viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

CATALONIA -- The Catalan business sector loses its fear | VilaWeb

The Catalan business sector loses its fear | VilaWeb

The Catalan business sector loses its fear

Thirteen chambers of commerce and seventeen employers’
associations show 'unconditional support' for the independence process 


The Catalan business sector this morning met in the La
Pedrera building in Barcelona to give ‘unconditional support to the
process started by our parliament’, to accept whatever might be the
result of the 27-S elections and to say that they would adapt to any
changes after this date. Thirteen chambers of commerce and seventeen
employers’ associations (not Public Works) backed the signing of the
document known as the Manifest del Far
(Lighthouse Manifesto), demonstrating that the sector has now lost its
fear of the political process. Quite the opposite; it is firmer than
ever. The event left the people standing on the ground floor of the Casa

Led by the journalist Pepe Antich, the act lasted almost
two hours and was divided into two parts. In the first, three renowned
university teachers, Joan B. Casas, Jordi Galí and Miquel Puig, gave
three academic views of the Catalan economy. A fourth teacher, Xavier
Sala-i-Martín, chose to give a brilliant biblical explanation of David
(the Catalans) and Goliath (the Spanish State), saying that neither the
supposed Goliaths are so strong, nor the supposed Davids are so weak.

Business solidity

In the second part, the four representatives of the
businesspeople talked more directly than ever:
Domènec Espadalé, vice-president of the Council of Chambers of Commerce
of Catalonia; Ramon Carbonell, president of FemCat; Josep González,
president of Pimec; and Antoni Abad, president of Cecot.

The State to blame for the lack of dialogue

Domènec Espadalé, on behalf of the chambers of Catalonia,
pointed his finger at the State for the lack of dialogue. ‘In the face
of many opinions, the main question is not whether a Catalonia with its
own state would or would not be economically viable, this was shown
empirically a few minutes ago. The question is whether the opportunities
derived from the change of status would compensate the risks. The
answer depends on two factors: firstly, to what extent the new state
would serve to give a more effective integration of the Catalan economy
in the present world economy in comparison with the present situation.
From our perspective, a Catalonia with its own state is only conceivable
within the framework of the EU.

On how the process towards the new state is being managed,
the chambers defended discussion with the State as the best way to
exercise the Catalan people’s right to decide. But we understand that
both sides have to show their will for there to be discussion, and it
must be recognised that the State has not shown this will, at least for
the moment’.

Risk, what risk?

Ramon Carbonell, president of the Fem Cat business
association, said, ‘The decision of the people of Catalonia not only has
to be respected because it is rigour in democracy, but also because it
is not necessarily associated with any economic or business risk in
either sense.’

‘Those who respect the law know that nothing is permanent except for change’

Antoni Abad, president of the Cecot association
says, ‘Democracy causes no concern for businesspeople, but we are
concerned by intolerance and ignorance, and especially the abuse of
ignorance, in other words, the fact of insulting people’s intelligence. I
want to thank the teachers for being here because they give us
information, not like those who bring pollution and rubbish. And we are
very concerned that Spain has not entered into dialogue since the
transition. Lack of dialogue causes tension and harms the operation of
the economy.

But for decades, businesspeople in Catalonia have been
considering the need for and the positive challenge of having a country
that is internationally accepted, and we have summed up this idea with
expressions such as, ‘We either change the country or change country’.
In other words, we either refound or found. And it must be said that
what is causing tension and maximum concern today are the certainties we
see appearing; the potential concerns for overcoming the uncertainties
of the present situation and all of its limitations are exciting as a
chance to create a country from scratch; a competitive,
business-oriented country with social cohesion.

Those who respect the law know that nothing is permanent
except for change, immobilism from the more moderate profiles is
exasperating,’ he concluded.

‘Fewer fears and more facts’

The always moderate Josep González, president of the Pimec
(Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Association of Catalonia), said, ‘We
call for seriousness in this process, and for all agents to make it
easy. And we avoid the apocalyptic declarations that invade us and do
not help to develop the normal activity of democracy. We want peaceful
elections. We do not understand so many fears and so much interference.
We reject the senseless comparisons we have heard in recent days and we
do not understand how some entities dare to tell the entrepreneurs what
they have to do or what they should say to their workers. Or when
political figures make certain political comparisons.

We need more ideas, more generosity from everyone,
imagination, proposals for solving the problems. Fewer fears, more
facts. We need the coming governments to govern and to do so in the
interest of the majority with responsibility and transparency,’ said
