"Is conserving biodiversity inseparable from the fight against poverty?
Our review revealed a surprisingly patchy evidence base to support this
claim. This is not to say that the lack of evidence disproves the
claim, but rather that only a very small subset of biodiversity has
actually been studied."
ecological settings, such as drylands, which are home to a high
proportion of the world’s poor, are poorly studied and have become the
neglected 'ugly duckling' of biodiversity research (Photo: Marie
America, NATO and the Sino-Russian Backlash | Global Research
America, NATO and the Sino-Russian Backlash | Global Research
“One of the delightful things about America is
“One of the delightful things about America is
that they have absolutely no historical memory.” (Chinese Premier Zhou
Enlai, 1898-1976.)
More verbiage, Russia has taken a “dark path”; Vice President Joe Biden said in Poland last week that those
who rely on “aggression and fear” are bound to fail. Indeed, think
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the overthrow of a democratically elected
government in Iran, the gradual current slinking from Afghanistan after
approaching a thirteen year reign of terror; creeping from Iraq in the
dead of night after eight years of murder, decimation, torture and
infanticide, followed by enjoining the destruction of Libya and, as
Iraq, murder of the country’s leader.
British Prime Minister
David Cameron said obediently that Russia was: “in flagrant breach of
international law (sending) a chilling message across the continent of
Quite how a “flagrant breach …” is a nearly 97%
Crimean vote to cede to Russia in a referendum, against an arguably
illegitimate government in Ukraine deciding to pretty well cede to
Europe, with no referendum, in a deal which will cost every household in
Ukraine, in living standards and disposable income – the majority
already woefully stretched – in crippling IMF stringency measures on a
loan now believed to be eventually $27 Billion, is hard to fathom.
UN Report Details US Human Rights Abuses | Global Research
UN Report Details US Human Rights Abuses | Global Research
A UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) report delivered in mid-March
The report, compiled from the testimony of 18 independent experts,
The report condemned the US for failing to punish high-ranking
“The Committee notes with concern that all reported investigations
A UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) report delivered in mid-March
harshly criticized the United States, citing a laundry list of human
rights violations both on American soil and in countries around the
The report, compiled from the testimony of 18 independent experts,
detailed rampant violations by the US government of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
The report condemned the US for failing to punish high-ranking
military officers and private contractors for crimes, including torture
and targeted killings, saying that only a “meager number” of criminal
charges had been pressed, and against low-ranking personnel at that.
“The Committee notes with concern that all reported investigations
into enforced disappearances, torture and other cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment that had been committed in the context of the CIA
secret rendition, interrogation and detention programmes were closed in
2012 leading only to a meager number of criminal charges brought against
low-level operatives,” the HRC concluded.
The MEPs who became corporate lobbyists | Corporate Europe Observatory
The MEPs who became corporate lobbyists | Corporate Europe Observatory
As we approach the European elections, it's high time to remember the
As we approach the European elections, it's high time to remember the
story of the MEPs who became corporate lobbyists... Will the same story
happen again?
▶ Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, March 31 - YouTube
▶ Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, March 31 - YouTube
Today we report that poorer countries have increasingly called for
However, according to The New York Times,
Today we report that poorer countries have increasingly called for
climate aid as they face the worst impacts from the emissions of the
world's wealthiest nations. A recent U.N. report cites a World Bank
study calling on rich countries to provide climate aid of as much $100
billion per year.
However, according to The New York Times,
the $100 billion figure was removed from an executive summary of the
report to be read by the "world's top political leaders." The edit was
reportedly made at the request of "several rich countries, including the
United States."
WANTED: Pentagon Hiring ‘Elite Cyber Force’ to Protect National Security - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research
WANTED: Pentagon Hiring ‘Elite Cyber Force’ to Protect National Security - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research
WANTED: Pentagon Hiring ‘Elite Cyber Force’ to Protect National Security
WANTED: Pentagon Hiring ‘Elite Cyber Force’ to Protect National Security - private
Out of work? Good with computers? You too can be a government hacker. The Pentagon is hiring . .
Surge of refugees puts strain on Iraqi town - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Surge of refugees puts strain on Iraqi town - Middle East - Al Jazeera English:
Almost half a million Iraqis have fled their homes in the province of Anbar after a military operation against the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), a group linked to al-Qaeda.
Almost half a million Iraqis have fled their homes in the province of Anbar after a military operation against the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), a group linked to al-Qaeda.
Almost 200,000 have fled to a town north of Baghdad, where residents are already struggling to cope.
The Anbar refugees are clearly putting a strain on Samarra, which has a population of 300,000.
Al Jazeera's Imran Khan reports from Samarra.
How Much War Does Washington Want? | Minds
How Much War Does Washington Want? | Minds:
The Propaganda That the West Represents the Hope of the World is a Great Lie
I doubt that the Ukraine crisis precipitated by Washington’s
The Propaganda That the West Represents the Hope of the World is a Great Lie
“America does not at the moment have a functioning democracy.” -Former US President Jimmy Carter
I doubt that the Ukraine crisis precipitated by Washington’s
overthrow of the democratic government is over. Washington has won the
propaganda war everywhere outside of Russia and Ukraine itself. Within
Ukraine people are aware that the coup has made them worse off. The
Crimea has already separated from the US puppet government in Kiev and
rejoined Russia. Other parts of Russian Ukraine could follow.
Kiev itself where the unelected, imposed-by-Washington dictatorial
government resides, extreme right-wing Ukrainian nationalists, whose
roots go back to fighting for National Socialist Germany, are at work
intimidating public prosecutors, media editors, and the US imposed
“government” itself. There is an abundance of videos available on the
Internet, some made by the extreme nationalists themselves, that clearly
reveal the intimidation of the imposed and unelected government
installed by Washington..
In Kiev US bribes contend with naked neo-nazi force. Which will prevail?
Tectonique des droites, par Jean-Yves Camus (Le Monde diplomatique)
Tectonique des droites, par Jean-Yves Camus (Le Monde diplomatique)
Comme le souligne Martine Bulard dans l’éditorial, ce numéro de Manière de voir (1) lance avant tout un appel à l’« audace sociale et politique » afin de répondre à la montée des droites extrêmes, lesquelles « ont
Voici d’abord la haine ordinaire, raciale, religieuse ou ethnique,
Comme le souligne Martine Bulard dans l’éditorial, ce numéro de Manière de voir (1) lance avant tout un appel à l’« audace sociale et politique » afin de répondre à la montée des droites extrêmes, lesquelles « ont
en commun une conception ethniciste du peuple, une vision excluante de
la société nourrie le plus souvent d’une aversion antimusulmane ». Reprenant des articles déjà parus dans Le Monde diplomatique
ou inédits, ce recueil se divise en quatre parties proposant autant
d’angles pour une analyse du phénomène extrémiste de droite, sans
concessions ni à la bien-pensance libérale ni à la vulgate antifasciste.
