miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014
Kerry, Obama, Putin: The Fool, the Demagogue, and the Former KGB Colonel | Global Research
Kerry, Obama, Putin: The Fool, the Demagogue, and the Former KGB Colonel | Global Research
The fool is John Kerry, who has looked bad in his rushing around between
The fool is John Kerry, who has looked bad in his rushing around between
Washington and Tel Aviv trying to get in place a “framework” agreement
between Israel and the Palestinians that would show progress in the
efforts of the honest broker, assailing Nicholas Maduro of Venezuela for
his “terror campaign against his own people,” and, of course,
denouncing the Russians for their “aggression” against the coup-regime
of Ukraine.
5 Reasons Why Google Wants to Gain Control of Your Car - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research
5 Reasons Why Google Wants to Gain Control of Your Car - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research
• Drive an estimated 700,000 “accident-free” miles
Chris Urmson, SDC project manager for Google said: “We’re growing
It was explained that with “jaywalking pedestrians [and] cars
Google is very proud of their self-driving cars.
So much so that their self-driving car (SDC) project has “entered a new stage” with the development of new technology that can:
• Drive an estimated 700,000 “accident-free” miles
• Utilize lasers, radar and camera to analyze urban driving conditions
• Artificial intelligence can “read” road signs
• Navigate obstacles in roadways
• Navigate merging into lanes and bad weather conditions
• Detailed mapping of the country
Chris Urmson, SDC project manager for Google said: “We’re growing
more optimistic that we’re heading toward an achievable goal — a vehicle
that operates fully without human intervention.”
Urmson is part of Google X Lab (GXL) which is a technology-based initiative to bring advanced robotics to the public within the next 3 years.
It was explained that with “jaywalking pedestrians [and] cars
lurching out of hidden driveways, double-parked delivery trucks blocking
your lane and your view”; in megacities of the future, the goal is to
free residents from the “congestion from cars circling for parking and
have fewer intersections made dangerous by distracted drivers. That’s
why over the last year we’ve shifted the focus of the Google
self-driving car project onto mastering city street driving.”
Who benefits from GM crops? An industry built on myths | Friends of the Earth Europe
Who benefits from GM crops? An industry built on myths | Friends of the Earth Europe:
Our relationship with food and the way in which we farm is under increasing pressure. Extreme weather events, a changing climate and a growing population are putting the food sovereignty of communities at risk. At the same time health experts have raised serious questions about our modern diet.
Our relationship with food and the way in which we farm is under increasing pressure. Extreme weather events, a changing climate and a growing population are putting the food sovereignty of communities at risk. At the same time health experts have raised serious questions about our modern diet.
The way we farm and feed the world needs fundamental change. The biotech industry is claiming to offer exactly that. But this report examines the reality of GM crop production worldwide, and drawing evidence from the experiences of small farmers and the communities who live with GM, separates facts from fiction.
“War is Peace, it Makes Us Rich and Safe”… or So Says the Mainstream Media | Global Research
“War is Peace, it Makes Us Rich and Safe”… or So Says the Mainstream Media | Global Research:
War is Peace. What was known as a famous quote from George Orwell’s fiction 1984 has become a reality. Or maybe it is still fiction if you consider that the mainstream media is making up reality on a daily basis.
War is Peace. What was known as a famous quote from George Orwell’s fiction 1984 has become a reality. Or maybe it is still fiction if you consider that the mainstream media is making up reality on a daily basis.
On April 28, 2014, the homepage of The Washington Post web site featured the picture of a nuclear explosion with the following title: “War is brutal. The alternative is worse.”
Image: An Iraqi woman with her dead child. Source: A Real Cost Of The Iraq War
War For Profit: Does The Waste Ever End? | Global Research
War For Profit: Does The Waste Ever End? | Global Research
More evidence of bungled Pentagon waste and fraud just keeps growing in
More evidence of bungled Pentagon waste and fraud just keeps growing in
mind boggling bewilderment, so much so that us mere mortals cannot truly
fathom or even imagine just how much US wars cost… wars that clearly
benefit only the military industrial complex that arms and equips the US
killing machine. Certainly American taxpayers have not benefited from
war, draining what is left of a disappearing middle class. Wars never
benefit the actual soldiers fighting and dying for the US Empire,
especially those surviving veterans who end up maimed and wounded
physically and emotionally for life, or the thousands of suffering,
grieving family members. And least of all, US wars have not benefited
the nations America invades and wages protracted wars in. Those
devatated nations are suffering still untold misery from US wars.
America has inflicted on Iraq alone over a million and a half dead Iraqi
citizens. Birth defects and cancer rates are both soaring for
generations to come. And with no end in sight, Iraq still is literally
bleeding with more than 9 thousand people killed last year alone from
America’s parting gift – the sectarian civil war one year removed from
US military departure. Realistically, absolutely no one in this world
ever benefits from war except one group – war profiteers represented by
the top defense contractors that are the arms industry corporations.
Peace is the Enemy of the US Military Industrial Complex | Global Research
Peace is the Enemy of the US Military Industrial Complex | Global Research
War is a criminal act
The citizens of the Ukraine, Europe, Russia, or the USA would not
The USA is the World’s foremost
War is a criminal act
against the humanity. The fundamental question is who may benefits from
the present potential military conflict in the Ukraine?
The citizens of the Ukraine, Europe, Russia, or the USA would not
benefit. Some people in the Ukraine may benefit. The European Union is
facing such severe economic and social problems that its search for
other burdens would be rather surprising. Russia needs economic and
political stability to again be respected as a world power. The USA is
ending two rather long wars – in Iraq and Afghanistan. Would our
country be eager to get involved in another military conflict that again
might not be very successful?
The USA is the World’s foremost
military power. Its military budget represents about 50 percent of
global military expenditures. The US military has spent trillions of
dollars since the end of the Second World War. Despite these huge
expenditures, it cannot claim any major victories. The Korean War ended
in a tie. The USA was defeated in Vietnam. It has been searching for
some ending of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan without being able to
claim true victories.
The USA really did not have to get involved in those wars that solved nothing. US citizens did not benefit from those wars.
