Cover-Ups & Disinfo Cause Confusion Over Vaccine Dangers - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research
Cover-Ups & Disinfo Cause Confusion Over Vaccine Dangers - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research:
Journalist Claire McCarthy wrote an op-ed piece to explain her perspective on how diseases are traveling “easily from one place to another … [because] more and more people aren’t vaccinating their children.”
McCarthy asserts that “vaccine refusal doesn’t just affect your child. It’s bad enough that your child could catch measles or polio or whooping cough or one of the other vaccine-preventable diseases (these diseases can be contagious before people realize they have them, and you can’t always control who you end up next to at the park or grocery store or doctor’s office). But if your child catches one of them, they can spread them to other people–like your friend’s newborn or the neighbor with cancer or an elderly grandparent, people who for various reasons either can’t be immunized or aren’t fully protected.”