martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

On BBC’s Credibility Seppuku | New Eastern Outlook

On BBC’s Credibility Seppuku | New Eastern Outlook

On BBC’s Credibility Seppuku
Nasty, that’s the tone of western media
these days, and BBC is the nastiest of all. Type into Google or Yandex
the term Vladimir Putin, and you’ll quickly be able to discern this. If
the Russian president is not vilified over mythical invasions, or an
invisible coup d’etat at the Kremlin, then he’s damned over opening a
wine bottle. You read that correctly, Putin’s latest damnable act is
sharing a bottle of wine. It’s clear something at BBC has gone utterly
and finally wrong. Here’s further evidence the dastardly bias toward
Russia and others is a form of self mutilation.

In the last two years BBC has been
utterly transformed. The once trusted news source has been flipped on
its ear in order to become a state brainwashing machine now. Evidence of
this first appeared when the Sochi Olympics took place in 2014. This
was just before Ukraine exploded, by the way. BBC,
along with nearly every other western media entity, relentlessly hammer
Putin, Sochi, and Russians over mostly a pack of lies. Gay torture,
stray dogs that bite, the Russian mafia, a corrupt Olympic games, and
the possibility of Islamic militant attack, it was a shameful display of
British propaganda spit out to the waiting world. And it has never

The “news flash”
that spurred my story here galvanizes the fact of BBC bias. “Putin and
Berlusconi in Crimea wine row,” is a “row” created by the people who run
the BBC and other western media. The former PM of Italy, a good friend
of Putin, he cannot even get a drink of vintage wine without the Kiev
junta loosing their minds over it. The Kiev government that has killed
as many as 50,000 of its own countrymen, it wants to sue the head of
Crimea’s renowned Massandra winery over Silvio Berlusconi tasting a
bottle of vintage wine from the region. I’ll let this sink in for a

Posted early in the morning on September
19th, the wine disaster BBC chose to inform all Britain of shares the
Europe front page with Greece’s Tsipras getting bashed some more, Bald
ibis chicks sent to Spain, the USSR’s worry about women in space, and
naturally a ton of refugee news. What’s the overriding message form BBC?
Agenda, that’s what. BBC, to the Washington Post, mainstream media
wants to beat Europe over the head to adopt asylum seekers, while
beating Russia and China over the head for lesser crimes and
misdemeanors. But at the bottom of the corporate media pond, the
investment scum certifies the real betting game – CNBC reports:
“Grim day in Europe; Dax falls 3% near bear territory.” So unless there
is big money involved, or an opportunity to Putin or Russia bash, BBC
just lays off normal news from places like the Donbass, Gaza, Libya, or
even Yemen where somebody dies from shrapnel wounds about ever 30
First appeared:
