Merck Mumps Vaccines Are a Total Fraud: Company Can Only Provide the Courts with Efficacy Data from 50 Years Ago
A pair of former Big Pharma scientists have accused their former
employer, Merck & Co., of falsifying tests of an exclusive mumps
vaccine in recently filed court papers, charges they say the
pharmaceutical giant has yet to answer.
Lawyers at Constantine Cannon, the firm representing the scientists,
have asked U.S. Magistrate Judge Lynne Sitarski of the Eastern District
of Pennsylvania to force the company to respond to their request for
discovery, which seeks to compel the company to provide efficacy data
regarding the vaccine in the form of a percentage.
But, as Reuters reports, rather than answer the question, the letter
said, Merck has instead been evasive, using “cut-and-paste” stock
answers and claiming that the company cannot run new clinical trials to
determine current efficacy. Rather, Merck has only provided data that is
five decades old.
“Merck should not be permitted to raise as one of its principal
defenses that its vaccine has a high efficacy, which is accurately
represented on the product’s label, but then refuse to answer what it
claims that efficacy actually is,” the court letter said.