viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Beware Venezuela’s false ‘anarchists’: unmasking El Libertario | ROAR Magazine

Beware Venezuela’s false ‘anarchists’: unmasking El Libertario | ROAR Magazine

 George Ciccariello-Maher: "Not everyone who calls themselves anarchists
are worthy of the name. Especially in Latin America, moreover, we must
be attentive to the thousands engaged in revolutionary anti-state
activity that don’t even call themselves “anarchists”. To support
middle-class liberals like El Libertario is to be against the
revolution, against concrete popular struggles of the Venezuelan poor,
and even against anarchism itself."

 Post image for Beware Venezuela’s false ‘anarchists’: unmasking El Libertario

Not everyone who calls
themselves anarchists are worthy of the name. Before expressing our
solidarity, we should be clear who it is we are supporting.