Voici d’abord la haine ordinaire, raciale, religieuse ou ethnique,
marqueur des extrêmes droites traditionnelles. En filigrane d’un article
consacré à la progression en Norvège des idées qui ont conduit à la
tuerie d’Utøya en 2011, ou d’un autre consacré à la montée d’un
identitarisme juif (qui gomme jusqu’à l’idée d’une identité israélienne
plurielle), on découvre ce que Dominique Vidal nomme l’« obsession de construire une nation pure ». Ceux qui la portent peuvent être antisémites, comme le montre Corina Vasilopoulou au sujet d’Aube dorée en Grèce ;
ils sont le plus souvent hostiles à la religion musulmane. Sur ce
sujet, on lira avec attention l’article que Stefan Durand consacre à
déconstruire le « fascisme vert », cet ennemi absolu théorisé par les néoconservateurs.
Take back the power: make trade work for people and planet
All 28 member states will be going to the polls to elect their Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).

If elected as an MEP in May 2014, I will stand up for trade and
1) Remove Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS) from future investment treaties and trade deals.
Take back the power: make trade work for people and planet
On Thursday 22 May, people across Europe will be asked to vote for candidates to represent them at the European Parliament.
All 28 member states will be going to the polls to elect their Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).
This is a key time to demonstrate our opposition to trade deals which are giving more and more power to big business at the expense of people and the environment.
trade deals in the pipeline with some of the world’s poorest countries
and with the US, and companies using investment rules to challenge
government policy making, we must act now and call on MEPs to take back the power.
Email your MEP candidates now
email your European election candidates and ask them to show their
commitment to trade justice by signing our Take Back the Power pledge.
You can find out more information here.
This is the pledge we're calling on MEP candidates to sign up to:
If elected as an MEP in May 2014, I will stand up for trade and
investment rules that serve people and the environment, and promote
development objectives. I pledge to take action to bring about a
full-scale re-think of the EU’s trade and investment policy.
In order to help bring about a re-think, I will:
Write to the Trade Commissioner and President of the European Commission to urge them to commit to:
1) Remove Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS) from future investment treaties and trade deals.
Ensure that the international framework of social, labour, human and
women’s rights and standards takes precedence over corporate interests
in future trade and investment deals.
3) Ensure genuine participation and engagement of civil society organisations in future trade and investment deals.
Consider and engage with alternatives to the EU’s current approach to
trade and investment, such as those set out in the Alternative Trade
Seek to become actively involved in discussion and initiatives of
the political grouping to which my party/I belong to bring the above
issues before the European Parliament.
TTIP is called a "trade agreement", but in fact it’s a corporate power grab that will see the biggest transfer of power from people to corporations in a decade.
TTIP is called a "trade agreement", but in
fact it’s a corporate power grab that will see the biggest transfer of
power from people to corporations in a decade.
Tariffs between the EU and the US are already minimal and TTIP is rather an attempt to remove regulations and undermine basic rights to secure bigger corporate profits.
Take action: - private
- private
Bumitama's diary of destruction | Friends of the Earth Europe
Bumitama's diary of destruction | Friends of the Earth Europe:
European and US banks and pension funds must stop financing illegal palm oil and deforestation, according to Friends of the Earth Europe. New findings show that Bumitama Agri, an Indonesian palm oil company and recipient of financial support from numerous European and US financiers, continues to clear land and run an illegal palm oil plantation in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, despite commitments to stop.
European and US banks and pension funds must stop financing illegal palm oil and deforestation, according to Friends of the Earth Europe. New findings show that Bumitama Agri, an Indonesian palm oil company and recipient of financial support from numerous European and US financiers, continues to clear land and run an illegal palm oil plantation in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, despite commitments to stop.
Last year, Bumitama committed to stop clearing forests in its Ladang Sawit Mas (LSM) plantation, in response to civil society pressure and complaints from the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). Friends of the Earth Europe's 'Diary of destruction' presents satellite imagery that shows Bumitama continues to bulldoze land. Bumitama has also publicly admitted its Golden Youth (GY) plantation does not have legal permits in place – however, production is continuing, bringing illegal palm oil into the supply chain of buyers, including Wilmar International and IOI Corporation.
Bumitama's diary of destruction
a paradise lost on Vimeo
a paradise lost on Vimeo:
As environmental consciousness across the world intensifies, governments corporations and financial institutions struggle to justify the devastation being inflicted to our ecosystems.
As environmental consciousness across the world intensifies, governments corporations and financial institutions struggle to justify the devastation being inflicted to our ecosystems.
In West Kalimantan, Indonesia, a large palm oil company called Bumitama Agri is illegally destroying vast areas of rain forest including fragile Orang-utan habitat and protected forest reserves, in violation of the law, the criteria of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and their financiers’ own policies.
To see the report by Friends of the Earth, please go to to The Source Blog at by Garry Morris at
Barroso and Van Rompuy shun climate action, embrace Obama's shale gas | EurActiv
Barroso and Van Rompuy shun climate action, embrace Obama's shale gas | EurActiv:
At their EU-US summit, European leaders warmly welcomed American gas. Under the guise of promoting energy security, leaders on both sides of the Atlantic are rooting for shale gas, a fossil fuel with comparable climate impacts to coal, writes Brook Riley.
Brook Riley, Friends of the Earth Europe
« Ces gens-là sont morts, ce ne sont plus des migrants », par Jean-Marc Manach (Le Monde diplomatique)
« Ces gens-là sont morts, ce ne sont plus des migrants », par Jean-Marc Manach (Le Monde diplomatique)
Le 3 octobre 2013, un chalutier transportant cinq cent réfugiés
Le 3 octobre 2013, un chalutier transportant cinq cent réfugiés
venant pour majorité de l’Erythrée et de la Somalie tombait en panne à
deux kilomètres de l’île italienne de Lampedusa. Espérant alerter les
secours, un passager mit le feu à une couverture. Le bateau s’embrasa,
certains passagers sautèrent dans l’eau, d’autres se ruèrent sur l’un
des côtés du navire, qui se retourna. Cette tragédie, qui fit plus de
trois cent soixante morts, fut largement relayée dans les médias. Jamais
on n’avait autant parlé des risques pris – et des drame vécus – par
tous ces réfugiés qui cherchent à gagner l’Europe au péril de leur vie.
Une équipe de journalistes européens révèle aujourd’hui que plus de vingt-trois mille hommes, femmes et enfants sont « morts aux frontières » de l’Europe, depuis l’an 2000, soit plus de 50 % de plus que les estimations dont on disposait jusqu’alors.