SPAIN AGAINST THE CATALONIA NATION - Spain calls Judge Santiago Vidal to testify on draft Catalan constitution - VilaWeb
Spain calls Judge Santiago Vidal to testify on draft Catalan constitution - VilaWeb:
The General Council on Judicial Power has opened an investigation
The magistrate
The Spokesperson for the Catalan Government, Francesc Homs, said that
Spain calls Judge Santiago Vidal to testify on draft Catalan constitution
They've asked the Superior Court of Catalonia and the Barcelona court to clarify if the magistrate asked for authorization
The General Council on Judicial Power has opened an investigation
into Judge Santiago Vidal due to the judge's participation in the
creation of a draft constitution for an independent Catalonia. The CGPJ
called him to testify on May 19 and asked the presidents of the Superior
Court of Justice in Catalonia and the Barcelona Court to declare
whether Vidal had asked for authorization or if he had communicated to
them that he would be working on the project.
The magistrate
explained publicly that he has begun work on editing a draft of a
constitution for Catalonia together with ten other judges, community
representatives, academics, lawyers, and sovereignty groups.
The Spokesperson for the Catalan Government, Francesc Homs, said that
he had no knowledge of this draft magna carta and underscored that the
Catalan executive respects all of the initiatives that are undertaken in
the community.
Judge Santiago Vidal
CATALONIA -- Scotland is getting its referendum – next up Catalonia | Artur Mas | Comment is free | theguardian.com
Scotland is getting its referendum – next up Catalonia | Artur Mas | Comment is free | theguardian.com
The Spanish parliament's rejection earlier this month
But Spain's
As a result of Spain's recent
We do not seek a flawed Crimea-style vote. We want a
To be very specific, the
This date and question have the
In a modern democracy
Let us be clear. Catalans have

'More than a million
The Spanish parliament's rejection earlier this month
of Catalonia's request for delegated powers to hold a referendum on our
country's future came as no surprise. What happened in Madrid was
exactly the opposite of what occurred in London when the UK government
granted Scotland's request for a referendum without questioning the
Scottish people's right to decide, despite its strong desire to keep
Scotland within the UK. That is how democracies work.
But Spain's
ruling party, the PP, has held to a steady course, of recentralising
power to Madrid. It was the prime minister, Manuel Rajoy, who referred
Catalonia's statute of autonomy to the Spanish constitutional court,
which struck down some of its most important provisions; his government
has stripped away powers that had been devolved to autonomous
governments; his education minister has even spoken of the need to
"Hispanicise" Catalan children.
As a result of Spain's recent
policies, the desire for a vote on the future of our country – of
putting our status to the test of democracy – has developed deep roots
among the Catalan people. This is no elite vanity project. More than a
million and a half people, a fifth of our population, joined hands from
the north to the south of Catalonia last September calling for the right
to decide their own future. Opinion polls show that popular support for
such a vote has stabilised at around 80%. Almost two-thirds of the
members of our parliament supported the request for delegated powers to
hold the referendum. Although Madrid has rejected that, we are not
disheartened. We will continue to move forward to fulfil the wishes of
our people.
We do not seek a flawed Crimea-style vote. We want a
legal process by which our people can express their wishes. We were
morally obliged to give the institutions of the Spanish state an
opportunity to engage with Catalonia's wishes. And although one of the
procedural paths to that goal has now been closed off by the Spanish
Congress's vote, other options remain.
To be very specific, the
Law of Consultations, now being finalised in the Catalan parliament,
will establish a legal path to hold a non-binding vote under our Statute
of Autonomy, which is also a Spanish law that permits this. That
popular consultation will take place on 9 November, asking a two-part
question: "Do you want Catalonia to become a state? If so, do you want
this state to be independent?"
This date and question have the
support of six different political parties represented in parliament. If
Madrid has an alternative proposition to put to our people, we will of
course ensure that it is also included on the ballot paper. This process
will be legal, transparent and democratic.
In a modern democracy
there really should be no problem with having an open discussion of all
options, which concludes by actually asking our people what future they
want for our country. The UK has shown how these questions can be
addressed, devolving the powers to allow Scotland to hold its September referendum on independence,
the option that Madrid has rejected for us. In Europe, in the 21st
century, it is better to find a political solution to a political
problem than to hide behind legal arguments and threats. We want
dialogue with Madrid; we are ready for a discussion without
preconditions or artificial limits.
Let us be clear. Catalans have
been European since the beginning of our history and we want to remain
in the European Union. Yet we have been told that an independent
Catalonia will be kept out of the EU "for ever". Does this mean that
Spain will go to the European council, inform the other 27 EU member
states that Catalonia is independent, and propose that the EU must
therefore expel Catalonia? Given the longstanding and close economic,
cultural and personal links between our country and the rest of Europe,
is it really credible to believe that the other 27 EU member states will
prefer to expel Catalonia than to keep us? Some EU leaders, who rely on
co-operation with Madrid for their day-to-day work, will say what they
must say; but other experts take a different view. We believe that a
pragmatic solution for Catalonia to remain in the EU, which satisfies
everyone, can and will be found when the time comes.
rejection of our request to hold a referendum is not the end, but just
the next step along the legal, democratic and peaceful road to let
Catalonia's people exercise our rights and vote on our own future.
'More than a million
and a half people joined hands across Catalonia last September calling
for the right to decide their own future.' Photograph: Corbis
martes, 29 de abril de 2014
Cover-Ups & Disinfo Cause Confusion Over Vaccine Dangers - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research
Cover-Ups & Disinfo Cause Confusion Over Vaccine Dangers - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research:
Journalist Claire McCarthy wrote an op-ed piece to explain her perspective on how diseases are traveling “easily from one place to another … [because] more and more people aren’t vaccinating their children.”
Journalist Claire McCarthy wrote an op-ed piece to explain her perspective on how diseases are traveling “easily from one place to another … [because] more and more people aren’t vaccinating their children.”
McCarthy asserts that “vaccine refusal doesn’t just affect your child. It’s bad enough that your child could catch measles or polio or whooping cough or one of the other vaccine-preventable diseases (these diseases can be contagious before people realize they have them, and you can’t always control who you end up next to at the park or grocery store or doctor’s office). But if your child catches one of them, they can spread them to other people–like your friend’s newborn or the neighbor with cancer or an elderly grandparent, people who for various reasons either can’t be immunized or aren’t fully protected.”
