viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

ISIS, PNAC Plans In Deep Trouble - U.S., Israel To The Rescue With New Wave of Propaganda

ISIS, PNAC Plans In Deep Trouble - U.S., Israel To The Rescue With New Wave of Propaganda

ISIS, PNAC Plans In Deep Trouble – U.S., Israel To The Rescue With New Wave of Propaganda

 By Bernie Suarez

In case anyone is not paying full attention to the events in Syria
you may want to pay close attention now, our future may depend on it.
Many truth seekers are aware that Russia recently grabbed the bull by
the horns and took firm, real action
against ISIS by starting definitive bombing campaigns and coalescing
the aid of other nations that want to see the end of the ISIS psyop. 
ISIS of course is the globalists proxy army/terror group which the U.S.
and Israel need to have succeed in order for their Middle East and
ultimately their new world order plans to continue marching forward.

This clear-cut aggressive action against the ISIS globalist terror
group is dealing a direct blow to the Neocon’s and Zionist’s Project for
the New American Century (PNAC) pre-9/11 strategy for takeover of the
Middle East and the world. Let’s be clear, ISIS or the Islamic State has
been exposed over and over again as a creation of the West since the
CIA’s mainstream media started pushing this particularly annoying
ongoing super psyop on the world in 2014. Over the past year, over and
over again we’ve seen the reports, admissions, videos and documents
proving that ISIS is a tool for the new world order.
