India Unveils The World’s First 100% Solar Powered Airport
An airport in Kerala, India will become the first in the world to be completely powered by a 12-megawatt (MW) solar power plant.
India is introducing massive reform to tackle its air pollution problem and has begun by making a major solar power investment. As Mother Earth News reports, Cochin, a city in the South Indian state of Kerala, recently announced that its international airport will run completely on solar power from 46,150 panels laid across 45 acres.After having six of its cities make the top 10 list of places with the worst air pollution,
the country is seeking to ‘go green’ and remediate the issue. At
present, India has committed to building 100-gigawatts (GW) of solar by 2022 and will also be making its airports a lot greener.
The airport in Kerala will become the first in the world to be completely powered by a 12-megawatt (MW) solar power plant.
In addition, the country’s Airport Authority plans to add another 50 MW of solar at various airports, with an ultimate goal of raising that number to 150 MW.