Bundy Ranch & Red River: States’ Rights v. Federal Land-Grabs EXPLAINED - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research
Bundy Ranch & Red River: States’ Rights v. Federal Land-Grabs EXPLAINED - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research
Recent events in Nevada
have raised the issue of state sovereignty and right to land over the
federal government’s decade’s long acquisition of public lands by force
and intimidation.
After wading through the sensationalism surrounding the Bundy Ranch
incident with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) it becomes abundantly
clear that through federal agencies, the US government is in the
business of taking land that belongs to private individuals and states
without clear explanation as to their legal right to do so.
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is facing the BLM head on; writing a letter
to Neil Kornze, director of the BLM, to demand legal justification for
their claim that 90,000 along the Red River currently held by Texas can
be usurped by the federal government.
It is evident by their own admission
that the BLM are using Resource Management Plans (RMPs), Management
Framework Plans (MFPs) and supporting Environmental Impact Statements
(EISs) to justify their land-grab initiatives across the nation;
essentially stealing sovereign state lands for federal governmental
Four years ago, the Obama administration reversed a policy
enacted by the former George W. Bush administration which released
millions of under developed acres of land to be allocated to federal
wilderness protection.