Thanks to Wikileaks have been known original documents on the three "treaties" that make "The Trinity" for the new neoliberal world order. These "treaties" are being "groomed in secret" by "lobbyists" of the financial elites and the international Zionist war industry with particular instances of government of the countries involved.
They make clear the new strategy to halt the collapse of the neo-liberal order still hegemonizes United States, granting sovereignty to transnational "de facto" of national states and the power of decision in all areas of economic, social, political and ideological; research, science, technology and culture.
And dying, the World Trade Organization (WTO), they Industrial-financial elites, who gave birth, now hurry his death. This would be the new miracle to be proposed to achieve the "Treaties" in the very great "Trinity": The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement or Trans-Pacific Partnership (in Spanish); the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) or Transatlantic Partnership on Trade and Investment; Agreement on Trade in Services (TISA), or the Agreement on Trade in Services.
Here I do not intend to disclose any discovery but some of the implications of this new strategy of aggression to the world by big transnational banking, industry, trade, services and military engineering.