Troops who sought strike thought Taliban had hospital
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Army Green Berets who requested the Oct. 3
airstrike on the Doctors without Borders trauma center in Afghanistan
were aware it was a functioning hospital but believed it was under
Taliban control, The Associated Press has learned.
The new information adds to a body of evidence that the
internationally run medical facility site was familiar to the U.S.
military, raising questions about whether the decision to attack it
violated international law.
A day before an American AC-130 gunship attacked the hospital, a
senior officer in the Green Beret unit wrote in a report that U.S.
forces had discussed the hospital with the country director of the
medical charity group, presumably in Kabul, according to two people who
have seen the document.
The attack left a mounting death toll, now up to 30 people.
FILE -In this Oct. 14, 2015 file photo, the charred remains of the Doctors Without Borders hospital... Read more