War For Profit: Does The Waste Ever End? | Global Research
War For Profit: Does The Waste Ever End? | Global Research
More evidence of bungled Pentagon waste and fraud just keeps growing in
mind boggling bewilderment, so much so that us mere mortals cannot truly
fathom or even imagine just how much US wars cost… wars that clearly
benefit only the military industrial complex that arms and equips the US
killing machine. Certainly American taxpayers have not benefited from
war, draining what is left of a disappearing middle class. Wars never
benefit the actual soldiers fighting and dying for the US Empire,
especially those surviving veterans who end up maimed and wounded
physically and emotionally for life, or the thousands of suffering,
grieving family members. And least of all, US wars have not benefited
the nations America invades and wages protracted wars in. Those
devatated nations are suffering still untold misery from US wars.
America has inflicted on Iraq alone over a million and a half dead Iraqi
citizens. Birth defects and cancer rates are both soaring for
generations to come. And with no end in sight, Iraq still is literally
bleeding with more than 9 thousand people killed last year alone from
America’s parting gift – the sectarian civil war one year removed from
US military departure. Realistically, absolutely no one in this world
ever benefits from war except one group – war profiteers represented by
the top defense contractors that are the arms industry corporations.