Not Vaccinating Your Kids Puts Children All Over the World at Risk (Video) - Truthdig
Not Vaccinating Your Kids Puts Children All Over the World at Risk (Video) - Truthdig:
You shouldn’t just vaccinate your kid to keep him or her healthy, but because deciding not to affects young ones in countries where they don’t have access to vaccines or medicine. Several places in disparate parts of the globe are experiencing measles outbreaks, among other diseases, fueled by Western “vaccine denialism.”
A child wears a protection mask on Sugarloaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro. Xavier Donat (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
You shouldn’t just vaccinate your kid to keep him or her healthy, but because deciding not to affects young ones in countries where they don’t have access to vaccines or medicine. Several places in disparate parts of the globe are experiencing measles outbreaks, among other diseases, fueled by Western “vaccine denialism.”
Brazil, for example, is suffering the consequences of anti-vaxxers’ selfish actions, despite national efforts to diminish the spread of infectious diseases. With the World Cup and Olympics just around the corner (when myriad tourists will flood Brazilian cities) the risks are starting to cause alarm bells to go off in the South American country.
As The Guardian columnist Jill Filipovic notes, the ignorance involved in deciding not to immunize your offspring is not a “First World Problem”; the mistakes of the West affect the rest of the globe, so it’s time to wake up and smell the science.
A child wears a protection mask on Sugarloaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro. Xavier Donat (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
3 common medical procedures that ruin your long-term health
3 common medical procedures that ruin your long-term health:
(NaturalNews) Today's custom is that if a person has a more serious health issue, conventional medicine is the unquestionable source of answers. Although results often appear to be helpful and "life-saving" on the surface, there often comes serious long-term damage that severely compromises quality of life. In that vein, here are three hospital procedures that can ruin long-term health.
Collapsing Standard of Living: Kleptocrats and Militarists Fleece Americans | Global Research
Collapsing Standard of Living: Kleptocrats and Militarists Fleece Americans | Global Research:
American living standards are plunging and it’s not simply because they are paid less, work longer (or shorter hours) under highly stressful workplace conditions and pay a higher percentage of their income for health and pension coverage. The ‘workplace’ is only one of several locations where American working people are experiencing a sharp decline in living standards. The new oligarchical Kleptocrats and political elites have elaborated new ways to fleece Americans. These include:
Selling Hydraulic Fracking: The Myth Of Energy Independence Used To Hoodwink The American People | Global Research
Selling Hydraulic Fracking: The Myth Of Energy Independence Used To Hoodwink The American People | Global Research
”Cheap energy [from oil and gas
In the last year the corporate
The objective behind these extravagant claims is to help sell the
In a recent address to people in Europe Dr. Sandra Steingraber,
This hoodwinking has been achieved by an unholy alliance between the
Energy independence claims are also behind the push to sell U.S.
The myth of unbounded energy independence exposed
”Cheap energy [from oil and gas
fracking] is making sure that America now has a manufacturing
renaissance,” Rahm Emanuel, Chicago Mayor and President Obama’s former
chief of staff told CNBC. Emanuel added. “The biggest revolution equal
to the Internet is the energy independence in the United States.”
In the last year the corporate
media has been full of triumphant articles declaring that America is on
the way to becoming energy independent thanks to oil and gas fracking.
The hyperbole goes further declaring that fracking will lead to America
overtaking Saudia Arabia as the world’s biggest oil producer and so
become an oil and gas superpower. This will spur an economic renaissance
that will create large numbers of jobs while driving down electricity
prices for consumers and industry. It gets even better. The crisis in
Ukraine means that America can step in to save Europe from energy
dependence on big bad Russia by exporting ”clean” natural gas to Europe.
The objective behind these extravagant claims is to help sell the
poisonous oil and gas fracking industry to an increasingly sceptical
population that is pushing back against fracking in many areas.
In a recent address to people in Europe Dr. Sandra Steingraber,
Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Ithaca College and science advisor
to Americans Against Fracking, observed that America’s population have
been hoodwinked into believing the fracking industry’s extravagant
This hoodwinking has been achieved by an unholy alliance between the
oil and gas industry and their puppets in Congress and a pliant mass
media, which is an uncritical cheer leader for the industry.
Energy independence claims are also behind the push to sell U.S.
fracking oil and gas abroad which would give a huge boost to the profits
of the rapacious oil and gas companies.
Now let’s pull back the curtain and look at the reality behind the extravagant claims made for hydraulic fracking.
Mystery surrounds move of Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ to U.S. amid allegations of agency abuse - The Washington Post
Mystery surrounds move of Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ to U.S. amid allegations of agency abuse - The Washington Post:
In Afghanistan, his presence was enough to cause prisoners to tremble. Hundreds in his organization’s custody were beaten, shocked with electrical currents or subjected to other abuses documented in human rights reports. Some allegedly disappeared.
Suspicious Deaths of Bankers Are Now Classified as “Trade Secrets” | Global Research
Suspicious Deaths of Bankers Are Now Classified as “Trade Secrets” | Global Research:
It doesn’t get any more Orwellian than this: Wall Street mega banks crash the U.S. financial system in 2008. Hundreds of thousands of financial industry workers lose their jobs.
It doesn’t get any more Orwellian than this: Wall Street mega banks crash the U.S. financial system in 2008. Hundreds of thousands of financial industry workers lose their jobs.
Then, beginning late last year, a rash of suspicious deaths start to occur among current and former bank employees.
Next we learn that four of the Wall Street mega banks likely hold over $680 billion face amount of life insurance on their workers, payable to the banks, not the families.
We ask their Federal regulator for the details of this life insurance under a Freedom of Information Act request and we’re told the information constitutes “trade secrets.”
BeeAction campaign
BeeAction campaign:
BeeAction campaign
BeeAction campaign
Read our report: Follow the Honey: 7 ways pesticide companies are spinning the bee crisis to protect profits
new report by Michele Simon and Friends of the Earth U.S. uncovers the deceptive public relations tactics chemical companies Bayer, Syngenta and Monsanto are using to manufacture doubt about science and fool politicians to delay action on neonicotinoid (neonic) pesticides -- a key contributor to bee declines. As the bee crisis worsens, these companies are using tobacco-style PR tricks to protect their profits at the expense of bees and our future.
Download the
report and read the press release.
Read our new blog post by Michele Simon.