Pendant des mois, ils ont cherché à vérifier (« fact-checker ») les deux bases de données de référence en la matière : celle d’United, qui fédère plus de cinq cent cinquante organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) européennes, et Fortress Europe, créée par un journaliste italien, Gabriele del Grande.
domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014
"Biodiversity" Story and Pictures -- National Geographic Your Shot
"Biodiversity" Story and Pictures -- National Geographic Your Shot
We asked you to find and document the life around you, and you showed us
We asked you to find and document the life around you, and you showed us
everything from a tiny frog to a coral garden. Check out the full
published story from our Biodiversity #YourShot assignment.
Gov Genome Project to Sequence DNA of All US Babies at Birth - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research
Gov Genome Project to Sequence DNA of All US Babies at Birth - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research:
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has invested $25 million into a project to identify the DNA structure of American infants entitled the 2013 Genomic Sequencing and Newborn Screening Disorders (GSNSD) research program.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has invested $25 million into a project to identify the DNA structure of American infants entitled the 2013 Genomic Sequencing and Newborn Screening Disorders (GSNSD) research program.
Funding for this project is provided by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI).
The initial concerns of the GSNSD are the ethical, legal and social implications of using infant genetic information for scientific study.
Partner of MH370 passenger acuses governments of cover up on BBC | Intellihub News
Partner of MH370 passenger acuses governments of cover up on BBC | Intellihub News
Phillip Wood is one of the 277 passengers aboard the missing
The many governments involved in this investigation are not putting
During her interview on the BBC, Sarah Bajc not only said that the
As we reported earlier this week,
During the interview Sarah Bajc also said that there is no evidence

In a BBC interview, the partner of missing
— Sarah Bajc, a 48-year-old American teacher recently appeared on BBC
News to discuss the disappearance of her partner Phillip Wood.
Phillip Wood is one of the 277 passengers aboard the missing
Malaysian flight. Sarah Bajc is among a large number of friends of
family members who don’t believe official reports that the plane crashed
and killed everyone inside.
The many governments involved in this investigation are not putting
forward any evidence to the theories that they are suggesting, and to
make matters even more confusing, the apparent evidence continues to
change by the day.
During her interview on the BBC, Sarah Bajc not only said that the
governments involved in the investigation were intentionally misleading
the world, but she also called attention to the suspicious number of
high-profile people aboard the plane, many of whom had connections with
defense contractors.
As we reported earlier this week,
there were at least 20 passengers on the plane who were “extremely
talented and valuable” employees of Freescale Semiconductor Ltd., a
Rothschild front group currently researching highly sensitive
During the interview Sarah Bajc also said that there is no evidence
that the plane crashed at all. She believes that the plane was stolen
and taken somewhere, in order to kidnap the high-profile people who were
on it.
In a BBC interview, the partner of missing
passenger says that the MH370 flight was stolen and taken to an
undisclosed location, due to the number of high-profile passengers
aboard with ties to defense contractors.
SPAIN ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT -- Video: Spanish police attack and injure seven journalists | ROAR Magazine
Video: Spanish police attack and injure seven journalists | ROAR Magazine
Riot police in Spain last night attacked and
After a demonstration in Madrid
Riot police in Spain last night attacked and
injured seven photographers for trying to cover a violent arrest. Is
policing starting to replace politics as the dominant paradigm of
government? The videos here speak for themselves.
After a demonstration in Madrid
on Saturday night, seven photographers were assaulted, beaten and
injured by police as they tried to cover an arrest.
Kapil Sibal: 'The future of India' - Talk to Al Jazeera - Al Jazeera English
Kapil Sibal: 'The future of India' - Talk to Al Jazeera - Al Jazeera English
India is the world's largest democracy. Over
So, what is at stake during this election? What needs to be improved
India is the world's largest democracy. Over
814 million eligible voters are heading to the ballot box in a general
election spread over several weeks beginning on April 7.
So, what is at stake during this election? What needs to be improved
in India? What are the main challenges facing the country? And how will
this election impact the international community? Watch Talk to Al
Police Brutality Backfires: The People Will Not Stand Idly By as Lone Man is Beaten once Subdued. | Minds
Police Brutality Backfires: The People Will Not Stand Idly By as Lone Man is Beaten once Subdued. | Minds:
The people WON'T stand for such wanton use of force and power, as these 4 officials quickly learn. After looking closely, you can see one official motion to the other who is jabbing with a blackjack to tone it down, but it's too late, the crowd has seen, and the crowd will not sit idly by as witnesses to such behavior.
Journey into an Invisible War - Al Jazeera World - Al Jazeera English
Journey into an Invisible War - Al Jazeera World - Al Jazeera English
With every square metre of territory that is taken, with every
With every square metre of territory that is taken, with every
Palestinian olive grove that is burnt down, or house that is demolished,
the land available for an independent Palestine state shrinks a little
Al Jazeera travels through the West Bank to meet Palestinians and Israeli settlers. Watch now:
CATALONIA -- ▶ Ballot boxes and weapons #letcatalansvote - YouTube
▶ Ballot boxes and weapons #letcatalansvote - YouTube:
Two thirds of the Catalan population want to vote -- in peace and democratically -- whether Catalonia should be an independent state or remain an Spanish region.
The rulying party in Spain says that ballot boxes are equivalent to violence and undemocratic #letcatalansvote #WeWantToVote
Two thirds of the Catalan population want to vote -- in peace and democratically -- whether Catalonia should be an independent state or remain an Spanish region.
This is the answer of the ruling party in Spain:
Alfonso Alonso,
Spokesperson for conservative People's Party in the Congress of Deputies (Spain):
"It doesn't matter whether they want to impose their will through violence or through ballot boxes. If it is outside the law, it is an imposition of their will and is undemocratic. It can't be done!"
Does the People's Party believe that weapons are equivalent to ballot boxes?
CATALONIA -- 9N2014: Catalonia Independance Day (3)
Barbe-Bleue, ou l’impartialité à la mode ibère
En Catalogne, le processus politique se poursuit, visant à conduire
Pour permettre à chaque citoyen de ce pays d’exprimer sa
Et l’Espagne interdit encore (et toujours) le référendum dans cette
Et le Tribunal Constitutionnel espagnol rejette (sans surprise) ce
La presse internationale a largement relayé l’information concernant
Mais qui a parlé de la demande de récusation concernant trois des
La Vanguardia (26.03.2014) relève à ce sujet que sur les sept
Passons rapidement sur Enrique Lopez … lorsqu’il fait référence à la
Attardons-nous quelque peu sur le second, Pedro Gonzalez-Trevijano.
