[Video] Lesson international policy Puigdemont Al Jazeera TV
The Arabic channel dedicated 25 minutes to the independence of Catalonia and President interview
Puigdemont told the presenter that the current movements in the European Union before the Brexit is trying to "pave the way for Scotland to remain part." We also took the opportunity to remember what he recalled that Catalonia is a net contributor to the EU over a region that accounts for 2% of EU GDP, with a booming economy.
Asked whether an independent Catalonia would be to renegotiate the new access to the EU, said the European Commission "has no positioned and is now saying that Scotland would have no problem to remain a member of Europe if it declares independent. "
On the international support independence once declared Puigdemont recalled that the EU warned that Slovenia does not recognize it if became independent of Yugoslavia "and after a few months was recognized in Slovenia, which today is part of the EU ".