Join the social media swarm: tell Bayer to stop the spin and to stop selling bee-killing pesticides. Let's make sure Bayer shareholders hear from us as they meet on April 29.
Calling all energy and agriculture experts: meet, talk and collaborate | International Institute for Environment and Development
Calling all energy and agriculture experts: meet, talk and collaborate | International Institute for Environment and Development
Many of the 500 million small farms that produce the bulk of food
Many of the 500 million small farms that produce the bulk of food
consumed in developing countries have no access to modern energy
services. So why doesn't more research and innovation focus on getting
energy to them, asks Rebecca Trevalyan is a new blog --> http://www.iied.org/calling-all-energy-agriculture-experts-meet-talk-collaborate - private
. Download a new research paper on "Growing Power: Exploring energy needs in smallholder agriculture" --> http://pubs.iied.org/16562IIED.html
Renewable energy has a place to play in providing energy access to small farms (Photo via Google reuse rights))
India anti-mining activist wins 'Green Nobel' - Features - Al Jazeera English
India anti-mining activist wins 'Green Nobel' - Features - Al Jazeera English
On Monday, Ramesh Agrawal, 60, was recognised in a ceremony in San
On Monday, Ramesh Agrawal, 60, was recognised in a ceremony in San
Francisco as one of six recipients of this year's $175,000 Goldman
Environmental Prize, often called the "Green Nobel". For a decade,
Agrawal - who has no formal legal training - has been waging a one-man
campaign to educate Indian villagers about their rights in fighting
pollution and land-grabbing by powerful mining and electricity
companies. He has won three lawsuits against major corporations and has
been spearheading seven more pending in courts. http://aje.me/1pJj8BB
Ramesh Agrawal has been waging a lone campaign against land-grab by powerful mining companies [AP]
Plusieurs langues pour un autre monde, par Julie Boéri (Le Monde diplomatique)
Plusieurs langues pour un autre monde, par Julie Boéri (Le Monde diplomatique):
Dans les forums sociaux, des traducteurs bénévoles permettent les échanges entre les centaines de militants venus du monde entier. Cependant, le manque de moyens conduit parfois à privilégier certaines langues au détriment de cultures dites minoritaires, suscitant des incompréhensions et des tensions. En outre, le vocabulaire altermondialiste pose des problèmes inattendus aux interprètes.
Juan Cole: John Kerry Admits Israeli Apartheid; and 5 Ways He Is Understating It - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Juan Cole: John Kerry Admits Israeli Apartheid; and 5 Ways He Is Understating It - Juan Cole - Truthdig:
In a closed-room meeting of the Trilateral Commission last Friday, Secretary of State John Kerry warned that Israel is on the verge of becoming an Apartheid state, according to a recording obtained by The Daily Beast.
In a closed-room meeting of the Trilateral Commission last Friday, Secretary of State John Kerry warned that Israel is on the verge of becoming an Apartheid state, according to a recording obtained by The Daily Beast.
The remark will raise a firestorm of criticism from Palestine-deniers, who are if anything more blindered and fanatical than climate-change deniers. What is sad is that Kerry phrased it in the future tense. That cow was out of the barn a long time ago.
As the Daily Beast noted, the Rome Statute defined Apartheid as “inhumane acts… committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.”
Former South African deputy president Baleka Mbete and African National Congress leader has said that Israel-Palestine is actually “far worse than Apartheid South Africa.”
▶ The Forgotten War: Libya After NATO - YouTube
▶ The Forgotten War: Libya After NATO - YouTube
With the Libyan war, like so many wars before it, the public was lied to
With the Libyan war, like so many wars before it, the public was lied to
just enough to convince them that war was necessary to maintain peace.
And now that the real mission has been accomplished and Libya's gold has
been stolen and its central bank has been established and its
AFRICOM-resisting leader has been killed and it has been established as
an operations base for NATO's Al-CIAda mercenaries, the political
misleaders who started the war couldn't care less about the lives of the
Libyan people. Find out more about what's happening in Libya today in
this week's Eyeopener report.
US Policy in Eurasia: Full-Spectrum Subversion | Global Research
US Policy in Eurasia: Full-Spectrum Subversion | Global Research:
What do postmodern exhibitionists, Islamic holy warriors and marauding ultra-nationalists share in common? Seemingly little, aside from the fact that these bizarre bedfellows are the star assets of US policy in Eurasia.
What do postmodern exhibitionists, Islamic holy warriors and marauding ultra-nationalists share in common? Seemingly little, aside from the fact that these bizarre bedfellows are the star assets of US policy in Eurasia.
And despite their use of very different tactics, they all are tasked with the same mission: to undermine Russia, the only great power consistently opposed to American hegemony.
The Sochi Diversion
Ralph Nader on TPP, GM Recall, Nuclear Power & the "Unstoppable" Left-Right Anti-Corporate Movement | Democracy Now!
Ralph Nader on TPP, GM Recall, Nuclear Power & the "Unstoppable" Left-Right Anti-Corporate Movement | Democracy Now!:
Former presidential candidate and longtime consumer advocate Ralph Nader joins us to discuss his latest book, "Unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State." Nader highlights the common concerns shared by a wide swath of the American public, regardless of political orientation, including mass government surveillance, opposing nebulous free trade agreements, reforming the criminal justice system, and punishing criminal behavior on Wall Street. Nader also discusses the U.S. push for the sweeping Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, General Motors’ new bid to escape liability for its deadly ignition defect, the revived nuclear era under President Obama, and challenging U.S. militarism through the defense budget.
9/11 Truth and the Analysis of “Conspiracy Facts”. A Tribute to Michael C. Ruppert | Global Research
9/11 Truth and the Analysis of “Conspiracy Facts”. A Tribute to Michael C. Ruppert | Global Research
On April 13, 2014, Michael Ruppert had just completed his final
Mike Ruppert had become one of the most outspoken and compelling
Ruppert represented a convergence of valuable traits which included
He was able to bring to the table the critical arguments challenging
On April 13, 2014, Michael Ruppert had just completed his final
broadcast of his weekly radio show The LIFE BOAT Hour, which he has
helmed since September 12, 2010. He went to an outdoor meditation spot
on the property at which he had been residing. When he was found, he had
apparently shot himself in the head with a Glock 30 .45 caliber
pistol. He was 63.