Anne, ma sœur Anne, ne vois-tu rien venir ? Entends-tu le bruit des
En 2005, à Yecla, le président du TC, Francisco Perez de los Cobos,
Ainsi donc, pour le président du TC, que la Catalogne obtienne, à
Mais notre magistrat ne s’en tient pas là …il est également l’auteur d’un bref ouvrage sur les aphorismes, intitulé Parva memoria (Edition
Ainsi que le relève le site Lobby por la Independencia ce 26 mars,
Francisco Perez de los Cobos semble donc ne pas posséder le minimum
Barbe-Bleue, seule importe la volonté du peuple, que l’on ne peut
Si la Catalogne est une nation, ainsi que le précise le préambule de
Bluebeard or impartiality fashionable Iberian
Barbe-Bleue, ou l’impartialité à la mode ibère
En Catalogne, le processus politique se poursuit, visant à conduire
les Catalans aux urnes, le 9 novembre 2014, afin qu’ils se déterminent
librement, démocratiquement et pacifiquement sur leur futur politique.
Pour permettre à chaque citoyen de ce pays d’exprimer sa
sensibilité, la question sera double : 1. « Voulez-vous que la Catalogne
soit un Etat ? ». 2. « Si la réponse est Oui, souhaitez-vous que cet
Etat soit indépendant ? ». Les unionistes, partisans d’un Etat central
fort, répondront par la négative à la première question. Les
fédéralistes, qui souhaitent une modification de leur relation avec
l’Espagne, voteront « oui » à la première question, «non » à la seconde.
Enfin, les indépendantistes, qui désirent la création d’un nouvel Etat,
le leur, répondront par l’affirmative aux deux questions.
Mais Barbe-Bleue gronde, qui adopte les codes d’un autre temps, qui ne l’entend pas de cette oreille.
Et l’Espagne interdit encore (et toujours) le référendum dans cette
riche Catalogne, qu’elle ne souhaite pas voir sortir de son sein. Mieux
vaut sacrifier la démocratie qu’une poule aux œufs d’or.
Et le Tribunal Constitutionnel espagnol rejette (sans surprise) ce
mardi la déclaration de souveraineté faite par le Parlement catalan en
janvier 2013. Pourquoi en effet cesser maintenant de traiter la
Catalogne, nation millénaire, en vulgaire colonie à qui l’on impose
depuis des lustres une fiscalité asphyxiante ?
La presse internationale a largement relayé l’information concernant
la décision du Tribunal Constitutionnel espagnol. Même le Nouvelliste a
fait paraître une brève à ce sujet.
Mais qui a parlé de la demande de récusation concernant trois des
douze magistrats du TC, déposée par le gouvernement catalan pour cause
de manque d’impartialité et de neutralité ?
La Vanguardia (26.03.2014) relève à ce sujet que sur les sept
magistrats conservateurs du Tribunal Constitutionnel, trois sont très
proches du Partido Popular, le parti de Mariano Rajoy. Celui-là même qui
fait reculer l’Espagne de trente ans en matière de justice sociale,
avec récemment une nouvelle loi très restrictive sur l’avortement, ou
encore une nouvelle loi sur la sécurité, qui restreint très sévèrement
le droit à la manifestation. Bref, un apparent vernis de démocratie … ou
une démocratie très paternaliste, à la Poutine.
Passons rapidement sur Enrique Lopez … lorsqu’il fait référence à la
Catalogne, dans ses discours politiques, il se montre clairement
défavorable au processus souverainiste qu’elle a initié, ainsi que le
révèle El Pais le 25 mars 2014. Pour l’impartialité, et la neutralité,
il faudra les enfermer dans le cabinet de Barbe-Bleue.
Attardons-nous quelque peu sur le second, Pedro Gonzalez-Trevijano.
Il s’est exprimé notamment sur le droit de décider, que revendique la
Catalogne, en le qualifiant de « songe mégalomane », de simples « hypothèses qui ne doivent pas quitter le rêve ».
Bravo pour la neutralité, impartialité remarquable, esprit de
démocratie attesté, ainsi qu’en témoignent les propos suivants : « l’Etat de droit dispose des moyens, le cas échéant, pour les avorter ». Le plancher du cabinet de Barbe-Bleue, « tout couvert de sang caillé » n’est pas loin.
Anne, ma sœur Anne, ne vois-tu rien venir ? Entends-tu le bruit des
bottes qui battent le pavé et foulent la démocratie à leurs pieds ?
Passons au 3e, en réalité le premier d’entre eux …
En 2005, à Yecla, le président du TC, Francisco Perez de los Cobos,
lui aussi militant du Partido Popular, a prononcé un discours officiel
pour la Fête de la Constitution. Le journal El Pais (28 juillet 2013),
relève qu’un ancien député socialiste, Domingo Carpena, souligne que les
paroles employées furent très dures à l’encontre de la Catalogne et du
nationalisme. Le journal La Vanguardia (26.03.2014) nous en livre
quelques exemples : « Le vrai problème, et je crois savoir de quoi je
parle, c’est que, comme conséquence des erreurs du passé, plusieurs
générations de Catalans ont été éduqués dans le mépris, explicite ou
implicite, de la culture espagnole, et le Statut (d’autonomie catalan)
est la première manifestation de ce mépris ».
Ainsi donc, pour le président du TC, que la Catalogne obtienne, à
l’instar des autres régions d’Espagne, un statut d’autonomie, est un
signe de son mépris vis-à-vis de l’Etat central. Et une erreur politique
espagnole. Il paraît ici judicieux de souligner le fait que ledit
Statut a été démembré en 2010, à la suite d’une décision … du Tribunal
Constitutionnel espagnol. Barbe-Bleue, la clef de ton cabinet se couvre
de sang …
Mais notre magistrat ne s’en tient pas là …il est également l’auteur d’un bref ouvrage sur les aphorismes, intitulé Parva memoria (Edition
Tirant lo Blanch, juin 2006), qui attaque les Catalans, en mettant en
avant leur manque de solidarité, comme les nationalismes, et
spécialement, le nationalisme catalan. En voici quelques extraits
choisis : « l’argent est le baume à lèvres rationnel de la Catalogne », « il n’y a pas en Catalogne d’actes politiques qui s’apprécient sans une ou plusieurs manifestations d’onanisme ».
Les Catalans apprécieront ce discrédit parfaitement impartial et motivé
jeté non seulement sur leur classe politique, mais également sur les
millions de personnes qui exercent un droit de vote.
Anne, ma sœur Anne, Barbe-Bleue a « le cœur plus dur qu’un rocher ».
Ainsi que le relève le site Lobby por la Independencia ce 26 mars,
ce « haut » magistrat rédige un article pour l’ABC le 31 mars 2006, dans
lequel il définit le Statut d’autonomie catalan comme un « elixir nazionalista ». Oui, avec un Z. En référence aux nazis.
