viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

Why are Iranian husbands standing up for their wives? - BBC News

Why are Iranian husbands standing up for their wives? - BBC News

كمپينِ ‫#‏حالا_نوبت_مرداست‬
در بي بي سي جهاني، واكنش آن دسته از مرداني كه نوشتند؛ شرم آور است كه
قوانين حق سفر و حق كار كردن و بقيه حق و حقوق زنان را از آنها مي گيرند و
در اختيار ما مردان قرار مي دهد...ما به اين قوانين نه مي گويم

Iranian men who are supporting women's right at on BBC

 Several pictures of Iranian men declaring their support for their wives' equal rights 

'As a human I feel ashamed to have these rights' reads one of the messages