Mike Ruppert had become one of the most outspoken and compelling
voices in the realm of independent journalism and analysis. He brought
to the table a stupendous command of economic, historical and political
Ruppert represented a convergence of valuable traits which included
an academic’s restless intellect, a cop’s eye for detail, a heart-felt
passion for justice, and the street-level experience of a whistleblower
who broke ranks with the people he trusted in the name of an all too
uncommon ethical code that he lived by.
He was able to bring to the table the critical arguments challenging
official government narratives about the global economy, the 9/11
attacks, the fratricidal death of Pat Tillman, CIA drug dealing in Black
communities throughout the US, peak oil as a causative factor
underlying US foreign policy, and many, many other stories.
This week, the Global Research News Hour pays tribute to Mr. Ruppert on the occasion of his recent tragic death.
Monsanto, DuPont equipping tractors with sensors, bolstering control with seed 'prescription' services
Monsanto, DuPont equipping tractors with sensors, bolstering control with seed 'prescription' services:
(NaturalNews) The biotech industry, including the likes of DuPont and Monsanto, is taking control of agriculture to a whole new level.
(NaturalNews) The biotech industry, including the likes of DuPont and Monsanto, is taking control of agriculture to a whole new level.
Already engaged in controlling farmers' seed and turning crops into genetically modified science experiments, the biotech industry is taking control a step further by installing rigorous monitoring technology on farming equipment. Farmers across the nation are growing uneasy as this technology begins to dictate their way of farming, invading their privacy.
Home - Politics for People
Home - Politics for People:
Click on your country to contact your European election candidates and ask them to stand-up for citizens and democracy against the excessive lobbying influence of banks and big business.
Click on your country to contact your European election candidates and ask them to stand-up for citizens and democracy against the excessive lobbying influence of banks and big business.
Take Action
I’m a citizen
Stop the Disinformation War Machine: Support Independent Media | Global Research
Stop the Disinformation War Machine: Support Independent Media | Global Research
Our website at www.globalresearch.ca
Last autumn, we launched a newly updated
For example, during the war on Iraq, Global Research published, on a daily basis, independent reports from the Middle East,
What is ahead for the world? War on Iran? Is Syria the next target of the imperial war machine?
Our website at www.globalresearch.ca
was established on the 9th of September 2001, two days before the
tragic events of September 11. Barely a few days later, Global Research
had become a major news source on the New World Order and Washington’s “War on Terrorism“.
Since September 2001, we have established an extensive archive of news
articles, in-depth reports and analysis on issues which are barely
covered by the mainstream media.
Last autumn, we launched a newly updated
version of the Global Research website to allow our readers to have
faster, easier access to all the information about what is going in the
world around us.
For example, during the war on Iraq, Global Research published, on a daily basis, independent reports from the Middle East,
which provided an alternative to the news emanating from the “embedded”
journalists reporting from the war theatre. Several Global Research
authors have received awards for their writings. More recently, Global
Research brought on-the-ground coverage during NATO attacks on Libya,
and our journalists showed tremendous courage and commitment to
exposing the truth that mainstream media was attempting to hide.
What is ahead for the world? War on Iran? Is Syria the next target of the imperial war machine?
Rest assured, Global Research will continue to deliver the same
truthful, incisive analysis and research that so many have come to count
CATALONIA -- Catalan News Agency - The International Liberal Congress backs Catalans' right to self-determination and to stay within the EU
Catalan News Agency - The International Liberal Congress backs Catalans' right to self-determination and to stay within the EU
Barcelona (ACN).- The alliance grouping Liberal parties
In a 14-page document divided into world areas and countries,
In a document called 'World Today Resolution', which has been
The Liberal family "expresses concern over the lack of real dialogue
It is not the first time that Liberal Parties have supported Catalonia's right to self-determination. In January 2014, Liberal International Youth explicitly supported the demands shared by a majority of the Catalan population, which are to be able to vote on their own future. Furthermore, the
The International Liberal Congress backs Catalans' right to self-determination and to stay within the EU
Barcelona (ACN).- The alliance grouping Liberal parties
from throughout the world included a motion supporting Catalans' right
to self-determination and to stay within the European Union in its main
resolution approved at their international congress, which took place in
Rotterdam (The Netherlands) between the 24th and 27th
of April. "Liberal International will support any decision taken by the
Catalan people on their future" reads the resolution, which also
"expresses concern over the lack of real dialogue between the Government
of Catalonia and the Government of Spain to discuss a negotiated
roadmap over the future of Catalonia". In this vein, they praise the
agreement reached between the British and Scottish authorities, as "a
positive example". Among the parties backing this statement are the UK's
Liberal Democrats (Lib-Dem), the Dutch People's Party for Freedom and
Democracy (VVD) and Democracy 66 (D66), Germany' Free Democratic Party
(FDP) and the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC). The resolution also states
that "the European Union has to be flexible and strong to offer a viable
alternative for those people that want to democratically express
themselves within it". The motion was proposed by the CDC, which is the
Liberal force within the two-party Centre-Right pro-Catalan State
Coalition (CiU), which runs the Catalan Government. The leader of CDC,
who is also the President of Catalonia, Artur Mas, attended the
Rotterdam congress on Friday, where he spoke to several leading Liberal
In a 14-page document divided into world areas and countries,
Liberal International devoted an entire point in their main resolution
to Catalonia's self-determination process. The main international
association of parties supporting Liberalism, which is the EU's
third-largest political affiliation, is backing the Catalan people's
right to self-determination. In addition, they go one step further and
highlight that they "will support any decision taken by the Catalan
people on their future" in the main resolution of their 59th
international conference, which this year took place in the Dutch city
of Rotterdam. The congress was organised under the patronage of The
Netherlands' Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who is the leader of the Liberal
party VVD.