Francisco Perez de los Cobos semble donc ne pas posséder le minimum
de neutralité nécessaire à émettre un jugement sur la position prise par
le Parlement catalan, et ce d’autant plus qu’il n’a cessé de mettre
publiquement en avant sa volonté de préserver l’unité, indivisible, de
l’Espagne. Toute sécession, pour lui, est « déloyale » de nature.
Barbe-Bleue, seule importe la volonté du peuple, que l’on ne peut
asservir en invoquant le strict respect d’une Constitution, aujourd’hui
manifestement obsolète. Une Constitution qui doit servir sa population,
et non l’opprimer. Recouvre la raison, avant que n’interviennent les
frères européens, qui ne toléreront ni le viol ni le sang.
Si la Catalogne est une nation, ainsi que le précise le préambule de
son Statut d’autonomie de 2006, alors elle bénéficie d’un droit à
l’autodétermination. Et l’Espagne doit ranger ses « coutelas »,
et ses artifices juridiques plus spécieux les uns que les autres.
L’Espagne a le devoir de permettre à la Catalogne d’exercer ce droit.
L’Espagne doit aujourd’hui se positionner politiquement, et non
Anne, ma sœur Anne, ne vois-tu rien venir ? Après « le soleil qui poudroie et l’herbe qui verdoie », après « le troupeau de moutons », ne vois-tu pas le vent de la liberté qui s’en vient ?
Post Scriptum : la demande de récusation a naturellement été rejetée.
Catalogne, Indépendance
Bluebeard or impartiality fashionable Iberian
In Catalonia, the
political process continues to lead the Catalans to the polls, November
9, 2014, that they may freely determine, democratically . peacefully on
their political future
To enable every citizen of this country to
express its sensitivity, the question is twofold: 1. "Would you like
Catalonia or a state? ". 2. "If the answer is yes, do you want this
state to be independent? ". Unionists, supporters of a strong central
state, the negative answer to the first question. Federalists, who want a
change in their relationship with Spain, vote "yes" to the first
question, "no" to the second. Finally, the separatists, who want to
create a new state their own, answer yes to both questions.
But Bluebeard rumbles, which adopts the codes from another time, which does not hear it that way.
And Spain still banned (and still) the referendum in this rich
Catalonia, she did not want to see come out of it. Better to sacrifice
democracy a goose that lays golden eggs.
And the Spanish
Constitutional Court rejects (unsurprisingly) on Tuesday the declaration
of sovereignty made by the Catalan Parliament in January 2013. Why
indeed stop now treat Catalonia nation millennium vernacular colony who
are for ages imposes a suffocating taxation?
The international
press has widely reported information concerning the decision of the
Constitutional Court Spanish. Even Nouvelliste issued a brief about it.
But who spoke on the objection on three of the twelve judges of the TC,
filed by the Catalan government for lack of impartiality and neutrality
La Vanguardia (03/26/2014) notes in this regard that the seven
conservative judges of the Constitutional Court, three are very close to
the Partido Popular, Mariano Rajoy's party. The very one which delays
Spain thirty years in the field of social justice, with a new law
recently very restrictive abortion, or a new security law that severely
restricts the right to protest. In short, an apparent veneer of
democracy ... or a very paternalistic democracy, Putin.
quickly on Enrique Lopez ... when referring to Catalonia, in his
political speeches, it shows clearly unfavorable to sovereignist process
it has initiated, as revealed by El Pais March 25, 2014. For
impartiality and neutrality, they should be locked in the closet
Let us dwell a little on the second, Pedro
Gonzalez-Trevijano. He spoke in particular the right to decide that
claims Catalonia, calling him a "megalomaniac dream" simple "assumptions
that should not leave the dream." Bravo for neutrality, impartiality
remarkable spirit of democracy attested, as evidenced by the following
statement: "The rule of law has the means, where appropriate, for
abortion." The floor of the cabinet Bluebeard, "covered with clotted
blood" is not far.
Anne, sister Anne, do you see anything coming?
Do you hear the sound of boots that beat the pavement and trample
democracy at their feet?
Let 3rd, actually the first of them ...
In 2005, in Yecla, Chairman of TC, Francisco Perez de los Cobos, too
militant of the Partido Popular, gave an official speech to the
Constitution Day. The newspaper El Pais (28 July 2013), notes that
former Socialist MP, Domingo Carpena, said that the words used were very
hard against Catalonia and nationalism. The newspaper La Vanguardia
(03/26/2014) we book a few examples: "The real problem, and I understand
what I mean is that, as a result of the mistakes of the past several
generations of Catalans were educated in the contempt, expressed or
implied, of the Spanish culture, and the Statute (of Catalan autonomy)
is the first manifestation of this contempt. "
Thus, for the
Chairman of TC, that Catalonia gets to Like other regions of Spain, an
autonomous status, is a sign of contempt vis-à-vis the central
government. And a Spanish political mistake. It seems appropriate to
note here that the said Statute was dismembered in 2010, following a
decision ... the Spanish Constitutional Court. Bluebeard, the key to
your cabinet is covered with blood ...
But our judge does not stop
there ... he is also the author of a book on short aphorisms, titled
Parva memoria ( Tirant lo Blanch Edition, June 2006), attacking the
Catalans, highlighting their lack of solidarity, such as nationalism,
especially, Catalan nationalism. Here are some selected excerpts: "Money
is the lip balm rational Catalonia", "there is no political acts in
Catalonia who appreciate without one or more manifestations of onanism."
The Catalans enjoy this perfectly impartial and motivated discredit
thrown not only on their political class, but also the millions of
people that have a right to vote.
Anne, sister Anne, Bluebeard has "the heart harder than a rock. "
As noted in the Lobby website por la Independencia on 26 March," high
"judge writes an article for ABC March 31, 2006, in which he defines the
status of Catalan autonomy as a "elixir nazionalista." Yes, with a Z.
In reference to the Nazis.
Francisco Perez de los Cobos seems not
possess the minimum necessary neutrality to pass judgment on the
position taken by the Catalan Parliament, and especially did he stopped
putting forward publicly its commitment to preserve the unity,
indivisibility, Spain. Secession, for it is "unfair" nature.
Bluebeard, one matter will of the people, that can not be enslaved by
invoking the strict adherence to a constitution today clearly obsolete. A
Constitution that should serve its people, not oppress. Covers reason,
prior to intervene European brothers who will not tolerate nor rape nor
If Catalonia is a nation, as stated in the Preamble to the
Statute of Autonomy of 2006 , then it has a right to self-determination.
And Spain must keep his "cutlass", and more specious than the other
legal devices. Spain has a duty to allow Catalonia to exercise that
right. Spain must now position itself politically, not legally.
