The Trump kleptocrats are political arsonists. They are carting cans of
gasoline into government agencies and Congress to burn down any
structure or program that promotes the common good and impedes corporate
They ineptly have set themselves on fire over Obamacare, but this
misstep will do little to halt the drive to, as Stephen Bannon promises,
carry out the “deconstruction of the administrative state.”
Donald Trump’s appointees are busy diminishing or dismantling the
agencies they were named to lead and the programs they are supposed to
administer. That is why they were selected. Rex Tillerson at the State
Department, Steven Mnuchin at the Treasury Department, Scott Pruitt at
the Environmental Protection Agency, Rick Perry at the Department of
Energy, Tom Price at Health and Human Services, Ben Carson at the
Department of Housing and Urban Development and Betsy DeVos at the
Department of Education are eating away the foundations of democratic
institutions like gigantic termites. And there is no force inside
government that can stop them.