A "flexible" EU to accept Catalonia's right to self-determination
In a document called 'World Today Resolution', which has been
compiled by the European Commissioner for Trade and member of the Open
Flemish Liberals and Democrats (VLD) Karel de Gucht, Liberal
International also supports a "flexible" EU, which should allow Catalans
to express their democratic will and stay within the Union if they
decide to become independent from Spain. "The European Union has to be
flexible and strong to offer a viable alternative for those people that
want to democratically express themselves within it", reads the
London-Edinburgh agreement as a model
The Liberal family "expresses concern over the lack of real dialogue
between the Government of Catalonia and the Government of Spain to
discuss a negotiated roadmap over the future of Catalonia". In this
vein, they consider that "the democratic model set by the Government of
the United Kingdom and the Government of Scotland, where an agreement
was reached between the two governments to hold a referendum to decide
the political future of the Scottish people, should be used as a
positive example in the discussions between the Government of Spain and
the Government of Catalonia". However, "any potential or future
discussions between the two governments should never imply the
renunciation of the right of the Catalan people to decide their own
future, granting that this is always set up through democratic means",
they highlighted.
Further international support from the Liberals and the Greens
It is not the first time that Liberal Parties have supported Catalonia's right to self-determination. In January 2014, Liberal International Youth explicitly supported the demands shared by a majority of the Catalan population, which are to be able to vote on their own future. Furthermore, the
Chairman of the European Liberals, Graham Watson, also backed
Catalonia's right to self-determination and expressed surprise at the
reaction of the Spanish Government, rejecting any
negotiation at all. However, Liberals are not the only ones to have
expressed their explicit support for Catalonia's self-determination
process: the Greens' candidate to chair the European Commission in next
May’s elections, German politician Ska Keller, committed herself to working for Catalonia's right to self-determination in a press conference held in March in Barcelona.
More on
ALDE, Artur Mas, Catalan Government, Catalan Independence, Catalan President, CDC, CiU, Congress, Democracy, EU Membership, European Elections, European Parliament, European Union, Graham Watson, Independence, Liberal, Party Congress, Referendum, Rotterdam, Scotland, Self-Determination, The Netherlands, UK, United Kingdom, Vote
The website of the International Liberal 59th Congress (by International Liberal)
Ukraine: End Politically Motivated Abuses | Human Rights Watch
Ukraine: End Politically Motivated Abuses | Human Rights Watch:
(Berlin) – The escalating crisis in Ukraine is putting journalists and political activists at increasing risk of political-motivated violence, such as unlawful detention, abduction and assaults, Human Rights Watch said today. Steps to address the political crisis should include undertakings to end abuses against perceived opponents, the immediate release of all those held unlawfully, and accountability for criminal acts.
(Berlin) – The escalating crisis in Ukraine is putting journalists and political activists at increasing risk of political-motivated violence, such as unlawful detention, abduction and assaults, Human Rights Watch said today. Steps to address the political crisis should include undertakings to end abuses against perceived opponents, the immediate release of all those held unlawfully, and accountability for criminal acts.
In several towns and cities in eastern Ukraine, anti-Kiev forces and their supporters threatened and harassed journalists, political activists, and others they suspect of supporting the authorities in Kiev. The abuses are most acute in Sloviansk, where armed men who seized control of the city have kidnapped more than two dozen people, including journalists, political activists, international military observers, and those they have accused of being “spies.”
mayor of Sloviansk Vyacheslav Ponomarev and detained international
observers take part in a meeting with journalists in Sloviansk, Ukraine
on April 27, 2013.
lunes, 28 de abril de 2014
New medical microchips to be implanted by 2017, delivering drugs, routine birth control through wireless communications
New medical microchips to be implanted by 2017, delivering drugs, routine birth control through wireless communications:
(NaturalNews) The future of prescription drugging and birth control lies in a microchip.
(NaturalNews) The future of prescription drugging and birth control lies in a microchip.
Right now, chips with drug reservoirs can be implanted directly under the skin, delivering doses of pharmaceuticals or birth control hormones at the same time each day. The implanted chip is designed to be remote-controlled and governed by "medical professionals."
Essentially, chipped individuals won't be able to wean themselves off of side-effect-ridden drugs. The chip can be programmed to release drugs, day after day, year after year, at a "professional's" directive.
New microchip controls fertility through wireless communications
Glyphosate found at high levels in mothers' breast milk
Glyphosate found at high levels in mothers' breast milk:
(NaturalNews) Chemicals that destroy the natural world, like glyphosate, are being blasted into the earth at an unprecedented rate. Sales of Monsanto's Roundup, which contains glyphosate, spiked 73 percent in 2013. The rise of genetically modified crops is ushering in the mass application of immune system-destroying chemicals, as consequences are unveiled, one after another.
(NaturalNews) Chemicals that destroy the natural world, like glyphosate, are being blasted into the earth at an unprecedented rate. Sales of Monsanto's Roundup, which contains glyphosate, spiked 73 percent in 2013. The rise of genetically modified crops is ushering in the mass application of immune system-destroying chemicals, as consequences are unveiled, one after another.
It's no wonder why the earth purges from time to time, disgusted by all the man-made concoctions that destroy life. Lava erupts from the ground and hail falls from the sky as the earth writhes in disdain.
Plant-killing glyphosate is so environmentally abundant now that it's showing up in urine and blood samples of individuals. The chemical is becoming a part of the human anatomy, circulating through, accumulating. Now researchers are discovering detectable levels of the weed killer in mothers' breast milk!
How will newborns react to the weed killer at their most vulnerable, developing stage of life?
How might a newborn's immune system be disturbed through disrupted gut microbe activity, as the weed killer enters their stomach and blood?
What kind of resulting skin problems and learning disabilities does glyphosate encourage?
Heavy metal toxicity is a hidden epidemic
Heavy metal toxicity is a hidden epidemic:
(NaturalNews) Heavy metals are completely ubiquitous in our modern environment. Industrial pollution, modern technology and consumer goods are the route of exposure for most individuals. Our bodies can typically handle small dosages of these metals but larger doses cause a very serious stress on the body.
(NaturalNews) Heavy metals are completely ubiquitous in our modern environment. Industrial pollution, modern technology and consumer goods are the route of exposure for most individuals. Our bodies can typically handle small dosages of these metals but larger doses cause a very serious stress on the body.
It is impossible to completely avoid exposure to toxic metals. Many have occupations that expose them to high levels of metals while others are exposed through air pollution and food and beverages. It is possible to reduce exposure to these metals through proper lifestyle choices.
Noam Chomsky "Profit Over People" [RARE INTERVIEW!!] - YouTube
Noam Chomsky "Profit Over People" [RARE INTERVIEW!!] - YouTube:
RARE Chomsky Interview from 1993.
