Washington Has Now Lost the Middle East
It’s not at all surprising
except in how fast it’s going. Within the space of little more than a
decade, since the ill-fated Bush Administration decision to invade and
occupy Afghanistan then Iraq in March 2003, the United States of America
has managed to lose strategic influence and allies across the entire
Middle East. Not only the Shi’ite Iranians, whom President Obama
believes are now beholden to Washington, but also for the first time
Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab states and Egypt are in the process of
finding new allies or cooperation partners, and they are in the east, no
longer the west.
On September 11, 1990 in an address to a
Joint Session of Congress then President George Herbert Walker Bush
triumphantly spoke of the United States as sole superpower, creating
what he termed the New World Order. The Soviet Union had just dissolved
in a chaos. Under the Bush and later Clinton presidencies, right up
until the present day, Washington policy has been to go further and to
devalue, destroy, deconstruct and dismember the Russian Federation, much
as they did with Qaddafi’s Libya after Hillary Clinton’s 2011 war
Joint Session of Congress then President George Herbert Walker Bush
triumphantly spoke of the United States as sole superpower, creating
what he termed the New World Order. The Soviet Union had just dissolved
in a chaos. Under the Bush and later Clinton presidencies, right up
until the present day, Washington policy has been to go further and to
devalue, destroy, deconstruct and dismember the Russian Federation, much
as they did with Qaddafi’s Libya after Hillary Clinton’s 2011 war
During the 1990s President Bill Clinton
supported introduction of US-financed economic “shock therapy,” with
heavy support from billionaire financial wheeler-dealer friend, George
Soros, and Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Soros personally brought
Harvard boys like Jeffrey Sachs to Russia after they had devastated
Poland, Ukraine and other former communist states in eastern Europe. The
corrupt Yeltsin regime, busy swilling vodka and lining their pockets
with dollars, cared not about their fellow Russian countrymen.
supported introduction of US-financed economic “shock therapy,” with
heavy support from billionaire financial wheeler-dealer friend, George
Soros, and Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Soros personally brought
Harvard boys like Jeffrey Sachs to Russia after they had devastated
Poland, Ukraine and other former communist states in eastern Europe. The
corrupt Yeltsin regime, busy swilling vodka and lining their pockets
with dollars, cared not about their fellow Russian countrymen.
Times have indeed changed for Washington
since those days after 1990. Today the Sole Superpower, the
Unchallengeable Hegemon, is challenged as never before, mired in its
worst economic depression since the 1930’s. The government has a federal
debt more than 103% of GDP. Real unemployment, not the phoney Labor
Department definition, stands today above 22%. The Federal Reserve is
eight years into the worst financial crisis in history, unable to raise
interest rates above zero percent.
since those days after 1990. Today the Sole Superpower, the
Unchallengeable Hegemon, is challenged as never before, mired in its
worst economic depression since the 1930’s. The government has a federal
debt more than 103% of GDP. Real unemployment, not the phoney Labor
Department definition, stands today above 22%. The Federal Reserve is
eight years into the worst financial crisis in history, unable to raise
interest rates above zero percent.
And now, the strategic fulcrum of global
US power projection since 1945, control of the energy flows of the
Middle East, is vanishing like cotton candy in the winds.
First appeared: http://journal-neo.org/2015/09/22/washington-has-now-lost-the-middle-east/
US power projection since 1945, control of the energy flows of the
Middle East, is vanishing like cotton candy in the winds.
First appeared: http://journal-neo.org/2015/09/22/washington-has-now-lost-the-middle-east/