Anne, sister Anne, do you see anything coming? 'The sun is powdered and
the grass grows green "after" flock of sheep "do not you see the wind of
freedom is coming?
Post Scriptum: the objection was naturally rejected
Catalonia, Independence.
sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014
Pope Francis: Speak out to end Israel’s Targeting of Palestinian Children
Pope Francis: Speak out to end Israel’s Targeting of Palestinian Children:
In anticipation of an upcoming papal visit to the Holy Land, an Open Letter signed by more than 200 bishops, clerics, members of religious orders, and theologians from several faith traditions, was delivered to Pope Francis on March 5, 2014. Archbishop Desmond Tutu has now added his support of this letter.
Paramilitary police: Cops or soldiers? | The Economist
Paramilitary police: Cops or soldiers? | The Economist:
FROM the way police entered the house—helmeted and masked, guns drawn and shields in front, knocking down the door with a battering ram and rushing inside—you might think they were raiding a den of armed criminals. In fact they were looking for $1,000-worth of clothes and electronics allegedly bought with a stolen credit card. They found none of these things, but arrested two people in the house on unrelated charges.
FROM the way police entered the house—helmeted and masked, guns drawn and shields in front, knocking down the door with a battering ram and rushing inside—you might think they were raiding a den of armed criminals. In fact they were looking for $1,000-worth of clothes and electronics allegedly bought with a stolen credit card. They found none of these things, but arrested two people in the house on unrelated charges.
They narrowly avoided tragedy. On hearing intruders break in, the homeowner’s son, a disabled ex-serviceman, reached for his (legal) gun. Luckily, he heard the police announce themselves and holstered it; otherwise, “they probably would have shot me,” he says. His mother, Sally Prince, says she is now traumatised.
5.1 earthquake rocks Southern California: Here are 10 urgent preparedness tips for surviving a damaged city
5.1 earthquake rocks Southern California: Here are 10 urgent preparedness tips for surviving a damaged city
5.1 earthquake rocks Southern California, damaging homes and property.
5.1 earthquake rocks Southern California, damaging homes and property.
Here are 10 urgent preparedness tips for anyone living near fault lines
or earthquake zones:
The Corporation - Full Movie - YouTube
The Corporation - Full Movie - YouTube
Among the 40 interview subjects are CEOs and top-level executives from a
Among the 40 interview subjects are CEOs and top-level executives from a
range of industries: oil, pharmaceutical, computer, tire,
manufacturing, public relations, branding, advertising and undercover
marketing; in addition, a Nobel-prize winning economist, the first
management guru, a corporate spy, and a range of academics, critics,
historians and thinkers are also interviewed.
Juan Cole: Saudi King Channels John McCain, Demands Obama Take Hard Line on Iran, Syria, Muslim Brotherhood - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Juan Cole: Saudi King Channels John McCain, Demands Obama Take Hard Line on Iran, Syria, Muslim Brotherhood - Juan Cole - Truthdig
President Barack Obama met late Friday with King Abdullah b. Abd
The tensions between Saudi Arabia and the United States have come
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia a decade ago worked against Bush’s
President Barack Obama met late Friday with King Abdullah b. Abd
al-Aziz of Saudi Arabia at the latter’s desert camp, flying out from
Riyadh by helicopter.
The tensions between Saudi Arabia and the United States have come
about in part because Riyadh, after being skittish about George W.
Bush’s muscular Neoconservatism in the region, has now swung around and
adopted a set of foreign policy stances far closer to those of the
Republican Party in the US than to the Obama administration. Given that
Saudi Arabia is a deeply conservative, religious state based almost
entirely on the petroleum industry, it is no accident that it is a Red
State in American political terms.
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia a decade ago worked against Bush’s
refusal to talk to the Iranians, calling that country’s president and
foreign minister to Riyadh. But despite an Iranian overture to the
Saudis since the election of current President Hassan Rouhani, the king
and his closest advisers are against Obama’s attempt to get a deal with
Iran that would let Tehran enrich uranium to low levels for nuclear
fuel. Like the Israelis, the Saudis want the US to push Iran into
closing down its nuclear enrichment program (which Iran maintains is for
peaceful civilian energy purposes) altogether. This goal is of course
impossible to achieve without an invasion and occupation of Iran by the
US, which is not going to happen while Obama is in office.
Beyond a Doubt: Our Media War Propaganda and The Film You Almost Didn’t See | Conspiracy Wire
Beyond a Doubt: Our Media War Propaganda and The Film You Almost Didn’t See | Conspiracy Wire:
John Pilger has made twenty five documentaries, but this one did not receive a warm reception in Barrack Obama’s America.
John Pilger has made twenty five documentaries, but this one did not receive a warm reception in Barrack Obama’s America.
The makers were dis-invited from the US premiere just 48 hours before they got on a plane to Santa Fe, New Mexico. The sponsor, uber-liberal multi-millionaire, Patrick Lannan, had a flunky send them at ‘sorry for the inconvenience’ e-mail. The reason for the ban? No explanation. Here’s the letter written by John Pilger about what happened…
Managing disorder: towards a global state of control? | ROAR Magazine
Managing disorder: towards a global state of control? | ROAR Magazine
We are witnessing the emergence of a new form of "democratic"
Refusing to tackle the causes of
We are witnessing the emergence of a new form of "democratic"
authoritarianism — a globalized regime that hides behind a facade of
free markets, fair elections and the rule of law to secure the
increasing concentration of wealth and power by shrinking the public
space for democratic participation and popular dissent.
Refusing to tackle the causes of
our troubles and allow public space for dissent, the neoliberal state
is sliding inexorably towards authoritarianism.
Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370: The Trillion Dollar Question to the U.S. and Its Intelligence Services | Global Research
Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370: The Trillion Dollar Question to the U.S. and Its Intelligence Services | Global Research
Let me state from the outset that I totally
And to a mischievous and presumptuous question
The Financial Times, CNN and other foreign media
It is my hope that following the publication of
I take comfort that my reservations about the US
Let me state from the outset that I totally
agree with the press statements by Malaysia’s Defence Minister and
Acting Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein that “we have
conducted ourselves fairly, responsibly and history will judge us for
And to a mischievous and presumptuous question
from a correspondent of the Financial Times, Datuk Seri with confidence
and integrity rightly said without any fear of contradiction that, “I
don’t think we could have done anything different from what we have
already done.” Well done!
The Financial Times, CNN and other foreign media
ought to pose similar questions to the US and its intelligence services
and stop insinuating that Malaysia has not been transparent and/or
engaged in a cover-up. Foreign media should stop engaging in dirty
It is my hope that following the publication of
this article, Malaysian mass media will focus on questioning the
integrity of the US’s assistance to Malaysia in the first three weeks of
the SAR mission, notwithstanding its recent offer of more assistance.
