martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

CATALONIA -- Catalan News Agency - Party review: Anti-Catalan nationalism Ciutadans will do “everything in their hands” to avoid independence

Catalan News Agency - Party review: Anti-Catalan nationalism Ciutadans will do “everything in their hands” to avoid independence

Party review: Anti-Catalan nationalism Ciutadans will do “everything in their hands” to avoid independence

CNA / Sara Prim

Barcelona (CNA).- According to candidate Inés Arrimadas,
anti-Catalan nationalism party Ciutadans “is the alternative to both the
stagnant and pro-independence parties”. Founded in 2006, Ciutadans
(C’s) soon found their place in the Catalan political scene and their
support amongst the voters has grown exponentially since then. At
present, they have 9 of the 135 seats which compose the Catalan
Parliament and most of the polls forecast that they will be the second
force in the upcoming 27-S elections. They define themselves as the only
party which understands the real problems of the citizens and which
will effectively work to reform Spain. Their position regarding
Catalonia’s independence is clear: “I’ll do everything in my hands to
avoid Catalonia’s independence” assured Arrimadas at a press conference
held this Tuesday at CNA headquarters. 

“We are the only alternative to a government ruled by President Mas”
stated Arrimadas “and the only guarantee to avoid a ‘corralito’ and
exit from the EU”. Anti-Catalan nationalism Ciutadans’ candidate to run
for Catalan President stated that she will do everything in her hands
“to avoid Catalonia’s independence”. “Breaking Spain apart doesn’t come
without consequences” she warned “it means being outside of the EU and
of European Central Bank protection. There is nothing else to talk
about”. Arrimadas assured that Ciutadans is the reformist party, the
party of “sensible proposals and democratic regeneration”. “We don’t
have a magic wand and we don’t say that independence will be the
solution to all of our problems” she emphasised “but we call for reform
of the Spanish Constitution and the improving of our citizens’ lives;
all of them, the Catalans but also the Spanish”. She highlighted that no
one has doubts about Ciutadans’ roadmap. “People know what we want to
do; on the day after the elections and in two years’ time. Here and in
Spain. And always within the law” she stated.

“Everthing” to avoid Catalonia’s independence

“I’ll do everything in my hands to avoid Catalonia’s independence”
stated Arrimadas. When asked about Ciutadans’ reaction in the event of a
pro-independence forces victory on the 27-S, she assured that they
“work harder every day” to avoid such a situation. “The conservative
People’s Party (PP) does think about the reactions to this, because they
know they won’t win the elections. We don’t think about our reaction
because we want to beat the pro-independence forces. We want to win” she
stated. “We are very close” she emphasised, referring to the second
position in the elections that the majority of the polls forecast. “We
don’t want a confrontation with Spain, we don’t want a Unilateral
Declaration of Independence and we don’t want to be banned from the EU”
she stated. “Spain has all the mechanisms to stop” a declaration of
independence “just like all democratic countries have”. Referring to the
‘campaign of fear’ that pro-independence parties have accused the
banking and other sectors of carrying out, Arrimadas stated that “the
campaign of fear is carried out by those who want to leave Spain and the

Independence is not the solution

Arrimadas also accused pro-independence parties of confusing
“political problems with citizens’ problems”. “Independence is not what
our citizens are worried about” she emphasised “the problem is that many
parties have told them that Catalonia’s independence is the solution to
all their problems”. She assured that Ciutadans is “a party of
services, not of institutions” and defended their proposals to reform
Spain and make a better “Catalonia within a better Spain”.

Constitutional Reform

Ciutadans’ proposal is to reform Spain’s Constitution in order to
“improve the funding of all the Autonomous Communities”. Arrimadas
assured that this means “more autonomy for Catalonia” as there will be
“more tools” at its disposal. However, she said that it won’t be
possible with a PP absolute majority in the government of Spain to have a
better agreement. “The PP has shown no interest in improving the
funding in the last 4 years”. “We have to wait and see what happens in
the upcoming Spanish elections”. In fact, Ciutadans is running this time
for the first time in the Spanish elections and they highlight that
their proposals “are clear to everybody”. “We don’t change our proposals
because we want the same in Catalonia as in the whole of Spain: a
better life for our citizens”.

Arrimadas also proposes a reform of the Spanish Senate, which she
defined as “a useless institution” and defended the simplification of
the levels of the Administration “in order to avoid overlapping of
competences and extra costs for the citizens”.
