High-Speed Scripted ISIS Show Morphs Into Awkward Potential WW3 Trigger Scenario
Anyone who has made a conscious decision to get their news and
information from any source other than CIA’s mainstream media knows by
now that the ISIS “official story” is a complete fabrication with no
resemblance to the reality of the situation. It’s a surreal tale rolled
into the spotlight and thus into the minds of Americans around the
spring 2014. A psyop that really took off a few months later with the
James Foley, now famously staged green-screen fake beheading video and a
psyop that has not looked back since.
By the end of 2014 many of us started wondering how this high-speed
ISIS psyop show might end given the speed at which it was moving. Back
then, as soon as alternative media and independent investigators
uncovered one thing about ISIS another psyop was being put out. At times
it seemed like no one could keep up with the staged stories. Throughout
human history it’s hard to imagine a faster moving PR campaign where
the organization went from completely unknown to the most talked about
entity possibly in media history, all of it almost overnight.