I take comfort that my reservations about the US
and its intelligence services as well as other intelligence services
closely linked to the US, especially British secret service, have been
more than vindicated by Reuters in its news report on 28th March, 2014 entitled Geopolitical games handicap hunt for flight MH370
UN: one million displaced by S Sudan conflict - Africa - Al Jazeera English
UN: one million displaced by S Sudan conflict - Africa - Al Jazeera English:
Over one million people in South Sudan have been forced from their homes during more than three months of ongoing fighting, with conditions continuing to worsen, the UN has warned.
Over one million people in South Sudan have been forced from their homes during more than three months of ongoing fighting, with conditions continuing to worsen, the UN has warned.
"In the 100 days since the start of the conflict in South Sudan, over one million people have fled their homes," the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in a report late on Friday.
Over 800,000 are displaced inside South Sudan, while almost 255,000 have fled as refugees to neighbouring countries of Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Sudan, the report says.
Violence erupted in South Sudan on December 15 between forces loyal to President Salva Kiir and fighters loosely allied to former vice president Riek Machar.
A January ceasefire between government and rebels is in tatters with fighting ongoing.
"Fighting between government and opposition forces has continued, especially in Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile state, where towns and rural areas have been ravaged by the violence," the OCHA report added.
The conflict has caused a "serious deterioration in the food security situation" with some 3.7 million people at high risk, it read.
Over 800,000 refugees are displaced within South Sudan, with the rest fleeing to neighbouring countries [Reuters]
Products that Use Aborted Fetal Tissue: Pepsi, Kraft, Nestle and More - We Have It All
Products that Use Aborted Fetal Tissue: Pepsi, Kraft, Nestle and More - We Have It All:
Disclaimer: This is not goingt to be a very popular post. But again, I feel it is something I need to share.
Disclaimer: This is not goingt to be a very popular post. But again, I feel it is something I need to share.
Earlier in the year I read an article about how the Pepsi Company is using aborted fetal tissue in their products for flavor enhancing research.
On Feb 28th, President Obama’s Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) ruled that PepsiCo’s use of cells derived from aborted fetal remains in their research and development agreement with Senomyx to produce flavor enhancers falls under “ordinary business operations.”
Greece child abuse rises as economy falters - Features - Al Jazeera English
Greece child abuse rises as economy falters - Features - Al Jazeera English
What can be done about the growing number of abandoned and abused children in Greece?
Syrian forces take two villages near Lebanon - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Syrian forces take two villages near Lebanon - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
The fall of the villages is likely to push more rebel fighters and
The fall of the villages is likely to push more rebel fighters and
refugees over the border into Lebanon, risking further destabilisation
in the region.
The fall of the villages is likely to push more rebel fighters and refugees over the border into Lebanon [Reuters]
CATALONIA -- “Catalunya no va unir-se voluntàriament a Espanya, va ser brutalment conquerida”
“Catalunya no va unir-se voluntàriament a Espanya, va ser brutalment conquerida”
"Catalonia did not join voluntarily in Spain, was brutally conquered"
"Catalonia did not join voluntarily in Spain, was brutally conquered"
The British Barcelona excònsol replicates the FT's article in which a
PP MEP called on the EU to halt separatists. "Britain is not afraid of
democracy: it makes her. Neither Spain you should be afraid," said Cowling, who accuses Madrid have minded "colonialist"
On 18 February Cayetana Alvarez de Toledo, PP MEP and director of the
international area of the FAES, published an article in the Financial
Times in which relinks sovereignty and considered the war a step back
European construction. Geoff Cowling on Thursday, the British consul in
Barcelona between 2002 and 2005, letter to the editor published in the
same newspaper in which he responds to the article Alvarez de Toledo. In
the letter, entitled 'The very real grievances of Catalonia, "Cowling
said that the country was an independent nation until 1714 and that"
Spain did not join voluntarily, was brutally conquered. "
his article entitled 'Europe can not afford to give in to the
separatism', PP MEP said that "ours is not a European tribes but
citizens" and claimed that this fact is being attacked "by populism and
nationalism." According to Alvarez de Toledo, "two of the biggest states
and the old continent, the UK and Spain are currently facing serious
challenges by regional separatists in Scotland and Catalonia. These
challenges not only threaten their countries but also undermine the
European project. "
The MEP called on European leaders face
nationalism in terms of "moral and political" and reminded the advocates
of secession "how difficult it is to enter the Union, and how easy exit
them. " According to the leader of the FAES, European leaders must
"unmask the hypocrisy of nationalism." Alvarez de Toledo critical
responses from the EU and European governments claim that the process
Catalan "is a Spanish internal matter" and considers that these
arguments are "a mistake."
After ensuring that the "Catalan
separatism goes against the values that define a democracy as Spain and
the European Union as an achievement of civilization", and criticized
the Government "has refused to comply with court rulings that require
children receive a minimum of teaching hours in Spanish, "MEP accuses
the government of Mas" distort history to justify imaginary grievances. "
Álvarez de Toledo, the Catalan government "to deal with the law and
with it the foundations of peaceful coexistence between Spaniards."
Scotland and Catalonia, two nations
Among the many characteristics that differentiate Spain UK there is
respect for diversity. While Spain has difficulty in Catalonia see
nothing but an autonomous community born of the 1978 Constitution, the
United Kingdom no dispute that Scotland is a nation and that, therefore,
the Scots have their own identity. That is why, in his response to MEP
PP excònsol the British in Barcelona begins to remind you that "Scotland
is not a region", as defined by Álvarez de Toledo, but "a nation of own
right in the UK. " Cowling also remember that Catalonia is a nation, as
stated in the statute. The excònsol recalls that the United Nations
recognize the right to self-determination of nations. And says:
"Describe the two nations as 'tribes' denotes a colonialist mentality."
"Catalonia was, in practice, an independent nation until 1714," says
Cowling, explaining how "thousands of Catalans were killed during the
siege and subsequent repression. Former Parliament of Catalonia,
identity, language and culture were crushed. many areas of Barcelona
were demolished. Catalonia did not join voluntarily in Spain, was
brutally conquered. " The excònsol Barcelona also mentions the suffering
of the country during the Civil War and says "Lluis Companys remains
the only European president has been executed. There has been no apology
nor aborted subsequent sentence ". This leads to Cowling claimed that
these "historical facts are historical imaginary grievances."
