Will US Grasp Putin’s Syria Lifeline?
The neocons’ obsession with “regime change” in Syria is driving another
one of Official Washington’s “group thinks” toward rejecting Russia’s
offer to help stabilize the war-torn country and stem the destabilizing
flood of refugees into Europe, writes Robert Parry.
By Robert Parry
President Vladimir Putin has thrown U.S. policymakers what amounts to a
lifeline to pull them out of the quicksand that is the Syrian war, but
Official Washington’s neocons and the mainstream U.S. news media
are growling about Putin’s audacity and challenging his motives.
For instance, The New York Times’ lead editorial
on Monday accused Putin of “dangerously building up Russia’s military
presence” in Syria, even though Putin’s stated goal is to help crush the
Sunni jihadists in the Islamic State and other extremist movements.