Processed grains, white bread, pasta cause huge blood sugar spikes linked to depression -
Processed grains, white bread, pasta cause huge blood sugar spikes linked to depression -
Processed grains, white bread, pasta cause huge blood sugar spikes linked to depression
(NaturalNews) A diet high in processed grains such as white bread, white
flour and sugar could increase the risk of depression in older women,
according to a study conducted by researchers from Columbia University
that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In contrast, a diet high in whole grains and vegetables decreases the risk.
three percent of people in the United Kingdom suffer from depression.
In the United States, the proportion of people over the age of 12
suffering from depression is eight percent.
The National
Institute of Mental Health characterizes the main symptoms of depression
as persistent feelings of anxiety, emptiness, guilt, helplessness,
sadness, worthlessness, irritability, fatigue or restlessness;
difficulty concentrating; changes in sleep patterns; and suicidal