From Global Research
– The blockade of water from Wadi Barada to 5 million people in
Damascus is taking an interesting turn. The U.S. and UK financed White
Helmet organisation seems to be directly involved in it. This increases
the suspicion that the illegal blockade of water to civilians in
Damascus is part of a organised campaign under U.S. command. The
campaign is designed to block utilities to government held areas as
revenge for the liberation of east Aleppo.
After the eastern part of the city of Aleppo was
liberated by Syrian government forces, the local rebels and inhabitants
in the Barada river valley were willing to reconcile with the Syrian
government. But the al-Qaeda Takfiris disagreed and took over. The area
is since under full al-Qaeda control and thereby outside of the recent
ceasefire agreement.On December 22 the water supply to Damascus was
suddenly contaminated with diesel fuel and no longer consumable. A day
later Syrian government forces started an operation to regain the area
and to reconstitute the water supplies.
Photos and a video on social media (since inaccessible but I saw them
when they appeared) showed the water treatment facility rigged with
explosives. On Dec 27th the facility was blown up and partly destroyed.