jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

Emails show how Clinton fundraiser-turned-lobbyist used connections for clients | OpenSecrets Blog

Emails show how Clinton fundraiser-turned-lobbyist used connections for clients | OpenSecrets Blog

 Recently reviewed emails from Hillary Clinton's personal account detail
the relationship her office had with a former
fundraiser-turned-lobbyist, Jonathan Mantz. While lobbying the state
department, many of Mantz' clients gave generously to the Clinton
Foundation. As one government ethics expert described: "It’s almost
like [Mantz] gets credit for getting his client to cough up $250,000."
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U.S. pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo, built with contributions from corporations, including a Mantz client. (Flickr/Marc van der Chijs)
U.S. pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo, built with contributions from corporations, including a Mantz client. (Flickr/Marc van der Chijs)