RARE Chomsky Interview from 1993.
Date - 04/13/1993
"It is important to bear in mind that political campaigns are designed by the same people who sell toothpaste."
― Noam Chomsky
Déjà vu: US Incites Civil Unrest in Venezuela for Its Oil
Déjà vu: US Incites Civil Unrest in Venezuela for Its Oil
Yes, Joe Biden really did say that—in the aftermath of Iraq. As we
the epidemic of misinformation that plagues the corporate media! Click
here to make a tax-deductible donation to Truthout and BuzzFlash, and
help keep independent media strong.
"No nation has the right to simply grab land from another nation. No
nation has that right. And we will never recognize Russia's illegal
occupation of Crimea, and neither will the world." —US Vice President
Joe Biden
Yes, Joe Biden really did say that—in the aftermath of Iraq. As we
all know, the US government launched an illegal, pre-emptive attack on
Iraq. That tiny country and its people have been literally annihilated,
tortured, imprisoned, and left for dead in a depleted uranium cancer
zone where mothers are giving birth to monstrously deformed babies from
uranium exposure. Iraqis have been facing a multitude of
life-threatening medical atrocities, not to mention the severe poverty
that escalated after a decade of US war and occupation. A puppet
election was established with a puppet government. There are still
thousands of innocent civilians languishing in Iraq's prisons with no
sign of due process or trials. If Iraq isn't the most hideous "land-grab
for oil" criminal war violation of our constitutional laws and
international treaties in recent history, I don't know what is.
Protests in Caracas, Venezuela, February 15, 2014. (Photo: MARQUINAM / Flickr)
Harper's barely hidden agenda to undermine public health care in Canada | rabble.ca
Harper's barely hidden agenda to undermine public health care in Canada | rabble.ca:
For some time now, opponents to equitable, universal health care have been smearing proponents of Canada's "signature" social program, Medicare, by using a corporate "communications" strategy known as "FUD," which stands for Fear Uncertainty Doubt.
For some time now, opponents to equitable, universal health care have been smearing proponents of Canada's "signature" social program, Medicare, by using a corporate "communications" strategy known as "FUD," which stands for Fear Uncertainty Doubt.
In the U.S, the dynamic played out fairly recently, in response to Michael Moore's film, SICKO. According to Wendell Potter, an American insurance industry whistleblower, the insurance industry, horrified by the poignancy of the documentary, targeted Michael Moore with a "FUD" attack.
▶ Jordan: Syrian women in distress - Reporters - YouTube
▶ Jordan: Syrian women in distress - Reporters - YouTube
Three years after the start of the conflict, hundreds of thousands of
Three years after the start of the conflict, hundreds of thousands of
Syrians have found refuge in Jordan. But for women, life in the refugee
camps can turn into a living hell. Some are forced to marry rich
foreigners while others are made to work as prostitutes. Our reporter
Gender-based violence in the Syrian refugee
community is an extremely difficult issue to tackle. It took many phone
calls, emails and meetings to get people to agree to help us find
humanitarian workers, victims and others willing to contribute to this
For fear of retribution, victims are reluctant to speak out, particularly in front of a TV camera.
workers want to shed light on the plight of these women but they are
sceptical about the kind of coverage the issue has received so far.
the end, if it had not been for the Jordanian Women's Union and their
staff, this story might not have been possible. They took up the
challenge of highlighting these growing problems but were also adamant
about safeguarding the identity of the victims.
This report was entirely shot in Jordan, sometimes undercover.
CATALONIA -- PP: Been there, did that - Opinió contundent - VilaWeb
PP: Been there, did that - Opinió contundent - VilaWeb:
If I were younger, more cynical, more adventuresome, I'd offer myself
If I were younger and had fewer idiosyncrasies, I would call
It's not an easy question to sort out. And it's made more
There are those who categorize the visits as colonial. I don't
Marc Augé.
PP: Been there, did that
If I were younger, more cynical, more adventuresome, I'd offer myself
as an advisor to Moncloa [the Spanish 'White House'] and to the PP so
that they might be more astute at dealing with what we here call "the
process", which is nothing more than the logical, natural result of more
than a hundred years of trying to convert the Spanish State into
another place, into something which an optimistic Catalan might resume,
at least when I was younger, with a pretty slogan: "There's another way
of making Spain".
If I were younger and had fewer idiosyncrasies, I would call
Madrid and sell them a course on "The art of traveling to Catalonia".
They say this sort of service is in high demand, especially at moments
of particular tribulations. My miracle cure would consist of
recommending that they do everything exactly the opposite of how they're
doing it now. And what are they doing now? Lightning tourism. Recently,
Rajoy and vice president Santamaria came through Barcelona on a
whirlwind trip that some might term as a "been there, did that": just a
few short hours, just enough time to take a wedding-style picture. It's a
bit like those organized tours that try to show you all of Europe in
two weeks. "If today is Wednesday, this must be Barcelona." Well, in
this case, it's always (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday) Barcelona or the
metropolitan area. And in the photos, you can always see Ms. Llanos de
Luna [Delegate of the Spanish Govt in Catalonia] who clearly hasn't been
keeping such a close watch on the municipal government flags lately.
But what is the point of these very short visits?
It's not an easy question to sort out. And it's made more
complicated if we keep in mind that —in general and with very few
exceptions—the aforementioned personalities only meet and speak with
natives who tend to say exactly what those figures want to hear. But
let's not get further off track. The question is knowing the rhyme and
reason behind these compact wanderings. If you want to know what's going
on in Catalonia, they're not useful, and they're also not effective at
generating sympathy. Mysterious.
There are those who categorize the visits as colonial. I don't
agree. Serious colonialists (think of the British) have always studied
the foreign territory carefully and have had a good deal of respect for
reality. Here, it seems to me, we are faced with simple,
bargain-basement tourism, an industry which ends up converting every
destination into a non-place where people swoop in, take a picture (a
selfie, perhaps) so that they can say they were there. Catalonia, for
Rajoy and his ministers, is a non-place, a concept explained by the
French anthropologist
Marc Augé.
That's why the Catalans are also a non-nation, non-people, and
non-referendum. And that's why some detect social facture where there
are simply people strolling and buying books and roses. One should point
out that for Mr. Rubalcaba and the PSOE, Catalonia is also a non-place,
with a Socialist non-party.
