Time for action: Lebanese citizens against corruption | space for transparency
Time for action: Lebanese citizens against corruption | space for transparency:
With more than 1 million Syrian refugees settling into Lebanon, the need to protect this vulnerable population from the inevitable onslaught of corruption that often follows displacement is crucial more than ever before.
With this unfolding tragedy in mind, The Lebanese Transparency Association has opened new Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres (ALAC) in the Bekaa region and in the south of Lebanon to reach a broader base of Lebanon’s population and turn the tide against growing public apathy about corruption.
For example, municipal misspending is an important public issue leading to inadequate infrastructure and access to public services in regions such as Bekaa and Nabatieh. The new centers are important for these underrepresented communities, who often face difficulties reaching the Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre in Beirut (which opened in 2009).

Transparency International