viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

Regulators’ War on Americans: FDA Covers Up Crimes for Big Pharma; EPA for Chemical Companies; USDA for Biotech; and CDC for Vaccine Industry | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Regulators’ War on Americans: FDA Covers Up Crimes for Big Pharma; EPA for Chemical Companies; USDA for Biotech; and CDC for Vaccine Industry | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Regulators’ War on Americans: FDA Covers Up
Crimes for Big Pharma; EPA for Chemical Companies; USDA for Biotech; and
CDC for Vaccine Industry

Once upon a time, federal regulatory agencies charged with
approving fully tested and verified safe products for the U.S. market
and pulling those that were found to be dangerous or cause sickness made
decisions based on the best interests of the public. But sadly, those
days are gone – long gone – and it’s hard to imagine that we will ever
see integrity reintroduced into our country’s regulatory process.

Today, regulatory decisions are too often based on the wants, needs
and desires of large mega-corporations – firms whose top officials serve
on government panels with obvious conflicts of interest, firms that
provide billions a year in financial “contributions” to politicians from
both major parties (and the president), and firms that the government
allows to hide or override scientific findings indicating that their
products either don’t perform as advertised or are harming the public
with dangerous side effects.

Some of the most offensive and subjugated U.S. agencies are the Food
and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, the
Department of Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control (the
latter is not really a federal bureaucracy, but the CDC is looked upon
by the mainstream scientific community and the federal government as a
Christian would look upon the Bible – the final word on all matters).