CATALONIA -- Ten experts are working on a Constitution for the Catalan Republic - VilaWeb
Ten experts are working on a Constitution for the Catalan Republic - VilaWeb:
Ten experts are working on a Constitution for the Catalan Republic
Judge Santi Vidal confirmed today in an interview with Matí de
Vidal explained that in the working group
Ten experts are working on a Constitution for the Catalan Republic
Confirmed by Judge Santi Vidal, the group's spokesperson · He says it's not an official assignment
Judge Santi Vidal confirmed today in an interview with Matí de
Catalunya that he forms part of a work group that at this time is
working on a preliminary draft of a constitution for a future Catalan
republic. Vidal explained that this draft is a private initiative of the
group, thereby clearing up misinformation published yesterday by the
daily El Mundo, in which it was said that the draft was a project
initiated by some members of parliament. "We are not working for any
official in the Generalitat or in the Parliament; there are a few
members of Parliament from parties like CiU, ERC, CUP and ICV, as well
as groups like the ANC, Catalunya Sí, and Procés Constituent who are
aware of the project and we hope that they will approve of it when we
show it to them."
Vidal explained that in the working group
there are active judges, university professors and lawyers specialized
in constitutional law. "We are writing an entire Constitution, we've
divvied up the text, I'm in charge of the chapter related to judicial
power," he said, noting that it will be a short document with less than
one hundred articles.
Judge Santi Vidal
The USA Freedom Act | Naomi Wolf
The USA Freedom Act | Naomi Wolf:
Hey team — this could be big — the USA Freedom Act, to strengthen the
Hey team — this could be big — the USA Freedom Act, to strengthen the
Fourth and Fifth amendments. Take a look at the wording of the bill and
help us understand it. Does it do what it promises? If so let us get
behind it and support the sponsors!
Window on Congress: Current Legislation Related to this Article:
A bill to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 to strengthen Fourth and Fifth Amendment Protections and freedoms of citizens of the United States and ensure greater transparency and oversight of the ability of the Federal Government to collect information and conduct surveillance on the private lives of citizens of the United States.
The Revolt of the Cities | Portside
The Revolt of the Cities | Portside:
During the past 20 years, immigrants and young people have transformed the demographics of urban America. Now, they're transforming its politics and mapping the future of liberalism. In America, politics follow demographics: Voters of color and millennial voters stand well to the left of their white and older counterparts in their support for government intervention to counter the market's inequities.
man holds a poster that reads "I am the American Dream" as he as he
joined other immigrants who gathered in front of Los Angeles City Hall
on Nov. 8, 2012.
CATALONIA -- Verkami: Catalans Want To Vote. Human Towers for Democracy
Verkami: Catalans Want To Vote. Human Towers for Democracy
On June 8, at 12 noon (Catalan time) 10 Gang upward castles
On June 8, at 12 noon (Catalan time) 10 Gang upward castles
simultaneously significant places of European cities and 7 show the same
slogan to say loud and clear that the Catalans want to decide our
future 9 November 2014: Catalans Want to vote! Madame The "Catalans Want
to vote. Human towers for Democracy "means that each of us is a speaker
deeper meaning of democracy. Through the castles and what they
represent, we want to make our voice heard in Europe and the world to
say to all and sundry that the Catalans want to democratically decide
our future as a people
It’s ok to surrender wife to rapist, Egyptian Cleric says in fatwa — RT News
It’s ok to surrender wife to rapist, Egyptian Cleric says in fatwa — RT News:
An Egyptian preacher has issued a fatwa – an Islamic legal opinion – according to which rape is like robbery and a husband should not risk his life protecting his wife’s honor from another man.
An Egyptian preacher has issued a fatwa – an Islamic legal opinion – according to which rape is like robbery and a husband should not risk his life protecting his wife’s honor from another man.
Yasser Burhami, the vice president of Salafist Call, the religious arm of the political ultra-conservative Nour party, has compared a rape with a robbery, saying that nobody should put their live in danger for money.
“In this case he [husband] is forced [to surrender her] and not obliged [to defend her],”Al Arabiya quoted the cleric as saying in his fatwa.
Burhami’s remarks, published on Anasalafy.com have been widely condemned by other clerics and activists in Egypt.
Calling for urgent attention to prevent the ultimate crime
Calling for urgent attention to prevent the ultimate crime
Esther Mujawayo, a sociologist and Rwanda genocide survivor, told her
“We had been feeling the tension increase for a long time”, she said,
During her opening remarks, Pillay recounted her time as a Judge and
Calling for urgent attention to prevent the ultimate crime
is the ultimate crime: a profound and whole-scale violation of human
rights,” said UN Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay at a high level
discussion to mark the sixty-fifth anniversary of the UN Convention on
the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
“Too often, it is preceded by repeated warning signs that fail to receive a strong and early international response,” she said.
Esther Mujawayo, a sociologist and Rwanda genocide survivor, told her
moving story to the participants comprising of representatives from
States, national human rights institutions and NGOs.
“We had been feeling the tension increase for a long time”, she said,
recalling the catchy propaganda songs which called for the
extermination of the Tutsi.
During her opening remarks, Pillay recounted her time as a Judge and
the then President of the Rwanda Tribunal. “I heard witnesses and
victims testify that direct and public incitement to commit genocide
against Tutsis permeated gradually through society.”
Abby Martin on NPR, Off the Grid & Buzzsaw about Media Bias and the New Cold War | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines
Abby Martin on NPR, Off the Grid & Buzzsaw about Media Bias and the New Cold War | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines:
Following my on air statement opposing the editorial line of my network, I was inundated with mainstream media interview requests. But I only chose a few select outlets to say my piece.
Following my on air statement opposing the editorial line of my network, I was inundated with mainstream media interview requests. But I only chose a few select outlets to say my piece.
First, I went on CNN with Piers Morgan and took the opportunity to call out the corporate media for its incessant warmongering and establishment bias.
Obama Ordered to Reveal Legal Basis for Killing Americans with Drones | Free Speech TV
Obama Ordered to Reveal Legal Basis for Killing Americans with Drones | Free Speech TV:
President Obama is ordered to state the legal basis for killing Americans with drones. Broadcast on April 22, 2014.
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