martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

3 Means of Waging Personal Financial Revolution Against the Banksters : Waking Times

3 Means of Waging Personal Financial Revolution Against the Banksters : Waking Times

3 Means of Waging Personal Financial Revolution Against the Banksters

The world is enslaved to an economic system designed to create
tremendous power and wealth for those who own the system, while forcing
the rest of us into mathematically insurmountable debt and the
stagnation, austerity and poverty that comes with it.

Corrupt and patently unsustainable, the world’s currencies and
financial markets are rigged, and an economic collapse is inevitable at
some point. Sad but true, and the ongoing dramatic narrative of the
interplay between engineered boom and engineered bust is a chief
psychological tool in sustaining the popular belief that this monetary reality as the only monetary reality possible. The truth, however, is that as long as this economic reality is the reality then we will be slaves to debt economics, and the pursuit of endless growth is certain to consume everything on the planet.

The good news is that the task of migrating an entire civilization
from one economic system to another is so enormous that as individuals
we don’t have to feel encumbered by the pressure of having to come up
with the one and only solution to save all of human civilization.
We can instead be empowered by the knowledge that any meaningful
adjustment we make in our personal lives is a contribution to the future
realization of a greater shift for the better, sometime in the future.
Our role is merely to be the trim tabs, and when enough momentum builds,
watch the ship change its course.

 Dollar Bill Chaos-1