Strategic nonviolence | Beautiful Trouble
What is strategic nonviolence, and why is Democracy Spring firmly committed to it?
"Within a strategic nonviolence framework, groups make clear agreements about
which tactics to use for a given action. This frame is strategic — it
makes no moral judgments and does not demand we commit ourselves to a
lifetime of Gandhian pacifism, but it says, “This is how we agree to act
together at this time.” It is active, not passive. It seeks to create a
dilemma for the opposition, and to dramatize the difference between our
values and theirs."
holding to their agreement to remain nonviolent, these peaceful Occupy
protesters created a dilemma for UC Davis police officer Lt. John Pike
as they set the stage for a dramatization of the difference between
their values, and those of the University Police, on November 18th,
holding to their agreement to remain nonviolent, these peaceful Occupy
protesters created a dilemma for UC Davis police officer Lt. John Pike
as they set the stage for a dramatization of the difference between
their values, and those of the University Police, on November 18th,