After recalling the strength of the independence movement and consider
that he is "deeply rooted in Catalan society, each powered by disdain
coming from Madrid," Cowling concludes his letter by saying: "As is the
case in Scotland, the Parliament of Catalonia has majority in favor of a
referendum on independence. Westminster Parliament has given Scotland
the right to decide their future. however, rejects the Spanish
parliament in Madrid to discuss the demand Catalan. Britain is not
afraid of democracy : it makes her. Neither Spain you should be afraid. "
The 2008 Global Economic Crisis: How Institutionalized Fraud Widened the Gap Between Rich and Poor | Global Research
The 2008 Global Economic Crisis: How Institutionalized Fraud Widened the Gap Between Rich and Poor | Global Research
“What’s the Primary Cause of Wealth Inequality?”, Charles Hugh Smith asks. It’s financialization, which he describes as “the
Wealth inequalities have been rising since the early 80’s, when
Meanwhile: “The top 1 percent of Americans raked in 95 cents out of
“What’s the Primary Cause of Wealth Inequality?”, Charles Hugh Smith asks. It’s financialization, which he describes as “the
mass commodification of debt and debt-based financial instruments
collaterized by previously low-risk assets, a pyramiding of risk and
speculative gains that is only possible in a massive expansion of
low-cost credit and leverage”.
Wealth inequalities have been rising since the early 80’s, when
financialisation began. Unlike the aftermath of the Great Depression of
1929, in which the bottom 90% saw their incomes rise, the 2008 economic
crisis brought lower revenues for the same group, Smith writes.
Meanwhile: “The top 1 percent of Americans raked in 95 cents out of
every dollar of increased income from 2009, when the Great Recession
officially ended, through 2012. Almost a third of the entire national
increase went to just 16,000 households, the top 1 percent of the top 1
viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014
The US-EU Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA). Devastating Social and Environmental Consequences | Global Research
The US-EU Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA). Devastating Social and Environmental Consequences | Global Research
The Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) between the US and EU aims to ‘protect’ investment and remove ‘unnecessary regulatory barriers’. Corporate
There is growing concern that the negotiations could result in the opening of the floodgates for GMOs and shale gas (fracking) in Europe,
Even the leaders of the US Senate Finance Committee, in a letter to
The Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) between the US and EU aims to ‘protect’ investment and remove ‘unnecessary regulatory barriers’. Corporate
interests are driving the agenda, the public have been sidelined and
unaccountable, pro-free-trade bureaucrats are facilitating the strategy
There is growing concern that the negotiations could result in the opening of the floodgates for GMOs and shale gas (fracking) in Europe,
the threatening of digital and labour rights and the empowering of
corporations to legally challenge a wide range of regulations which they
of the key aspects of the negotiations is that both the EU and US
should recognise their respective rules and regulations, which in
practice could reduce regulation to the lowest common denominator. The
official language talks of ‘mutual recognition’ of standards or
so-called reduction of non-tariff barriers. For the EU, that could mean
accepting US standards in many areas, including food and agriculture,
which are lower than the EU’s.
Even the leaders of the US Senate Finance Committee, in a letter to
U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, made it clear that any agreement
must reduce EU restrictions on genetically modified crops, chlorinated
chickens and hormone-treated beef.
lobby group Food and Drink Europe, representing the largest food
companies (Unilever, Kraft, Nestlé, etc.), has welcomed the
negotiations, with one of their key demands being the facilitation of
the low level presence of unapproved GM crops.
Payments for ecosystem services: We can't leave people out of the equation | International Institute for Environment and Development
Payments for ecosystem services: We can't leave people out of the equation | International Institute for Environment and Development:
The event gathered IIED partners from as far as Costa Rica, Uganda, Indonesia and Mexico, to share lessons about how to make payments for ecosystem services (PES) schemes fairer and more inclusive for small scale farmers and local communities.
The event gathered IIED partners from as far as Costa Rica, Uganda, Indonesia and Mexico, to share lessons about how to make payments for ecosystem services (PES) schemes fairer and more inclusive for small scale farmers and local communities.
It was a showcase for both long standing and newer schemes, highlighting the enormous diversity of contexts in which they operate – from different ways of including local people in their design and planning, to ways of understanding payment preferences.
Different funding models and ways of securing adequate finance for these schemes also featured in the day's discussions. But it wasn't all theory, and tips from several participants, including the Swedish carbon company U&WE brought insights on promoting private sector participation.
Costa Rica's Peñas Blancas Reservoir is the focus of work involving payments for ecosystem services (Photo: Dr Ina Porras)
Beware Venezuela’s false ‘anarchists’: unmasking El Libertario | ROAR Magazine
Beware Venezuela’s false ‘anarchists’: unmasking El Libertario | ROAR Magazine
George Ciccariello-Maher: "Not everyone who calls themselves anarchists
Not everyone who calls
George Ciccariello-Maher: "Not everyone who calls themselves anarchists
are worthy of the name. Especially in Latin America, moreover, we must
be attentive to the thousands engaged in revolutionary anti-state
activity that don’t even call themselves “anarchists”. To support
middle-class liberals like El Libertario is to be against the
revolution, against concrete popular struggles of the Venezuelan poor,
and even against anarchism itself."
Not everyone who calls
themselves anarchists are worthy of the name. Before expressing our
solidarity, we should be clear who it is we are supporting.
NATO’s Plans for False Flag Attack on Turkey? | Global Research
NATO’s Plans for False Flag Attack on Turkey? | Global Research:
It has been revealed that NATO has been planning a false flag attack against Turkey to justify the Turkish invasion of northern Syria, the International Business Times reported in its article, “Turkey YouTube Ban: Full Transcript of Leaked Syria ‘War’ Conversation Between Erdogan Officials.”

While the West obsesses solely on Turkey’s ban of Twitter and Facebook
in what it claims are attempts to “cover up corruption,” in reality,
leaks from the top of Turkish leadership revealed NATO’s ongoing plans
to carry out a false flag attack to trigger a destructive, premeditated
war with neighboring Syria – in what appears to be one final, desperate
gambit to steal victory in the West’s proxy war against Damascus. (photo
by Reuters)
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
Stand up and holler! When patients complain of
Stand up and holler! When patients complain of
vaccine adverse reactions, studies show that doctors are highly likely
to dismiss them. Thus, over 90% of vaccine injuries and reactions go
unreported. If vaccines worked so well we should be the
last in world statistics for child mortality with our some 36 scheduled
childhood vaccines. In 2012 we-the-people plunged to number 49 in the
world (we used to number 34 just 3 years ago) for infant mortality. We
have more under-5 child deaths in the USA than such countries as the
Czech Republic, South Korea, Croatia, Guam, Hungary, Cuba, Taiwan and 42
other countries. We are losing ground fast peeps…~ via Craig
Stellpflug, NDC - private - private
#childmortality #childdeath #deathstatistics #mortalitystatistics #vaccinesideeffects #vaccinedeaths #sids #vaccineadverseevents #vaers
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