America, NATO and the Sino-Russian Backlash | Global Research
America, NATO and the Sino-Russian Backlash | Global Research
“One of the delightful things about America is
that they have absolutely no historical memory.” (Chinese Premier Zhou
Enlai, 1898-1976.)
More verbiage, Russia has taken a “dark path”; Vice President Joe Biden said in Poland last week that those
who rely on “aggression and fear” are bound to fail. Indeed, think
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the overthrow of a democratically elected
government in Iran, the gradual current slinking from Afghanistan after
approaching a thirteen year reign of terror; creeping from Iraq in the
dead of night after eight years of murder, decimation, torture and
infanticide, followed by enjoining the destruction of Libya and, as
Iraq, murder of the country’s leader.
British Prime Minister
David Cameron said obediently that Russia was: “in flagrant breach of
international law (sending) a chilling message across the continent of
Quite how a “flagrant breach …” is a nearly 97%
Crimean vote to cede to Russia in a referendum, against an arguably
illegitimate government in Ukraine deciding to pretty well cede to
Europe, with no referendum, in a deal which will cost every household in
Ukraine, in living standards and disposable income – the majority
already woefully stretched – in crippling IMF stringency measures on a
loan now believed to be eventually $27 Billion, is hard to fathom.